Truman vrs W

So are we going to split hairs over a percent or two, or which polling methods are more accurate, or the difference between "approval" and "disapproval" ratings? The point is, both Truman and Bush are comparable in terms of public perception of their time. Truman was highly unpopular, and Bush is highly unpopular. Much of it to do with similar sets of circumstances, unpopular military decisions, unpopular positions on party line issues, stubborn arrogance, or the perception of such as a result of their personalities. There is a remarkable similarity in the two presidencies.

That said, we can look at how history views Truman today, not one of the arguably worst presidents in history, but with some degree of respect for what he did. Whether you see his actions as right or wrong, he ended WWII, and saved countless American lives in the process. This established the US as THE Superpower of the world, and only the Soviets have come close to rivaling that since. Not to say Truman didn't have his faults, or can't be criticized, he certainly can be, as can any president. But in attempting to look into the future and see how history might view Bush, I think the Truman presidency gives us great insight.

Yeah you're right Dix history is going to vindicate you.

historians are already talking

And their words will be read by future historians. Bush is the worst period.

"Bush has taken this disdain for law even further. He has sought to strip people accused of crimes of rights that date as far back as the Magna Carta in Anglo-American jurisprudence: trial by impartial jury, access to lawyers and knowledge of evidence against them. In dozens of statements when signing legislation, he has asserted the right to ignore the parts of laws with which he disagrees. His administration has adopted policies regarding the treatment of prisoners of war that have disgraced the nation and alienated virtually the entire world. Usually, during wartime, the Supreme Court has refrained from passing judgment on presidential actions related to national defense. The court's unprecedented rebukes of Bush's policies on detainees indicate how far the administration has strayed from the rule of law."

"Now, though, George W. Bush is in serious contention for the title of worst ever. In early 2004, an informal survey of 415 historians conducted by the nonpartisan History News Network found that eighty-one percent considered the Bush administration a "failure." Among those who called Bush a success, many gave the president high marks only for his ability to mobilize public support and get Congress to go along with what one historian called the administration's "pursuit of disastrous policies." In fact, roughly one in ten of those who called Bush a success was being facetious, rating him only as the best president since Bill Clinton -- a category in which Bush is the only contestant."
Midcan, I know you are just spewing bitterness to alleviate the pressure in your head, but what you posted has little basis in objective fact. First of all, the actions taken against enemy combatants who are non-citizens of the US and not subject to Constitutional protection, are nothing in comparison to FDR's internment of thousands of Japanese-Americans who WERE citizens of the US and DID have Constitutional rights.

Secondly, a so-called historian is not worth his degree in history if he is making evaluations of what historical perspective will be in a decade or two from now. Unless these Rolling Stone historians have some kind of crystal ball, their opinions are just that-- their opinion. We are all entitled to our opinions, but to proclaim how history will view the Bush presidency, based on the here and now, is totally foolish. Which makes it all the more appropriate for you!
History is going to prove Dixie right about 1/3 eventually.

Hey Dix, what's 1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3?
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Actually, I agree with Dixie about time and perspective. It is possible. Events will determine that. But unlike Truman it's a one shot bag for W. I defie Dixie to tell us on what other policy or action Bush has taken, other than Iraq, in which he hasn't failed?

The war or Terror? A failure. Bin Ladin is still alive, the Taliban is resurecting it'self and Al Queada has grown in membership.

Economic Policy? He took over the greatest era of preacetime prosperity and ended in the worst economic crisis since the Great Depresion.

His Governance? Is best represented by Katrina.

Legislative legacy? His greatest accomplishment, NCLB has been systematically underfunded and has essentially failed.

Unifying the nation? His greatest failure of all. He campaigned as a "Uniter not a Divider" but the reality is that he was the most partisan and divisive President in modern history. Even more so than Nixon.

So what, other than Iraq could resurect W's legacy?

He did maintain his conservative ideals though that only proves the failure of the reactionary right's ability to govern affectively.
President Carter and President Bush will prove a very interesting case study on how ex-presidents are preceved. Carter was low and now is very well respected. I doubt Bush will be able to pull that off, but we will see.

The two are good comparisons.
Clinton and Reagan will also provide for interesting historical studies, both came out very popular... both had big scandals... Both are currently very popular.
President Carter and President Bush will prove a very interesting case study on how ex-presidents are preceved. Carter was low and now is very well respected. I doubt Bush will be able to pull that off, but we will see.

The two are good comparisons.

Carter is respected for his work with Habitat for Humanity and other things he has done since leaving office. He is still considered a bad President.
Clinton and Reagan will also provide for interesting historical studies, both came out very popular... both had big scandals... Both are currently very popular.

Clinton left with high ratings, I would imagine as we get further away, his ratings will fall.