TRAVIS: When the Dems lose a Kennedy, they've lost the plot


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TRAVIS: When the Dems lose a Kennedy, they've lost the plot
Like Trump, but unlike Harris, Kennedy has put himself before the voters
Clay Travis By Clay Travis Fox News
Published August 24, 2024 5:18pm EDT
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. suspends presidential campaign, endorses Trump in scathing indictment of Democratic Party, media

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. explains why is is suspending his 2024 presidential campaign.

Yesterday in Arizona, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., the eldest son of Robert F. Kennedy, Sr. and the best-known surviving scion of the Kennedy family dynasty, took the stage to endorse Donald Trump for president of the United States. It was an iconic and consequential moment: A member of the Kennedy family, royalty in Democratic politics for generations, turning his back on the party of his family's legacy to endorse a Republican candidate. In so doing, Kennedy did something extraordinary; he stood on principle over politics and embraced actual democracy instead of the rigged candidate system created by the Democratic National Committee.


In the space of a few sentences, Kennedy erased four days of speeches at the DNC. His clarion call for truth, accountability and the democratic system, has reverberated loudly for many middle of the road voters, people who feel alienated by the politics of both left and right, folks who no longer believe that people in positions of power care about their concerns at all.

Having initially sought the nomination of the Democratic Party, Kennedy was blocked at every turn by President Joe Biden's supporters in the DNC. They wouldn't allow debates, wouldn't allow a full contest for the party's nomination. Even though Biden was mentally and physically a shell of the man he'd once been, the DNC protected Biden, arguing anyone sharing videos of his clear mental and physical deterioration was participating in "cheap fakes."
RFK Jr. endorses Trump

Republican presidential nominee and former U.S. President Donald Trump shakes hands with former independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. during a rally in Glendale, Arizona, U.S., August 23, 2024. (REUTERS/Go Nakamura)

So too did their allies in the left-wing media.

Remember, it was only 60 days ago that CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and other left-wing media allies attacked anyone who dared to suggest Biden was anything other than sharp as a tack behind closed doors.

Kennedy lambasted this in his address Friday afternoon endorsing Trump for president, and articulating the primary challenge of our times quite clearly.

"When a U.S. president colludes with, or outright coerces, media companies to censor political speech, it's an attack on our most sacred right of free expression," he said. "And that's the very right upon which all of our constitutional rights rest."

Democrats have become so corrupt that even a Kennedy can't support them any longer.

***RFK Jr. asserted that in the 16 months of his campaign, ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC, and CNN combined gave him only two live interviews.*** (Astericks are mine,).

"The mainstream media was once the guardian of the First Amendment and democrat principles, but has since joined the systemic attack on democracy," he said.

To bring this point into clear focus, after ignoring him for 16 months, as soon as he endorsed Trump, CNN had a member of the Kennedy family on last night in prime-time to attack RFK Jr. The network that wouldn't carry Kennedy himself or any of his arguments was happy to offer live prime-time guest spots to members of his family who would trash him.

All of this led to what I believe will be seen as an important legacy of the 2024 campaign. Democrats have become so corrupt that even a Kennedy can't support them any longer. Kennedy's embrace of Trump, which he compared to Abraham Lincoln's team of rivals in his address, represents yet another incredible twist in an election season that has so far been propelled by the unexpected.

Less than two months ago, on June 27, Trump took the stage to debate Biden in Atlanta.

I know it feels like two years since then, but consider what has happened since that night. Trump knocked out Biden, ending his political career. It was the first true knockout we've ever seen in the history of American presidential debates. It took several weeks -- including Trump becoming the first president to be shot by a would-be assassin since Ronald Reagan in 1981 -- for Biden to realize he couldn't get back up off the electoral canvas, but on July 21 -- three weeks and three days after the debate -- the Biden campaign finally waved the towel in the corner of the ring.

Biden was done.

He withdrew from the race and has barely been seen since.

Next up, Kamala Harris. Yes, the same Kamala Harris who Democrats spent months arguing should be dropped from the political ticket because she was the least popular vice president in the history of modern American politics. Hell, Dick Cheney shot someone in the face while he was vice president(!), and was still more popular than Harris. In one fell swoop, without receiving a single vote for president, Democrats canceled the expressed will of 14 million primary voters and elevated Harris to the nomination.

Amazingly, Harris, who has never received a single vote for president, is the nominee.

Yes, the same Harris who dropped out of the 2020 presidential race before a single vote had been cast. The same Harris who most with functional brains realize would have never been the Democrat nominee if Biden had done what he should have done and announced he wasn't running in the late spring of 2023. That would have allowed an actual Democratic primary but, alas, we've all come to realize Democrats don't want elections, they want selections.

