Traumatised Veterans ‘Have Killed 120 in US’


What is it with your obsession with Darla BTW?

Just paying her back for all the times she mentioned me in her diatribes when I said nothing about her...she supposedly has me on ignore but always mentions me when she addresses BAC's diatribes...:D hope this answers your question...if not oh well...!
Well said your daughter is where/when did you serve? never really said anything about your service!;)
I hear that crap all the time. I grew up in a different time and place. We Bostonians thought JFK was the best thing since Jesus and the Kennedy’s were the Royal Family. Mock elections in school were 29:1 Democrat and we laughed at the Republican kid. My brother was 7 years older, so of course he was my hero. He was also very liberal and the only reason why he didn’t go to Canada was that he lucked out with a high number in the draft. By the time I was fighting age the commies had their way and 3 million (?) Vietnamese were killed after the US pulled out. The only regret that I have in my life is that I wasn’t smart enough back then to realize that I had been lied to, so did not sign up. As a result I have a reverence for those who did.
I hear that crap all the time. I grew up in a different time and place. We Bostonians thought JFK was the best thing since Jesus and the Kennedy’s were the Royal Family. Mock elections in school were 29:1 Democrat and we laughed at the Republican kid. My brother was 7 years older, so of course he was my hero. He was also very liberal and the only reason why he didn’t go to Canada was that he lucked out with a high number in the draft. By the time I was fighting age the commies had their way and 3 million (?) Vietnamese were killed after the US pulled out. The only regret that I have in my life is that I wasn’t smart enough back then to realize that I had been lied to, so did not sign up. As a result I have a reverence for those who did.

and a while back Bush was running around in jammies with the leaders of Vietnam. what is your point ?
Psh. I'm not buying that every dude on this forum with an opinion on Vietnam was in Vietnam.

Furthermore, stop ignoring the other thread.

yeah that concept would be foreign to your limited brainpower.
i was drafted.

nope I am going to keep on ignoring you on the other thread.
Pussy. My dad enlisted. Either way, I'm still not buying that you are 50+

Because you know you fucked up.

well thanks on the not believing I am 50 + you get some USC points for that.

and the second item I will answer by saying it is useless to argue with a moral retard on issues of morality.
Different strokes for different folks BB. some make the choice to leave their family and go to war others do not. WW2 now is an entirely different beast from all the "wars" since then.

I for one am glad that some choose to join so we can keep it volunteer and give people a choice vs drafting people.
Some people are more suited for it than others. I got out as soon as I could, I wasn't a very good sailor.
I've explained this before. The US murder rate is 4 per 100,000, which means the vet murder rate is twice what's normal. You're problem is comparing homicides to murders, instead of murders to murders.
Valid point. Now let's analyze the rate data from the DOJ link in more detail.

TYPE/ OVERALL/ 18-24/ 25-34
Homicide/ 5.6/ 14.9/ 11.6
Murder/ 4(1)/ 10.6(2)/ 8.3(2)

(1) Your statistic
(2) Homicide rate x 4 / 5.6

The vet’s murder rate is 7.08, well below the rates in the applicable age groups.

That exercise took me about 3 minutes. Why wouldn’t the NYT spend 3 minutes to avoid an accusation of out troops that is blatantly false?
Fixes are simple. why do we think they are complicated?

The fix to war? If you see combat, you, your spouse, and all of your biological kids will not have to pay income taxes for the rest of your lives.

fixed--no draft
fixed--reduced willingness to go to war.
fixed--when we are in war--we fight to win now--not drag on a expense (Ben Laden would be dead by now)
fixed--the gratitude our soldiers get for fighting for a imperilistic agenda (we used to fight for our freedom only)

A simple fix is all that is usually needed.