Top Democratic contenders have no chief executive experience among them

Did the 1/3 debate make its way over to here? I know someone used to have the link to it (Grind, I believe) in their signiture tag on
With a bar over the last digit, showing continuation.

Somebody thought that because it is not a whole number, that it does not exist?

Hmmm--liberial public school educated?
I don't think so. I used to work with some older guys (thay would be in thier 70's now) that use to round numbers oddly. It centered around the issue of number 5, for example, should 0.45 would be rounded to 0.4 or 0.5? The theory was that there was only 4 decimals below 5 (1, 2, 3, and 4), and 4 above (6, 7, 8, and 9), therefore you had to round up sometimes and down other times, in order to "even out" any error. Oh they had all kinds of little rules, such as round up when the number to the left is even, otherwise round down, and so forth. We went over this for months, my telling them that they were wrong, and one bloke who checked my work would even "correct" my "mistakes", which of course, I would then change back.

I was finally able to convince these guys that they were wrong by pointing out that there were in fact 5 decimals below 5 and only 4 above, because, lke the Romans, they neglected to include zero.

Then I ran into some older guy who had emmigrated from Europe somewhere and his method was to simply lop off the last decimal. He had some cockamaymee theory to explain it but it made "zero" sense to me.a
It's not like we need a commander and chief on day one...


The first World Trade Center attack...

Khobar Towers...

The USS Cole...

And of course...

Imagine all the people that would still be alive today had we just kept to ourselves. Good point.