Trump argues in court filing that he can limit journalists' access to White House

knock off the faux righteousness bullshit. the entire world revolved around that mindset. we changed it, eventually, after having had to drag you idiot democrats with us.

You brought them up...I merely called attention to what you were calling attention to.

You don't like that.

Good. That's why I did it.

your bullshit warped view of history shows you have no original thought. you're following what you've been told to believe.

I do not have a warped view of history. If you see anything wrong with what I pointed out...bring in on.

Otherwise...start packing. The Amazon basin is waiting for the likes of you.

and you do beg for slavery. accept your reality instead of trying to pawn it off to 'anarchy'. it's utter bullshit and makes you look as moronic as evince.

No, I do not beg for slavery...which is a prime motivator for my opposing Donald Trump...who wants to become a dictator with everyone else as his slaves.

YOU asshole Libertarians DO WANT ANARCHY and chaos. YOU people beg for it. the spirit of friendship...

...don't forget the bug spray.
You think that working for a living and obeying the law is "slavery"?

working for a living? no, as long as i'm free to choose what i want to do, how i want to do it. the problem comes with the governments 'power' to take what i work for.

obeying the law? depends on the law. does it violate the constitution? then yes, that's slavery, especially when it comes with the implicit threat of death because of the fears of a majority.
You brought them up...I merely called attention to what you were calling attention to.

You don't like that.

Good. That's why I did it.
who likes people lying to satisfy their inner turmoil? except for liberals and conservatives. they eat that shit up because they are unable to think for themselves.

I do not have a warped view of history. If you see anything wrong with what I pointed out...bring in on.

Otherwise...start packing. The Amazon basin is waiting for the likes of you.
its been pointed out time and again, much to your dismay and denial of accepting it.

No, I do not beg for slavery...which is a prime motivator for my opposing Donald Trump...who wants to become a dictator with everyone else as his slaves.
did you have a problem with a democrat dominated government forcing people to buy health insurance?

YOU asshole Libertarians DO WANT ANARCHY and chaos. YOU people beg for it.
again, you're only spewing bullshit talking points from people who are terrified of freedom. you think libertarians are for anarchy, but that's because you spell freedom as A N A R C H Y.
grow up and stop being such a coward.
working for a living? no, as long as i'm free to choose what i want to do, how i want to do it. the problem comes with the governments 'power' to take what i work for.

obeying the law? depends on the law. does it violate the constitution? then yes, that's slavery, especially when it comes with the implicit threat of death because of the fears of a majority.

You don't want to pay taxes for roads, schools, the military etc?

You really should move to Somalia.. You'd be FREE there.
You don't want to pay taxes for roads, schools, the military etc?

You really should move to Somalia.. You'd be FREE there.

serious were roads, schools, and the military paid for before the federal income tax amendment was ratified?

answer that one and we'll talk about your bullshit somalia meme.
who likes people lying to satisfy their inner turmoil? except for liberals and conservatives. they eat that shit up because they are unable to think for themselves.

its been pointed out time and again, much to your dismay and denial of accepting it.

did you have a problem with a democrat dominated government forcing people to buy health insurance?

again, you're only spewing bullshit talking points from people who are terrified of freedom. you think libertarians are for anarchy, but that's because you spell freedom as A N A R C H Y.
grow up and stop being such a coward.

You fucking anarchistic assholes talk the big talk...but you don't even crawl, let alone walk, the big walk.

Libertarianism DOES NOT lead to greater leads to less freedom. That is what anarchy and chaos are designed to do.

If you truly want what you say you would move to the Amazon basin...or the Outback of Australia. But you jerkoffs just want to sound you shout your anarchism from the safety of civilization.

You have no balls...or you would be gone tomorrow. The most libertarian world still out there. But a fucking big-mouth coward like you is not even going to consider taking advantage of it.

You seem able to contort more than most. Why not bend down and spend your time doing something worthwhile...blowing yourself.
You don't want to pay taxes for roads, schools, the military etc?

