Trump argues in court filing that he can limit journalists' access to White House

lout (lout) noun
A person regarded as awkward and stupid; an oaf. See synonyms at boor. *

Acosta clearly got the better of Trump. So if Acosta is a lout, what does that make Trump?

Trump didn't defeat Acosta with superior debate skills or intellect. Trump pulled rank on Acosta, and applied executive privilege.

As far as "hogging the mic" your double-standard embarrasses you!
Reporters have been asking follow-up questions of presidents for as long as I've been alive.

iirc Trump answered follow-up questions of other reporters AT THAT CONFERENCE !

So it's good reporting when Trump is lofting soft-ball questions, but when a responsible correspondent tries to follow-up on a serious topic, and the president with feet to the fire invokes his presidential authority instead of being responsive to the People, YOU call that "hogging the mic".

You're an embarrassment to civilization. You're an embarrassment to our society. And you're an embarrassment to published correspondents.
And Trump will only be making more trouble for himself if he doesn't re-instate Acosta. Trump would be vastly more shrewd to:
a) restore Acosta's white house press credential, and
b) never call on Acosta again.

To this point that's not good enough for Trump. Trump wants to win. Trump wants to spite. And Trump is perfectly willing to debase his office to do it, for Trump is more concerned about his petty personal perspective than about what is presidential, what is appropriate, what is lawful.

* Excerpted from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition © 1996 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Electronic version licensed from INSO Corporation; further reproduction and distribution in accordance with the Copyright Law of the United States. All rights reserved.
when is the last time you saw a reporters ask 4 questions after a long winded debate type premise on the first question? that's not a followup, it's a fillibuster
Enrollment reached its highest point in the 1970s.

In 1973, 60,000 American Indian children are estimated to have been enrolled in an Indian boarding school.[17][18] The rise of pan-Indian activism, tribal nations' continuing complaints about the schools, and studies in the late 1960s and mid-1970s (such as the Kennedy Report and the National Study of American Indian Education) led to passage of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act of 1975.

This emphasized decentralization of students from boarding schools to community schools. As a result, many large Indian boarding schools closed in the 1980s and early 1990s.
Our media outlets and press are privately owned NOT government owned.. Trump can't shut them down.

What bothers me is not whether he can or cannot.

What bothers me is that he is willing to try...and that the useful idiots who continue to support him are willing to defend his doing so.
there is no freedom to be an ass, at a press conference.

it amazes me that liberals or whatever u are are more concerned about acosta than social media censorship.

Acosta is there to ask tough questions...which is a great deal of what he was doing.

If there truly is "no freedom to be an ass at a press conference"...Donald Trump should avoid them no matter what.
What bothers me is not whether he can or cannot.

What bothers me is that he is willing to try...and that the useful idiots who continue to support him are willing to defend his doing so.

I know.. Trump tries to use his press conference as a political rally. He doesn't want to answer any questions. He wants to promote his celebrity.
I haven't heard the voice of anyone asking him to do so.

I saw a video of some young gal assaulting him by grabbing his wrist and trying to wrench the mic out of his hand with no warning or verbal communication whatsoever, but nothing that shows or proves she or anyone else asked him to relinquish it.

That is exactly what I saw...and I heard him respond with, "Pardon me, Ma'am, I'm...(asking a question.)"

If there was an assault (I do not think there was) was on the part of the zealous intern.
I watched the footage. He didn't hog the mic. Trump attacked instead of answering the question.

To be fair.. I saw the originally coverage not Sanders-Huckabee's altered version.

You're a lying partisan hack. Acosta refused to accept Trumps measured responses to his moronic accusations, and when Acosta started yelling and yammering and hogging the Mike, Trump, the adult in the room, had had enough.

STFU, you brain dead harpy.
You're a lying partisan hack. Acosta refused to accept Trumps measured responses to his moronic accusations, and when Acosta started yelling and yammering and hogging the Mike, Trump, the adult in the room, had had enough.

STFU, you brain dead harpy.

Acosta didn't yell or hog the mic.. He asked a follow up question that Trump didn't want to answer. You do know a press conference is NOT a political rally regardless of what "father Trump" tells you???

I hope all conservatives aren't as weak and looking for daddy as you are.
Acosta didn't yell or hog the mic.. He asked a follow up question that Trump didn't want to answer. You do know a press conference is NOT a political rally regardless of what "father Trump" tells you???

I hope all conservatives aren't as weak and looking for daddy as you are.

And when you put it like that, isn't that what Don's antics are really rooted in? His daddy issues?
Acosta was the clown......he's gone......problem solved.......

Not according to Fox News!

In fact, John Roberts gets the same treatment by Sarah Husky Sanders and Donald Trump as Jim Acosta. Because, for one he intentionally asks the same questions that Jim asked, when Sarah or Donald skirts around Jim's questions and tells him to shut up and sit down and crap. They don't answer John's questions either.

And that is why Fox News has put out public statements that they are siding with CNN on this issue. And if Jim gets permanently banned, John Roberts will be the next victim of the White House to get banned. Stay tuned.
CNN has no case. Trump can limit Acosta’s entry to the White House.

"The White House Correspondents' Association is also backing CNN. The group said Tuesday that the president "should not be in the business of arbitrarily picking the men and women who cover him."
Acosta is there to ask tough questions...which is a great deal of what he was doing.

If there truly is "no freedom to be an ass at a press conference"...Donald Trump should avoid them no matter what.

he wasn't asking tough questions, he was arguing about what "invasion" means, and refusing to hand over the mic when his turn was over. what a hero!
"when is the last time you saw a reporters ask 4 questions after a long winded debate type premise on the first question? that's not a followup, it's a fillibuster" a #262
The Clinton administration?

I don't recall Acosta asking 4 questions.

Please quote the exact wording of each of them, in chronological order.

Donald Trump is so wrapped up in himself, he thinks the Special Council is not even allowed to ask him certain questions. If fact, Donald Trump is still determining which Special Council questions he will entertain, and which ones he won't. Sorry folks, but it don't work like that! Donald Trump is going to get his ass subpoenaed, and it's coming soon!

And that is how Donald Trump approaches questions asked of him by the press. If the answer to a question is an embarrassment for the president, he insults the one asking the question, and tells them to shut up and sit down etc- Same way Sarah the huckster treats embarrassing questions!

Answering all questions, and not just soft questions, is the job of the White House whether they like it or not, and the vocal majority is going to demand this president answer important questions.