Trump argues in court filing that he can limit journalists' access to White House

"The White House Correspondents' Association is also backing CNN. The group said Tuesday that the president "should not be in the business of arbitrarily picking the men and women who cover him."

press supports this instance judges will support Trump.......fuck the association......
then why did Acosta try to make it one.......

It was Trump who made it a big deal. Acosta was just doing his job. There are lots of press at those things and getting a question answered, really answered, is tough to do. When the format is Trump pointing at people for a chance to talk and then telling them to sit down and shut up, it is an adversary relationship. Trump has a very bad relationship with the press, due to his dislike of a Free Press.
" Quote Originally Posted by Getin the ring View Post
Trump can deny access to anyone he sees fit,
It's his house, He's the boss

Acosta has been relegated to nothingness, as he should be"
a) Acosta is the topic of this thread.

b) Acosta has been the talk of town for days, including front page news.

c) "While it is important to avoid impropriety, it is also important to avoid the appearance of impropriety." psychologist Joy Browne

Trump has been lavishing negative publicity on himself for days.
"Trump told aides he thought he looked 'terrible' and blamed his chief of staff's office ... for not counseling him that skipping the cemetery visit would be a public relations nightmare." / WaPo / Stephen Colbert 181114 commenting on the gathering of over 80 world leaders in Europe to commemorate the WWI 100th anniversary ceremony, a ceremony Trump was scheduled to attend, but did not. The other 80+ world leaders did attend.
Just being an idiot should embarrass you! But no! You aren't even embarrassed by it!

I would be if I was an idiot.

You should be embarrassed that you couldn't keep your bitch in line when she was alive and she killed herself because she was married to you.
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Just being an idiot should embarrass you! But no! You aren't even embarrassed by it!

I have no idea what the Cock Fellating Maggot says here because I put him on ignore long ago.

But if you're wondering why he isn't embarrassed about being an idiot, this picture of him should explain the reason pretty thoroughly.....


As you can see, this guy stopped being embarrassed by who and what he is long ago.

He is beyond embarrassment.
Don’t worry Acosta won’t miss a thing. He will get the same information as everyone else sitting at home and watching the press conference on TV.
He WAS asking tough questions...and almost always does. THAT is what Trump does not like about him. And tough questions demand involved predicates...which is what he was doing. Setting the predicates for his questions.

I am an adult...82 years old...and with enough knowledge to realize that an abomination like Donald Trump and the assholes who continue to support him, have to be opposed with all the gusto a citizenry can muster.

He was not asking questions he was sermonizing

Fuck Acosta
Yes he can; I am amused that morons on the left and at Communist News Network think the Constitution guarantees them a press pass at the White House. It is the pinnacle of arrogance and media chutzpah to even make such moronic arguments.


CNN still holds 50 hard passes. This was about the abhorrent behavior of Jim'l Acost-ya.