TRAVIS: When the Dems lose a Kennedy, they've lost the plot

Just another one of your many failed Trumped-up (pun intended) attempts to get DJT.

You mean the guy who was recently convicted by a JURY OF HIS PEERS of 34 felonies? That guy? The guy who not only bragged about raping women but was actually found guilty of sexual abuse? THAT GUY? The guy who has dodged taxes for decades? THAT GUY?? The guy who had to "settle out of court" for a fraud case related to his "university", that guy???

Yeah, he's definitely a hard target to get.
You mean the guy who was recently convicted by a JURY OF HIS PEERS of 34 felonies? That guy? The guy who not only bragged about raping women but was actually found guilty of sexual abuse? THAT GUY? The guy who has dodged taxes for decades? THAT GUY?? The guy who had to "settle out of court" for a fraud case related to his "university", that guy???

Yeah, he's definitely a hard target to get.
how's that working out for you again? I recall he was supposed to be sentenced the week before the RNC so he would have to spend the rest of the campaign in prison......
how's that working out for you again?

Ironically the court which Trump helped stack with Conservatives (even going so far as to steal a seat with the help of MOscow Mitch) was able to throw a spanner in the works. So unlike literally anyone else in the country his sentencing is on hold. Hmmmm, sounds like special treatment for someone with 34 convictions.

As for the rape stuff well apparently his followers are A-OK with rapin'! It certainly fits because they hate women so much...just look at how quickly they jumped on Harris as a whore. That's all they see women as: broodsows and whores. I hoenstly dont' know why you guys don't get more women's votes. I recall he was supposed to be sentenced the week before the RNC so he would have to spend the rest of the campaign in prison......

So you think felons should just be free to wander the streets???? Why do you hate America so that you want CONVICTED FELONS WALKING THE STREETS????

You mean the guy who was recently convicted by a JURY OF HIS PEERS of 34 felonies? That guy? The guy who not only bragged about raping women but was actually found guilty of sexual abuse? THAT GUY? The guy who has dodged taxes for decades? THAT GUY?? The guy who had to "settle out of court" for a fraud case related to his "university", that guy???

Yeah, he's definitely a hard target to get.
The guy that scares you alt lefties shitless.
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do you think he will still be a convicted felon after the appeal process is done?.

Probably. But, again, why is he getting the special treatment he is now? I'm OK with him being out on bail until the appeals, but he hasn't even been sentenced yet.

Why do you think it's cool to treat some criminals with special treatment?

.....after all, the rest of the cases against him have all disappeared

Not really. He's still on the hook for his sexual abuse conviction and there's still an appeal on the case that his lickspittle in Florida threw out. Talk about conflict of interest and corruption on a large scale.

.......or was that part of your plan?......

I only hope we, as a nation, have the stomach to go ahead and send him to prison even after he loses and goes off to his hidey hole in Mar a Lago.

I bet we won't. He'll just fade away. You guys will be the ones left over to carry on the bullshit. But you aren't sharp enough and you need a "strong man" to lead you so your movement will fade away just like the Tea Party before it.

Face it, you lot don't understand the topic, you just go after what "feels right" and Trump tickled your dopamine receptors. But you don't have anything behind you except to fuck shit up.

That's not a sustainable way to be.
Calm down, old man.

Speaking of "stupid" and uninformed:

"...the Court reversed this decision in Smith v. Allwright, in which it adopted a broader conception of “state action.” It reasoned that primary elections are an integral component of general elections and the democratic process. As a result, primaries must be seen as sanctioned by the state and are therefore subject to 14th and 15th Amendment scrutiny. Despite the fact that the Democratic Party was a private organization, the Court acknowledged that disenfranchisement from primary elections is a denial of voting rights and rectified the situation."

When the voters picked Biden with 14.5 million votes vs. Harris' zero (0) votes, and when the Democrats crowned Harris, they disenfranchised voters from primary elections and that is a denial of voting rights.

Democracy was in play when Heels Up Harris and the UN-Democratic Party denied Biden the right to run for a second term. She lied to the American people and colluded with the media to cover up the cognitive decline of Biden and then picked a "Valor Thief": to be her VP.

Democracy was in play when Colorado and other states removed Trump from the ballot. The Supreme Court had to prevent this threat to democracy.

Stupid, uninformed UN-Democratic Nifty, go back to sleep.
The current illegitimate SCOTUS is about to become historical.

Robert F Kennedy Jr’s brother ‘heartbroken’ over Trump endorsement​

Max Kennedy says endorsement is ‘inconceivable’ and implores public to ignore his sibling’s decision

n an op-ed for the Los Angeles Times, Max Kennedy said “Trump was exactly the kind of arrogant, entitled bully” that his father, former US senator and attorney general Robert F Kennedy, stood against before he was assassinated in 1968 as he pursued the Democratic presidential nomination.

Max Kennedy predicted his father would have admired the Democratic nominee for November’s election, Vice-President Kamala Harris, because she was a former prosecutor as well.

“Her career, like his, has been all about decency, dignity, equality, democracy and justice for all,” Max Kennedy wrote.

The guy that scares you alt lefties shitless.

After a manner of speaking. Given that he ACTUALLY fomented an attack on the US Government. And the fact that he has OPENLY expressed his admiration for dictators like Putin (whom he explicitly said he trusts more than the US intel community), and Erdogan and even "fell in love with" Kim Jong Un. He has openly mocked the disabled, shown he has no interest in or knowledge of the US Constitution, sexually abused at least one woman, openly bragged about sexually assaulting women, found people among neo-Nazis he called "good people", the list goes on.

I guess we actually have reason to fear him.

Meanwhile what you guys fear is women.

Which one sounds more rational?
and yet, everyone knows you're lying

Ya see....we all know you are going to respond like that to that particular comment. But if you think for one minute we didn't see with our own eye what we saw then you are sorely mistaken.

YOU are in the cult. We are not. YOU see your lord and savior Donald J. Trump as perfection. We do not.

......sorry but the fact you're butt hurt does not entitle you to rewrite history.......

Rewrite history. Two things your side doesn't know anything about: writing and history.

You're in a cult. Get out before he makes you drink some kool aid.