Trump argues in court filing that he can limit journalists' access to White House

He was not asking questions he was sermonizing

Fuck Acosta

He was asking a question...but I acknowledge he did give a rather long predicate to the question. I wish some of the cowardly Republicans in power would go over some of that "predicate" material with that abomination of a president.

Fuck Trump.
This was about the childish temperament of an out-of-control moron who is temporarily president of the US.

Bulshit Frank, we all saw the video of Jim'l Acostya, we all saw him jerk the microphone away from that young lady after he had been told enough is enough by the president.
Bulshit Frank, we all saw the video of Jim'l Acostya, we all saw him jerk the microphone away from that young lady after he had been told enough is enough by the president.

What I saw was Acosta moving the mic away from someone trying rudely to grab it from him. (In her defense, the intern was probably set up on the move.)

Acosta politely said, "Pardon me, Ma'am...I'm (asking a question)"

Get off your bullshit, Boy.
Yeah, where are all the Trump suckers who just yesterday were squawking about how Trump can bar anyone he wants to from the WH?

All hiding like spanked little bitches, that's where.
Yeah, where are all the Trump suckers who just yesterday were squawking about how Trump can bar anyone he wants to from the WH?

All hiding like spanked little bitches, that's where.

Yeah..."hiding like spanked little bitches" pretty much covers it.
Ask the Trump appointed judge who just reinstated Acosta's credentials that question.

what a bullshit decision by an obviously stupid assed judge. due process problems? really? so all I have to do is make myself a press badge and I can not be kicked off the white house grounds without 'due process' ROFL
Here we have another legal "genius"! Know the answers to everything, and is wrong every time.

oh bullshit. this judge is a fucking moron times two. It's beyond the height of stupidity to think that the 1st Amendment reserves a right of press people to enter white house grounds just because and you're an even bigger moron for sucking it up like jizz.
Okay...time for you to come here and declare how wrong you are...and how right I am.

Gonna do it?

no, because this judges bullshit decision based on 'due process' is as fucked in the head as all you trump derangement syndrome fucksticks. i'll wait and see what a higher court says. hopefully they'll be less partisan than this asshole.
oh bullshit. this judge is a fucking moron times two. It's beyond the height of stupidity to think that the 1st Amendment reserves a right of press people to enter white house grounds just because and you're an even bigger moron for sucking it up like jizz.

So who is the bigger fucking moron, the judge, or the man who put him there?
So who is the bigger fucking moron, the judge, or the man who put him there?

that's an even contest at this point. the thing you shit eaters can't seem to get through your thick fucking skulls is that I didn't vote for trump, but neither did I vote against him because I hate hillary. I voted LIBERTARIAN, which means I voted for freedom and principles, not partisan ship. My personal opinion, again, is that you retarded fucking democrats and republicans held an election campaign to see who could run the stupidest and most crooked person for president. apparently the dems won that contest since trump won.
what a bullshit decision by an obviously stupid assed judge. due process problems? really? so all I have to do is make myself a press badge and I can not be kicked off the white house grounds without 'due process' ROFL

You ought really to change your moniker to "Dumberthanyou."

It would have the advantage of being right more often than it is now.