You really should move to Somalia.. You'd be FREE there.

There are plenty of places where people like Dumberthanyou could go an enjoy LOTS of extra freedom from government. He doesn't have the balls for those places. He wants to do his ranting in the safety of civilization.

He is good for laughs...but not much more.
You fucking anarchistic assholes talk the big talk...but you don't even crawl, let alone walk, the big walk.

Libertarianism DOES NOT lead to greater leads to less freedom. That is what anarchy and chaos are designed to do.
hey idiot, 1984 was fiction, not a blueprint. pray tell how you feel libertarianism is anarchy, then we'll talk about how you believe it leads to less freedom and not more.

If you truly want what you say you would move to the Amazon basin...or the Outback of Australia. But you jerkoffs just want to sound you shout your anarchism from the safety of civilization.

You have no balls...or you would be gone tomorrow.
don't bother projecting your cowardice and terror of the freedom of others on me. I know what I would do and I know what you would do. If anything, you would be the one hiding behind the blue line of government for protection from the 'anarchists', even though we are the least of your problems.
hey idiot, 1984 was fiction, not a blueprint. pray tell how you feel libertarianism is anarchy, then we'll talk about how you believe it leads to less freedom and not more.

Anyone with a brain (I am not accusing you of having one) KNOWS how Libertarianism leads to chaos and anarchy.

Deal with it or don't.

don't bother projecting your cowardice and terror of the freedom of others on me. I know what I would do and I know what you would do. If anything, you would be the one hiding behind the blue line of government for protection from the 'anarchists', even though we are the least of your problems.

Sure. You have the FREEDOM (you speak about so often) to move to where there is MUCH, MUCH LESS government "interference" with your life...

...but, PUSSY, you do not exercise that FREEDOM, because you do not have the balls to do so.

No need to speculate about what either of us "would do"...because we can both see what you ARE doing with that freedom.

Jesus H. Christ...arguing with a jerk like you always makes me feel I am picking on someone I ought not to pick on. You really are not up to this level of thought, Dumber.
Anyone with a brain (I am not accusing you of having one) KNOWS how Libertarianism leads to chaos and anarchy.

Deal with it or don't.
then it should be real fucking EASY for you to clearly outline it instead of falling back to a fallacious argument.

Sure. You have the FREEDOM (you speak about so often) to move to where there is MUCH, MUCH LESS government "interference" with your life...

...but, PUSSY, you do not exercise that FREEDOM, because you do not have the balls to do so.

No need to speculate about what either of us "would do"...because we can both see what you ARE doing with that freedom.

Jesus H. Christ...arguing with a jerk like you always makes me feel I am picking on someone I ought not to pick on. You really are not up to this level of thought, Dumber.

and you can suck grinds asshole for all I care. it's easy to fucking see that you prefer an oppressive government so you FEEL safe, not understanding that government doesnt give a fuck about your safety. But hey, I understand that not everyone can be a critical thinker. you just happen to be one of the stupid loyalists. the founders would have exiled you back to England, accept that reality.
then it should be real fucking EASY for you to clearly outline it instead of falling back to a fallacious argument.

Anyone who needs to have it "explained"...has decided already not to understand the explanation.

Deal with it...or don't. I'm laughing at you.

and you can suck grinds asshole for all I care. it's easy to fucking see that you prefer an oppressive government so you FEEL safe, not understanding that government doesnt give a fuck about your safety. But hey, I understand that not everyone can be a critical thinker. you just happen to be one of the stupid loyalists. the founders would have exiled you back to England, accept that reality.

What is EASY TO that you can easily have an environment where there is VERY LITTLE OR NO government to intrude on your "basic rights"...but you do not have the balls to go to that environment.

That is because somewhere deep inside that brainless body of realize that all the "basic rights" you suppose you have were furnished to you by government...and by people fighting for government.


