Trump and Rudy Giuliani plotted to sell presidential pardons for $2 million a piece

No, I believe Hunter is a crook because there's a pile of evidence he's a crook. Even his ex-business partners say he's a crook. We know for absolutely sure that daddy Joe met with Hunter's business partners and associates he was doing business with on numerous occasions. We know that Hunter was present in some cases. There are e-mails, records, and photographs that prove it. Yet Joe still maintains he never had anything to do with Hunter's business dealings. That is an obvious and clear lie based on what we do know about those things.

On the other hand, right now, you have a single female ex-staffer making claims against Guiliani and Trump without any physical evidence to back them up. Maybe she's got something but that's yet to be seen.

This thread is about Trump and Rudy Giuliani selling pardons, and not Hunter Biden.
This thread is about Trump and Rudy Giuliani selling pardons, and not Hunter Biden.

And making a comparison between how the two issues are being treated by the Leftists on this board is a valid part of it. You, like other Leftists here, are all in on Trump and Guiliani being guilty while brushing off the Hunter case as being about nothing. I'm making a comparison that argues your position is political not objective, and therefore can largely be dismissed as nonsense and bullshit.
My bet is they do. There's far more evidence supporting that theory than the "He said, she said" stuff Guiliani faces. As for the two, I'm making a comparison between how the Left on this board reacted to Bagman's issues and how they reacted to Guiliani's.

You see, I can accept that there may be no evidence Joke was involved directly with his son getting payola, but there is pretty strong peripheral evidence he was in photos, e-mails, claims by Bagman's business partners, etc. All I see in the Guiliani case, at this point, is some ex-girlfriend making claims based on nothing but her word. That might change too, but right now, it's really a weak case.

Also, there as far as your "no proof against Rudy" claim, there are tapes:

"The Monday filing, packed with graphic detail, alleges that Giuliani engaged in repeated lewd behavior, including forced oral sex and intercourse. The filing, which states that Dunphy is seeking $10 million in damages, also says that she recorded several of her interactions with Giuliani. The complaint accuses Giuliani of first-degree rape, third-degree rape, first-degree sexual abuse, third-degree sexual abuse, sexual misconduct and forcible touching.

The bombshell suit claims that on February 25, 2019, Giuliani forced Dunphy to have sexual intercourse against her will for the first time, after telling her "that he would not wait any longer."

Ruh roh, Rudy!
Also, there as far as your "no proof against Rudy" claim, there are tapes:

"The Monday filing, packed with graphic detail, alleges that Giuliani engaged in repeated lewd behavior, including forced oral sex and intercourse. The filing, which states that Dunphy is seeking $10 million in damages, also says that she recorded several of her interactions with Giuliani. The complaint accuses Giuliani of first-degree rape, third-degree rape, first-degree sexual abuse, third-degree sexual abuse, sexual misconduct and forcible touching.

The bombshell suit claims that on February 25, 2019, Giuliani forced Dunphy to have sexual intercourse against her will for the first time, after telling her "that he would not wait any longer."

Ruh roh, Rudy!

Okay, looks like Giuliani is in some shit for sexual conduct. That doesn't equate to selling pardons or the rest however.
She dated him, hung around for 2 years and taped it... interesting...Why didn't she leave?

Ask her. She had what she thought was a big job with a future with "America's Mayor. Turns out he is as corrupt as Trump. Dated him? No, she was forced to service him. Why do women stay in abusive relationships? It apparently is not that easy to walk out from one.
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Ask her. She had what she thought was a big job with a future with "America's Mayor. Turns out he is as corrupt as Trump. Dated him? No, she was forced to service him. Why do women stay in abusive relationships? It apparently is not that easy to walk out from one.
She's a smart girl (Columbia?)...and thought she had a future, with some big job, and some big money...She found out pretty quickly after she
dated him that this was likely not the case (according to her)...but I guess she likes to play games, because she could have left at any time...No one can "force" anyone to "service" them....just leave with the tapes you made and go to the police station....and then the news....
Nothing to keep her from walking out... she wasn't in "love", just children, no pets...
She's speaking out now without a problem...what took her so long?
No, I believe Hunter is a crook because there's a pile of evidence he's a crook. Even his ex-business partners say he's a crook. We know for absolutely sure that daddy Joe met with Hunter's business partners and associates he was doing business with on numerous occasions. We know that Hunter was present in some cases. There are e-mails, records, and photographs that prove it. Yet Joe still maintains he never had anything to do with Hunter's business dealings. That is an obvious and clear lie based on what we do know about those things.

On the other hand, right now, you have a single female ex-staffer making claims against Guiliani and Trump without any physical evidence to back them up. Maybe she's got something but that's yet to be seen.

What office was Hunter elected to?
She "dated" Rudy for a period of time...and then who knows what happened...But, if anyone is being treated so hideously (mentally and physically) and is being forced to participate in an operation that is committing crimes, it would have been easy to leave...and report all those the crimes at the time...

Birds of a feather,douchebag!
What office was Hunter elected to?

On Monday, Rudy Giuliani was hit with a bombshell rape civil lawsuit filed by a former staffer.

The staffer alleged in the suit that Giuliani asked if she knew anyone who wanted to buy a presidential pardon.

The suit says Giuliani said he was selling them for $2 million, splitting the profit with Trump.

In addition to claims that Giuliani raped her repeatedly while she worked for him, Noelle Dunphy, who served as his law firm's director of business operations, alleged in a lawsuit filed Monday that Giuliani asked: "if she knew anyone in need of a pardon, telling her that he was selling pardons for $2 million, which he and President Trump would split."

This sounds like the plot of a truly crappy hentai cartoon. Nothing in this is remotely believable. To tell the truth, I don't really believe that Giuliani is physically capable of performing that act, let alone forcibly performing it while asking for suggestions that might pay for a pardon. But hey, the whole Federal Government is a cartoon nowadays...