Trump argues in court filing that he can limit journalists' access to White House

In america free speech means you can't challenge the power structure, and the corporate state media is not a governmental watch dog, but rather a governmental lap dog.
he's free to challenge the powere structure. he cannot control the white house press briefing. you insult freedom when you conflate issues like this.

and its mostly dems all gung ho about censoring the internet. put that in your pipe and smoke it.
The idiot Nazi lovers who side with Trump on this can't see the forrest for the trees.

If this were allowed to stand, eventually every President will feel free to ban reporters from news organizations that he feels don't report the news favorably to him. Or her. This would obviously have a chilling effect on a Free press and the public's right to know, which far outweighs any President's supposed right to ban anyone he wants from the WH for any reason he wants.

Sad but no surprise that the wing nuts just don't get that fundamental concept of a free society.

It doesnt matter because its not a reason to revoke a press pass.

I think it is enough reason. he's still free to bake up his lie pies at the office. the man was a jackass and got what he deserved.

are u also upset about deplatforming and censorship online? is jim acosta's behavior the hill you're choosing to die on? what a waste.
I think it is enough reason. he's still free to bake up his lie pies at the office. the man was a jackass and got what he deserved.

are u also upset about deplatforming and censorship online? is jim acosta's behavior the hill you're choosing to die on? what a waste.

How strange that your beloved Fox News is totally supporting Jim Acosta.