...GO LIVE IN THE AMAZON BASIN OR THE AUSTRALIAN OUTBACK OR SOMALIA. can live right here in the comfort and safety that government provides...and do your silly and hypocritical raging.

Don't worry. The government will ensure that you have the right to be as much a hypocrite as you want.
Anyone who needs to have it "explained"...has decided already not to understand the explanation.

Deal with it...or don't. I'm laughing at you.
anyone who can't explain it, doesn't really know jack shit. all they can do is talk shit about something they know NOTHING about.
I'd say we're all laughing at you for your ignorance, but most here believe the same stupid shit that you do.

What is EASY TO that you can easily have an environment where there is VERY LITTLE OR NO government to intrude on your "basic rights"...but you do not have the balls to go to that environment.

That is because somewhere deep inside that brainless body of realize that all the "basic rights" you suppose you have were furnished to you by government...and by people fighting for government.


...GO LIVE IN THE AMAZON BASIN OR THE AUSTRALIAN OUTBACK OR SOMALIA. can live right here in the comfort and safety that government provides...and do your silly and hypocritical raging.

Don't worry. The government will ensure that you have the right to be as much a hypocrite as you want.

so what you're saying, is, that you're a clueless moron with absolutely zero wisdom to show for your supposed 82 years of life on this nation. did you learn history and the US School of Goebbels and Hitler psychology? because you apparently don't know jack shit about what the founders said..............OR, you ignore their teachings because they were old white men who owned slaves. That makes you the supreme moron. but not as bad as domer is. close, but not there yet.
anyone who can't explain it, doesn't really know jack shit. all they can do is talk shit about something they know NOTHING about.
I'd say we're all laughing at you for your ignorance, but most here believe the same stupid shit that you do.

so what you're saying, is, that you're a clueless moron with absolutely zero wisdom to show for your supposed 82 years of life on this nation. did you learn history and the US School of Goebbels and Hitler psychology? because you apparently don't know jack shit about what the founders said..............OR, you ignore their teachings because they were old white men who owned slaves. That makes you the supreme moron. but not as bad as domer is. close, but not there yet.

No...what I AM saying is that you could have all the freedom from government you want.

But here you are...right here.

You are so full of shit, I'm amazed you are able to walk.
No...what I AM saying is that you could have all the freedom from government you want.

But here you are...right here.

You are so full of shit, I'm amazed you are able to walk.

again, why should I have to move out of my own country? why shouldn't YOU move to where government controls your every aspect of life, like say..........England? Should the founding fathers have moved to Somalia?
again, why should I have to move out of my own country? why shouldn't YOU move to where government controls your every aspect of life, like say..........England? Should the founding fathers have moved to Somalia?

I'm very content here. Terrific place. No reason for me to move...or to want to move.

YOU are the one complaining that there is "too much government" here.

Well...there are places with lots less government. The Amazon basin; sub-Sahara Africa; Somalia, the Australian Outback to name a few.

But you are not going there. You are going to stay right here and piss and moan like a baby want mommy to give him some tit.
I'm very content here. Terrific place. No reason for me to move...or to want to move.
this isn't surprising. most slaves are quite content to do what they're told to do as long as they can stay unnoticed and alive. it's called cognitive dissonance. something that BAC claims to know all about, but is actually clueless.
this isn't surprising. most slaves are quite content to do what they're told to do as long as they can stay unnoticed and alive. it's called cognitive dissonance. something that BAC claims to know all about, but is actually clueless.

I'm not a slave...and I have lots of freedom. I also realize that for society to function reasonably...governments must be established.

You, on the other hand, are discontent...because of too much government here.

You have the option to move to where there is less government.

Instead, like the pussy you stick here. do provide laughs.
I'm not a slave...and I have lots of freedom. I also realize that for society to function reasonably...governments must be established.

You, on the other hand, are discontent...because of too much government here.

You have the option to move to where there is less government.

Instead, like the pussy you stick here. do provide laughs.
this is what you sound like.