Trump argues in court filing that he can limit journalists' access to White House

no, because this judges bullshit decision based on 'due process' is as fucked in the head as all you trump derangement syndrome fucksticks. i'll wait and see what a higher court says. hopefully they'll be less partisan than this asshole.

I was pretty sure you did not have the spine or ethical sense to do it, Dumber.

Just wanted you to confirm that I was correct in that.

Thanks for doing it.
that's an even contest at this point. the thing you shit eaters can't seem to get through your thick fucking skulls is that I didn't vote for trump, but neither did I vote against him because I hate hillary. I voted LIBERTARIAN, which means I voted for freedom and principles, not partisan ship. My personal opinion, again, is that you retarded fucking democrats and republicans held an election campaign to see who could run the stupidest and most crooked person for president. apparently the dems won that contest since trump won.

Fucking Libertarian. That comes in just below American conservative. And American conservative comes in just above whale shit.
You ought really to change your moniker to "Dumberthanyou."

It would have the advantage of being right more often than it is now.

agreeing with every court decision that aligns with your idiot ideas is the epitome of stupid.............just sayin. you might want to reconsider your intelligence level with that.
agreeing with every court decision that aligns with your idiot ideas is the epitome of stupid.............just sayin. you might want to reconsider your intelligence level with that.

You challenged me to come back and acknowledge being wrong when this is thrown out of court.

It was not thrown out...and a judge appointed by the abomination made the determination.

Grow the fuck matter how difficult it must be for someone like you.

Goddam near everyone in this forum is looking for the person you are "smarter" than.

I certainly am not that person...and like most, I doubt such a person exists.
YES!!!! I KNEW you were a fucktard liberal who thinks anyone BUT liberals are evil. You're just too fucking ashamed to own what the fuck you really are.

Libertarians...anarchists who cannot spell "anarchist."

Do you buy your fist flowers on Valentine's Day?
Acosta didn't yell or hog the mic.. He asked a follow up question that Trump didn't want to answer.

That is a lie; what is it about hyper partisan leftist hacks and their propensity to fabricate and lie about EVERYTHING?

You do know a press conference is NOT a political rally regardless of what "father Trump" tells you???

You do know that journalists are supposed to ask questions and record the answers. Not yell at, argue with and debate the answers they are given right?

As Trump told the whiny, pathetic FAKE news Acosta; "that is YOUR opinion and you are welcome to it. "But I'll run the country and you should try to do your job, because if you did, maybe your ratings wouldn't be so low." Damned funny retort and spot on.

I hope all conservatives aren't as weak and looking for daddy as you are.

Nothing weak about you, you lying whiny partisan asshat. ;)
nothing spells anarchy like 'freedom'. that's your mental issue. you're so fucking terrified over the freedom of others that you beg for slavery from the government.

I do not beg for slavery from the government, Asswipe. I give my consent to be governed. Some people simply refuse to be governed...and "being governed" is an essential to civilization. If the people refuse to give consent to be governed...they WILL BE governed anyway...only without their consent.

Jerkoffs like you who think libertarianism (especially with the capital "L") is the answer to everything...ought to wake the fuck up and realize that libertarianism doesn't answer anything.

Libertarianism leads to chaos and anarchy...and chaos and anarchy lead to dictatorship.

Your political sensibilities suck like a giant black hole.
Let's be clear what this ruling means:

In his closing remarks, Kelly made clear that the ruling, which is only the beginning of the court proceedings to decide Acosta’s White House access, was narrow and didn’t determine whether or not Acosta’s First Amendment right was violated.
we suffer a temporary wannabe dictator, this is not America make no mistake
What exactly has he “dictated” that you do? What have you been ordered to do that makes you feel that your life or the lives of your friends and family may be endangered if you do not meet Trumps stated goals? And what COULD he say that would make you feel your life is in danger if you speak out against him? Because he certainly hasn’t exhibited any of the behaviors usually associated with a dictator. At last count, I think 91% of the press about him was bad, yet no dead journalists! So before you use that word again, look it up. In the meantime, keep posting stupid shit. Nobody wants to hurt you
What exactly has he “dictated” that you do? What have you been ordered to do that makes you feel that your life or the lives of your friends and family may be endangered if you do not meet Trumps stated goals? And what COULD he say that would make you feel your life is in danger if you speak out against him? Because he certainly hasn’t exhibited any of the behaviors usually associated with a dictator. At last count, I think 91% of the press about him was bad, yet no dead journalists! So before you use that word again, look it up. In the meantime, keep posting stupid shit. Nobody wants to hurt you


Make that, OOMPAH!
FA #377

Bob Grant? WABC-NY?

Old joke.

Bunch of Indians out west listening to a political stump speech. Every once in a while the crowd shout out "Oompah, oompah."

At the end of the speech...the local mayor shepherds the politician across a cow pasture to the train station...and cautions the politician to be careful and not step in any of the oompah.