So now, here we are, it's Harris vs. Trump and Kennedy, and if you're paying attention to the slightest degree, even if you're a lifelong Democrat like Kennedy, it isn't a tough call at all.

It's Trump or nothing.
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Harris proves a point that I've been making for a very long time.
The primary system DOES NOT produce the best nominee.

The Party leaders do.
Those who are regularly active in a political party's affairs are the ones who should be choosing
the party's candidates for political office
in as much as they're the ones who know what the fuck they're doing.

Ms. Harris, not chosen through primaries, is an excellent example.
She's an exemplary candidate who didn't do well in the primary process
but who is about to be elected President of the United States of America.
Harris proves a point that I've been making for a very long time.
The primary system DOES NOT produce the best nominee.

The Party leaders do.
Those who are regularly active in a political party's affairs are the ones who should be choosing
the party's candidates for political office
in as much as they're the ones who know what the fuck they're doing.

Ms. Harris, not chosen through primaries, is an excellent example.
She's an exemplary candidate who didn't do well in the primary process
but who is about to be elected President of the United States of America.
Were you asleep when JFK Jr. endorsed Trump and joined his campaign in Las Vegas, old man?

His 4-6-8 percentage points in the battleground states are enough to put Trump over the top.

"Those who are regularly active in a political party's affairs are the ones who should be choosing
the party's candidates for political office."

To Hell with the voting Americans, right? To Hell with democracy.

You are nutty as a squirrel, a loon, old man.

Go back to sleep, old man.
Were you asleep when JFK Jr. endorsed Trump and joined his campaign in Las Vegas, old man?

His 4-6-8 percentage points in the battleground states are enough to put Trump over the top.

Go back to sleep, old man.
LMAO I know it was probably a typo but you may actually be stupid enough to think JFK Jr was running.
To Hell with the voting Americans, right? To Hell with democracy.
The American people vote in the General Election.
A political party is the only entity responsible for choosing its own candidate.
The people at large have a choice of supporting that candidate or not,
but the party itself should decide who to put forward.

Anybody who claims to be advocating for democracy while supporting Donald Trump
is not intellectually or morally qualified to even offer an opinion on matters like this.
You're a very stupid man, Vandy Clown,
emphasized even further by your insane belief that your fellow idiot, RFK, Jr. ,
is going to be any factor whatsoever in the election.
The American people vote in the General Election.
A political party is the only entity responsible for choosing its own candidate.
The people at large have a choice of supporting that candidate or not,
but the party itself should decide who to put forward.

Anybody who claims to be advocating for democracy while supporting Donald Trump
is not intellectually or morally qualified to even offer an opinion on matters like this.
You're a very stupid man, Vandy Clown,
emphasized even further by your insane belief that your fellow idiot, RFK, Jr. ,
is going to be any factor whatsoever in the election.
The American people vote in the General Election.
A political party is the only entity responsible for choosing its own candidate.
The people at large have a choice of supporting that candidate or not,
but the party itself should decide who to put forward.

Anybody who claims to be advocating for democracy while supporting Donald Trump
is not intellectually or morally qualified to even offer an opinion on matters like this.
You're a very stupid man, Vandy Clown,
emphasized even further by your insane belief that your fellow idiot, RFK, Jr. ,
is going to be any factor whatsoever in the election.
Calm down, old man.

Speaking of "stupid" and uninformed:

"...the Court reversed this decision in Smith v. Allwright, in which it adopted a broader conception of “state action.” It reasoned that primary elections are an integral component of general elections and the democratic process. As a result, primaries must be seen as sanctioned by the state and are therefore subject to 14th and 15th Amendment scrutiny. Despite the fact that the Democratic Party was a private organization, the Court acknowledged that disenfranchisement from primary elections is a denial of voting rights and rectified the situation."

When the voters picked Biden with 14.5 million votes vs. Harris' zero (0) votes, and when the Democrats crowned Harris, they disenfranchised voters from primary elections and that is a denial of voting rights.

Democracy was in play when Heels Up Harris and the UN-Democratic Party denied Biden the right to run for a second term. She lied to the American people and colluded with the media to cover up the cognitive decline of Biden and then picked a "Valor Thief": to be her VP.

Democracy was in play when Colorado and other states removed Trump from the ballot. The Supreme Court had to prevent this threat to democracy.

Stupid, uninformed UN-Democratic Nifty, go back to sleep.
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LMAO I know it was probably a typo but you may actually be stupid enough to think JFK Jr was running.
A "typo" is something like htis.

When he typed JFK Jr, his brain was misfiring...not his fingers.

He's just a guy who likes to call people stupid...especially people who are much smarter than he.