Trump: Biden’s Mass Migration Is Skyrocketing Rents, Housing Costs

dude, you have absolutely no value......not to Canada, not to Palestine.......sounds like you didn't even stay in Gaza after October so you aren't even of value to Hamas......
My work sells quite well in Canada- and a good percentage of profits aid Palestinians- both of which indicate that you are a simple-minded troll .

Haw, haw...............................haw.
Recent people coming illegally and institutional investors aren’t the cause in housing costs rising. It feels good for partisans/ideologues to blame those two things (and politicians love to exploit that) but focusing on those two things doesn’t address the real issues with our housing crisis.
You can't deny what is happening, ya Dumb Mutt.
If you are not a US citizen you cannot vote in National elections.
Not legally, but they vote anyway. Democrat pay them to vote.
Only an idiot could actually believe that illegals would be trying to vote.
Mantra 1a. Argument of the Stone fallacy.
Many get jobs
Welfare is not a job, Dumb Dog.
and stay under the radar and ignore the fact they are losing what is taken out for SS
SS is not involved. Strawman fallacy.
when they don't even get it yet some fucking morons actually think they are risking being deported to cast a vote?
Biden (Obama and other Democrats) invited invasion of the United States (an act of treason).
under Biden's executive order states like California get additional congressmen and electoral votes because illegals are included in the tally.......
Why should California get any votes at all? It's no longer a State of the Union. It's current form of government is dictatorship. I call it the SDTC (Socialist Dictatorship of the Territory of California) now.

Biden's order is yet another act of treason. He does not have any authority to grant citizenship privileges to non-citizens or to criminals.
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If you pay attention to the people trying to buy up your home and give cash, you are likely communicating with a corporation. They have bought up millions of homes and apartments. They are maxing their rents to get the largest profits possible.
Biden is using the justice dept to beak them up.
If you pay attention to the people trying to buy up your home and give cash, you are likely communicating with a corporation.
I run a corporation. I am not trying to buy up homes or shaft people with low bids on their property.
They have bought up millions of homes and apartments. They are maxing their rents to get the largest profits possible.
Again, you have no clue about price discovery. Every apartment manager has to complete with every other apartment manager.
Biden is using the justice dept to beak them up.
Break up what? Biden keeps blanking out.
If you pay attention to the people trying to buy up your home and give cash, you are likely communicating with a corporation. They have bought up millions of homes and apartments. They are maxing their rents to get the largest profits possible.
Biden is using the justice dept to beak them up.
At this point man you’re just lying. I don’t know why you feel the need to lie about this to try to spin some positive tale about Biden.

There are several types of people who pay cash; mainly the wealthy and Boomers (Boomers who have built up home equity throughout their life and maybe now are down sizing). Small investors could as well.
The housing program, called the California Dream for All Shared Appreciation Loans program, was launched only last year. Administered by the state’s Housing Finance Agency, the program offers a loan of up to 20 percent of the home’s purchase price to first-time home buyers in California. These loans are interest-free and borrowers are not required to make monthly payments.