Trump argues in court filing that he can limit journalists' access to White House

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the President is not even required to give press conferences in the first place. He could simply record a statement and release it.

He's also not required to give a speech when it comes to the state of the union. Article II, Section 3, Clause 1 dictates that the President must "give the Congress information on the State of the Union". Nothing says that it has to be done in person. For over 100 years from the time of Jefferson to Wilson, messages were sent to Congress.

I see no Constitutional requirement whatsoever about the President being required to do any type of press conference. In fact, while he can do what you said, there's nothing that requires even that for the press.
"The White House Correspondents' Association is also backing CNN. The group said Tuesday that the president "should not be in the business of arbitrarily picking the men and women who cover him."

He isn't picking who covers him. He is picking who he allows in the White House. No sane judge would allow this to move forward
He's also not required to give a speech when it comes to the state of the union. Article II, Section 3, Clause 1 dictates that the President must "give the Congress information on the State of the Union". Nothing says that it has to be done in person. For over 100 years from the time of Jefferson to Wilson, messages were sent to Congress.

I see no Constitutional requirement whatsoever about the President being required to do any type of press conference. In fact, while he can do what you said, there's nothing that requires even that for the press.

Don should really just retreat into Mar-a-Lago, his version of Versailles, the masses can eat 'cake'.
yep. cranky old geezer.

An old geezer...but not cranky.

Always have a smile on my face...even when replying to someone like you.

the great work is failing, and you got to see it!

Jesus H. Christ. What the fuck is that supposed to mean.

How about saying what you unsuccessfully attempted to say when you wrote that pathetic sentence.

(Said with a smile on my face, of course.):)
An old geezer...but not cranky.

Always have a smile on my face...even when replying to someone like you.

Jesus H. Christ. What the fuck is that supposed to mean.

How about saying what you unsuccessfully attempted to say when you wrote that pathetic sentence.

(Said with a smile on my face, of course.):)

The smile on your face is knowing you're next in line to kiss Obama's asshole.
what question, Acosta had his question answered, three times, then he decided to use the mic as a his own personal partisan podium.

and much like the rest of triggered nut bag world and their opinions of his performance, he got bitch slapped :rofl2:, it's very entertaining

The president did not even attempt to answer his questions! He evaded his questions, insulted Jim, and told him to shut up and sit down, and that he was rude, and should not be working for CNN.

Now, if he would have asked the president something like, "How does Melania feel about you fucking Stormy Daniels"?

I could side with Donald Trump, but that is not what he asked. He asked a legitimate question that the public wanted to know the answer.
The president did not even attempt to answer his questions! He evaded his questions, insulted Jim, and told him to shut up and sit down, and that he was rude, and should not be working for CNN.

Now, if he would have asked the president something like, "How does Melania feel about you fucking Stormy Daniels"?

I could side with Donald Trump, but that is not what he asked. He asked a legitimate question that the public wanted to know the answer.

If someone asked YOU "How does it feel knowing your wife fucks everyone but you?", how would you answer?
you have a really small dick don't you?

Actually, no. Just average sized these days...but a bit above average back in the day.

Allow him to live? :rofl2:

You caught a typo. I should have been more careful.

The sentences were supposed to read:

Do that.

It might allow you to live with the fact that you are supporting an Adolf Hitler wanna-be.

Bad error...especially the way it turned out. (I'll go back an correct it.)

I thank you for calling it to my attention, you ugly old hag.

You are good for something.
My wife is dead dude, so that is how I would answer that!

Follow up. How does it feel knowing your wife fucked everyone but you?

It's easy to see why she killed herself. She didn't want to wait to let nature takes its course to get away from you.
Its important that accredited reporters have access .. you can't have the president repeatedly saying you ask stupid questions because a woman has black skin.. Trump is crashing and he's taking his wife's mental health with him.

your straw man has black skin.......accrediting the reporter is step one......getting White House approval is step two........not fucking it up is step three.......oh look, nothing about race anywhere......
Enrollment reached its highest point in the 1970s.

In 1973, 60,000 American Indian children are estimated to have been enrolled in an Indian boarding school.[17][18] The rise of pan-Indian activism, tribal nations' continuing complaints about the schools, and studies in the late 1960s and mid-1970s (such as the Kennedy Report and the National Study of American Indian Education) led to passage of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act of 1975.

This emphasized decentralization of students from boarding schools to community schools. As a result, many large Indian boarding schools closed in the 1980s and early 1990s.

well no wonder Acosta lost his White House pass........there were boarding schools........(why the fuck do you insist on posting irrelevant crap?)......
Acosta didn't yell or hog the mic.. He asked a follow up question that Trump didn't want to answer. You do know a press conference is NOT a political rally regardless of what "father Trump" tells you???

I hope all conservatives aren't as weak and looking for daddy as you are.
then why did Acosta try to make it one.......