Traumatised Veterans ‘Have Killed 120 in US’


Loyal to the end
While public anger is directed at the Pentagon for sending American soldiers ill-prepared to fight in Iraq, an equally troubling problem is rearing its head at home. Military veterans are returning from the war zone just as ill-prepared for civilian life and dozens suffering from post-traumatic stress are committing murder and manslaughter.

A new study has identified more than 120 killings committed by veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, as psychologically troubled soldiers slip through the net of an overextended military mental health system.

A related article appeared in the New York Times.

Of course, it's a trumped-up charge by the Liberal Media:

That means that the NY Times 121 murders represent about a 7.08/100,000 rate.
... the US offender rate for homicide in the 18 - 24 yo range is 26.5/100,000.For 25 - 34, it's 13.5/100,000.
So you do not have a clue how combat affects many people do ya ?

Just use em up and discard the troops when broken....

So you do not have a clue how combat affects many people do ya ?

Just use em up and discard the troops when broken....

Well I was not used up nor broken(Well just alittle bit 20%) or discarded...but I feel your pain...carry on Sgt!:)
Well said your daughter is where/when did you serve? never really said anything about your service!;)

I don't say anything about my time in the military during Vietnam because ..

A. I'm not proud of it
B. None of your business
Now we are getting somewhere.......

I don't say anything about my time in the military during Vietnam because ..

A. I'm not proud of it
B. None of your business

and what did 'you' do that you are ashamed of...we all have skeletons...some are good others are bad...what you did reflects on why you are so angry...Lt.Kerry is a prime example...he did bad and blamed others...end of story...BAC!;)

and what did 'you' do that you are ashamed of...we all have skeletons...some are good others are bad...what you did reflects on why you are so angry...Lt.Kerry is a prime example...he did bad and blamed others...end of story...BAC!;)

answer the question BAC...don't run like darla always does when called out on hypocrisy!
BB I was forced to go and kill people that had done nothing to me or my country. I sure as heck am not proud of that.
I could not afford exemptions or jump line to get in the guard.
Kerry was I think a bit different from me in that he enlisted and then turned against the war. I was always against the war, before, during and after.
answer the question BAC...don't run like darla always does when called out on hypocrisy!

My uncle and neighbor will not talk about 'Nam either. Not one word. Why don't you lay off a little on this one. Usually your prodding is just annoying, this time its pure ignorant.
Whatever Sgt.............

BB I was forced to go and kill people that had done nothing to me or my country. I sure as heck am not proud of that.
I could not afford exemptions or jump line to get in the guard.
Kerry was I think a bit different from me in that he enlisted and then turned against the war. I was always against the war, before, during and after.

You are not helping BAC and darlas cause here ..I asked them the question...please take a coffee break...kay?

My uncle and neighbor will not talk about 'Nam either. Not one word. Why don't you lay off a little on this one. Usually your prodding is just annoying, this time its pure ignorant.

:321:what else can I say? You are a fraud also...give it a rest numbnuts...kay? If they chose not to talk about it they were not there...or did a wrong...understand emo?
:321:what else can I say? You are a fraud also...give it a rest numbnuts...kay? If they chose not to talk about it they were not there...or did a wrong...understand emo?

Yes, and if you did happen to come across them and disrepected them like that, they would likely tear you a new asshole.
BB being in nam was just ohh so wrong for many of us....

Ya want me to describe watching a freinds head "explode" from a sniper round. sorry watch a movie for that dude.
BB being in nam was just ohh so wrong for many of us....

Ya want me to describe watching a freinds head "explode" from a sniper round. sorry watch a movie for that dude.

You would figure if he were in 'Nam, he'd understand that his fellow veterans aren't too proud or willing to talk about what they've seen. Makes me think he's a fraud.