Tornado near Denver

yenta = busybody = nosy parker = well you get the idea.

Yenta is actually a Yiddish name and some women still carry the name. It started to migrate meanings in the past century or so. The matchmaker in Fiddler on the Roof was named Yenta...
Damn, hope you guys are all OK! We got several waves of some golfball sized hail a couple of weeks ago. Luckily we were able to garage the vehicles before anything got dented, but it was close.

Stay safe.

Thanks... it is to the north of Denver and moving further north. So we should be good.
I don’t know. I used to have a boss who used that word a lot about this woman in the office who wanted to know everything about everyone, and who gossiped a lot. So I guess it means like a gossip, sort of. Italians say a washwoman, or, the barber’s wife. I think it’s the same general idea. A noseybody! Gee, who could that remind me of Tiana! ;)

A yenta is a busybody.