Trump argues in court filing that he can limit journalists' access to White House

he wasn't asking tough questions, he was arguing about what "invasion" means, and refusing to hand over the mic when his turn was over. what a hero!

He was asking tough questions. His predicates were rather long...but a part of a reporters job is to hold the feet of governmental officials to the fire.

He was doing that...but he was doing it to a child who could not handle it.

Donald Trump is an embarrassment to the office he holds. His supporters are an embarrassment to the notion of people wanting to live under the rule of law.
you guys look like idiots to normal people.

the new world order is cancelled, due to it being retard-based.

The pathetic Trump sycophants are the idiots. They don't LOOK like idiots...they ARE idiots.

People who want to become dictators count on fools like you for their support.

You are doing a hell of a job at it.
He was asking tough questions. His predicates were rather long...but a part of a reporters job is to hold the feet of governmental officials to the fire.

He was doing that...but he was doing it to a child who could not handle it.

Donald Trump is an embarrassment to the office he holds. His supporters are an embarrassment to the notion of people wanting to live under the rule of law.

no he was arguing with the president about what an invasion is. no questions in sight...

grow up, tiny tyke.
The pathetic Trump sycophants are the idiots. They don't LOOK like idiots...they ARE idiots.

People who want to become dictators count on fools like you for their support.

You are doing a hell of a job at it.

lol. the dems want everything censored. that's the real tyranny here.
Answering all questions, and not just soft questions, is the job of the White House whether they like it or not, and the vocal majority is going to demand this president answer important questions.

what question, Acosta had his question answered, three times, then he decided to use the mic as a his own personal partisan podium.

and much like the rest of triggered nut bag world and their opinions of his performance, he got bitch slapped :rofl2:, it's very entertaining
no he was arguing with the president about what an invasion is. no questions in sight...

He WAS asking tough questions...and almost always does. THAT is what Trump does not like about him. And tough questions demand involved predicates...which is what he was doing. Setting the predicates for his questions.

grow up, tiny tyke.

I am an adult...82 years old...and with enough knowledge to realize that an abomination like Donald Trump and the assholes who continue to support him, have to be opposed with all the gusto a citizenry can muster.
Trump can deny access to anyone he sees fit,
It's his house, He's the boss

Acosta has been relegated to nothingness, as he should be

So now, all of a sudden the WH belongs to the President who's in office at the time, eh?

You truly are an ignorant little simpleton, aren't you?
He WAS asking tough questions...and almost always does. THAT is what Trump does not like about him. And tough questions demand involved predicates...which is what he was doing. Setting the predicates for his questions.

I am an adult...82 years old...and with enough knowledge to realize that an abomination like Donald Trump and the assholes who continue to support him, have to be opposed with all the gusto a citizenry can muster.

yep. cranky old geezer. the great work is failing, and you got to see it!
what question, Acosta had his question answered, three times, then he decided to use the mic as a his own personal partisan podium.

and much like the rest of triggered nut bag world and their opinions of his performance, he got bitch slapped :rofl2:, it's very entertaining


Trump never actually answers questions.

He tap dances around them with a bunch of transparently evasive, bullshit non-answers just like his bovine press secretary, Sarah Hucksterbee Slanders.

They're all natural born experts in the arts of deflection and propaganda.

Buncha grifters every last one.

The sole reason for your endless, starry-eyed admiration of them.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the President is not even required to give press conferences in the first place. He could simply record a statement and release it.

Trump never actually answers questions.

He tap dances around them with a bunch of transparently evasive, bullshit non-answers just like his bovine press secretary, Sarah Hucksterbee Slanders.

They're all natural born experts in the arts of deflection and propaganda.

Buncha grifters every last one.

The sole reason for your endless, starry-eyed admiration of them.

Hate to break it to you but Acosta can be kept out. You might be surprised that you can be kept out, too.
I hope I'm not out of line by calling to attention some seemingly obvious facts.

Trump has functioned as his own worst antagonist here. Had Trump simply provided a curt but sufficient reply to Acosta's follow-up, we wouldn't be having this conversation. But because to Trump, if he's not being flattered, Trump wants vengeance. The controversy continues.

"Trump told aides he thought he looked 'terrible' and blamed his chief of staff's office ... for not counseling him that skipping the cemetery visit would be a public relations nightmare." / WaPo / Stephen Colbert 181114 commenting on the gathering of over 80 world leaders in Europe to commemorate the WWI 100th anniversary ceremony, a ceremony Trump was scheduled to attend, but did not. The other 80+ world leaders did.

These many stains on Trump's record are self-imposed.

"If you make a mistake,
and you know it was a mistake,
and you do not correct your mistake,
you have made two mistakes." Chinese aphorism

The sooner Trump restores Acosta's press credential, the sooner the controversy, the negative publicity on Trump ends.