Trump censored Twitter, not Biden!

The left are not paragons of truth, and fuck up often. But its you fuckers who thought Trump could do no wrong, when it was right in your face.

You wouldn't know it when you hear the leftist pussies whining about how evil they think conservatives are. There is no way to talk to you people sensibly
The IRS fucked up under Obama, but 1) Obama had nothing to do with it, and 2) It was not intentionally delaying conservatives political groups even though that was the result. Look into the facts.

Oh course he didn't. The IRS decided on it own right? I hate to break it you buddy but there's no Santa Claus
You wouldn't know it when you hear the leftist pussies whining about how evil they think conservatives are. There is no way to talk to you people sensibly

Conservatives are not evil, and have very valid points. Trumppers are not evil, but very unintelligent people or some just morally compromised to put it mildly.
Oh course he didn't. The IRS decided on it own right? I hate to break it you buddy but there's no Santa Claus

You have some evidence? Cuz Its clear Trump conspired with the Russians, but I cant prove it.
Conservatives are not evil, and have very valid points. Trumppers are not evil, but very unintelligent people or some just morally compromised to put it mildly.

Again the very LAST thing anyone anywhere needs is moral judgement from a leftist. You claim leftists arent paragons of virtue but you've determined that some "Trumpers" are morally compromised. You see with normal people I might try to explain why that's nonsensical but doing that with you or any leftists for that matter is completely useless. You would have absolutely no idea what I was talking about.
You have some evidence? Cuz Its clear Trump conspired with the Russians, but I cant prove it.

So you're saying you think trump conspired with the Russians. It's the faulty leftist logic at work again. How many times do you people need to besr that things arent true simply because you think they are?
So you're saying you think trump conspired with the Russians. It's the faulty leftist logic at work again. How many times do you people need to besr that things arent true simply because you think they are?

You cannot prove that it isn't true, dumbass.
So you're saying you think trump conspired with the Russians. It's the faulty leftist logic at work again. How many times do you people need to besr that things arent true simply because you think they are?

Just like you with the IRS.
And sworn testimony to Congress yesterday, Twitter executive explain that at no time did they ever hear from Joe Biden or a representative of his government, they did, however, personally get phone calls from Donald Trump asking to have tweets that upset him up removed.

You people won’t care!

Another stupid lie. Because you're a low IQ mental case, I'll explain it to you. Asking Twitter to take down a vulgar insulting post is a lot different than Government demanding they take down anything contrary to Democrat lie filled narratives.

But alas, you're a dishonest lying dumbass on steroids who has lost touch with reality and the truth, so there is that.
Every time they accuse the Deep State, or Biden of the Democrats of doing something, a few weeks later it turns out that its exactly what they were doing.

You just described yourself, the left and the Democratic Party of Lying Jackasses. :palm:
So let me get this straight you're whining that the person who was banned from Twitter wanted tweets he didn't like removed from Twitter?

He really is THAT dishonest and THAT stupid. He wants to equivocate actually censuring by the Biden administration to a request to remove a dumb vulgar post.
He was the head of the United States Government, so he used that power to try to get Twitter to censor people...

Twitter on their own banned Trump for violating pre-written terms of use. CAN YOU SEE THE DIFFERENCE?

HINT... One is a Government attempt at censorship, the other is capitalism.

He REQUESTED that twitter take down a vulgar insulting post. Not the same dipshit. :palm:
Presidents encourage employers to do things all the time, but the First Amendment says something that prohibits Presidents from encouraging media companies from allowing speech.

The Biden administration was in direct violation of the first amendment halfwit. :palm: