Trump argues in court filing that he can limit journalists' access to White House

FA #379

- oh -

My pappy told me that joke before I reached teen age. BUT !! I don't recall the term being "Oompah".
No worries.
Thanks for the clarification.

Thanksgiving Tip:
If you're having a Thanksgiving banquet of 20 or more, some hosts collect $10.oo / attendee and pay someone to do the cleanup.
- clear the banquet table
- white tornado the kitchen
- get the $#@! out of town.
I do not beg for slavery from the government, Asswipe. I give my consent to be governed. Some people simply refuse to be governed...and "being governed" is an essential to civilization. If the people refuse to give consent to be governed...they WILL BE governed anyway...only without their consent.
and that worked out real well for king george and his governors, didn't it?

Jerkoffs like you who think libertarianism (especially with the capital "L") is the answer to everything...ought to wake the fuck up and realize that libertarianism doesn't answer anything.

Libertarianism leads to chaos and anarchy...and chaos and anarchy lead to dictatorship.

Your political sensibilities suck like a giant black hole.

you're a retarded coward afraid of the freedom of others. you DO beg for slavery so you can feel safe.
and that worked out real well for king george and his governors, didn't it?

The asswipes who will not consent to be governed...WILL BE GOVERNED nonetheless. Its just that they won't have any say in who does the governing. Government and governing are essentials to civilization and to an ordered society.

you're a retarded coward...

Fuck you, you cock-sucking mother-fucker.

...afraid of the freedom of others. you DO beg for slavery so you can feel safe.

I am not afraid of freedom for others...and I do not beg for slavery.

I merely post replies to asswipes like you in Internet forums...where yellow-bellied cowards like you go to say the kind of shit you don't have the balls to say out in the non-cyber world.

So...we have the opportunity to interact. YOU as the poor bastard imprisoned in his own misery while pretending to be free...

...and ME...actually free by virtue of being part of those having consented to be governed.

Keep coming back for more, moron.

I'm really enjoying this.;)
" I do not beg for slavery. " FA

"yes, you do." SY #386
slavery (slâ´ve-rê, slâv´rê) noun
plural slaveries
The state of one bound in servitude as the property of a slaveholder or household. *

Not clear to me what you have in mind SY. But on the basis of my substantial knowledge of what life is like in the United States of America, I have abundant rational reason to believe you are wrong.

FYI if everything is slavery, then nothing is slavery. "Define" means to limit the meaning of. We have at least the self-imposed illusion of freedom: "... land of the free" "... home of the brave". That's inconsistent with slavery.

* Excerpted from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition © 1996 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Electronic version licensed from INSO Corporation; further reproduction and distribution in accordance with the Copyright Law of the United States. All rights reserved.
good luck with that. how many bodies do you want to stack up with your tyranny?

Only an asshole like you would consider mean tyranny.

In order for society...for function...government is an essential.

Assholes like you with your dreams of anarchy and chaos are an absurdity.

yes, you are. yes, you do.

No, I am not...and I do not.
Only an asshole like you would consider mean tyranny.

In order for society...for function...government is an essential.

Assholes like you with your dreams of anarchy and chaos are an absurdity.

No, I am not...and I do not.

Libertarians are always so fuzzy.
Libertarians are always so fuzzy.

I want to be as understanding of the descriptor "libertarian" as possible (descriptors suck, in my estimation)...but the problem I have with people who use it are exemplified by what Dumberthanyou writes..

Government is essential to civilization and society...and we must all consent to be governed for the good of society. People like Dumber want to be free of government.

That cannot happen.
I want to be as understanding of the descriptor "libertarian" as possible (descriptors suck, in my estimation)...but the problem I have with people who use it are exemplified by what Dumberthanyou writes..

Government is essential to civilization and society...and we must all consent to be governed for the good of society. People like Dumber want to be free of government.

That cannot happen.

Well.. He could move to Somalia.
Well.. He could move to Somalia.

Yeah. He would fit in there.

Actually, I'd love to see some of these "I hate government" types go live in the wild. My guess is they'd be dinner in almost no time.

I laugh at the idea that they could even compete in some of the ghettos of the world.
Yeah. He would fit in there.

Actually, I'd love to see some of these "I hate government" types go live in the wild. My guess is they'd be dinner in almost no time.

I laugh at the idea that they could even compete in some of the ghettos of the world.

Libertarians are so flakey.. They should build their own private roads, sewer systems, electrical grids and water treatment plants.
Libertarians are so flakey.. They should build their own private roads, sewer systems, electrical grids and water treatment plants.

I have some clients who want to build a private road on their own land......the township says they cant unless it is 66 feet wide....that is soooo flaky....
Only an asshole like you would consider mean tyranny.

In order for society...for function...government is an essential.

Assholes like you with your dreams of anarchy and chaos are an absurdity.
fuckstick, even the founders were wary of government. it's why they wrote a constitution that LIMITS and RESTRICTS that government.

No, I am not...and I do not.

yeah, you kinda do. instead of a limited government that lets people be free, you want an overbearing government that regulates all conduct so you 'feel' safer.
fuckstick, even the founders were wary of government. it's why they wrote a constitution that LIMITS and RESTRICTS that government.

You mean the guys who thought people without property, women, and blacks ought not to be able to vote? You mean the guys who thought slavery was okay?

Those guys?

Okay...yeah. They did limit and restrict government.

But fucking jerkoffs like you seem to want NO GOVERNMENT...and the people you cited...WERE CREATING GOVERNMENT...

...because they knew that assholes like you would come along some day and refer back to what they were doing.

yeah, you kinda do.

No, I do not.

instead of a limited government that lets people be free, you want an overbearing government that regulates all conduct so you 'feel' safer.

No, Asswipe...I want government.

Not "overbearing" government...but government.

Jerkoffs like you want no government at all.

So fuck off.

As someone suggested...go live in Somalia.

Almost no government at all.

Or better yet...go live in the jungles of the Amazon...or parts of sub-saharan Africa...where government is very limited.

What the are so brave...and do not need to "feel safe."

You mean the guys who thought people without property, women, and blacks ought not to be able to vote? You mean the guys who thought slavery was okay?

Those guys?

Okay...yeah. They did limit and restrict government.
knock off the faux righteousness bullshit. the entire world revolved around that mindset. we changed it, eventually, after having had to drag you idiot democrats with us.

But fucking jerkoffs like you seem to want NO GOVERNMENT...and the people you cited...WERE CREATING GOVERNMENT...

...because they knew that assholes like you would come along some day and refer back to what they were doing.
your bullshit warped view of history shows you have no original thought. you're following what you've been told to believe.


and you do beg for slavery. accept your reality instead of trying to pawn it off to 'anarchy'. it's utter bullshit and makes you look as moronic as evince.
knock off the faux righteousness bullshit. the entire world revolved around that mindset. we changed it, eventually, after having had to drag you idiot democrats with us.

your bullshit warped view of history shows you have no original thought. you're following what you've been told to believe.

and you do beg for slavery. accept your reality instead of trying to pawn it off to 'anarchy'. it's utter bullshit and makes you look as moronic as evince.[/QUOTE]

You think that working for a living and obeying the law is "slavery"?