Trump censored Twitter, not Biden!

Who, in the government, censored anyone other than Trump?

There you go lying your dumb ass off again halfwit. There was a coordinated effort by the Biden DOJ and his administration to take down speech. They even supported taking down a NY news organization.
Another stupid lie. Because you're a low IQ mental case, I'll explain it to you. Asking Twitter to take down a vulgar insulting post is a lot different than Government demanding they take down anything contrary to Democrat lie filled narratives.

But alas, you're a dishonest lying dumbass on steroids who has lost touch with reality and the truth, so there is that.


This is going to put a little wrinkle into the Q-House investigation into government interference at Twitter, isn't it?

Not at all. But alas, you're also the lying halfwit who thinks that Bidens mishandling of documents won't put a wrinkle in the efforts to prosecute Trump for doing less. Dunce. :palm:
The left are not paragons of truth, and fuck up often. But its you fuckers who thought Trump could do no wrong, when it was right in your face.

Another lie filled strawman from a lying halfwit. No one who supports Trump ever claimed Trump could do no wrong. It was YOU fuckers who claimed everything he did was wrong while defending the current senile old lying dumbass who is getting everything wrong. :palm:
Another lie filled strawman from a lying halfwit. No one who supports Trump ever claimed Trump could do no wrong. It was YOU fuckers who claimed everything he did was wrong while defending the current senile old lying dumbass who is getting everything wrong. :palm:

Oh what an own!!!


The IRS fucked up under Obama, but 1) Obama had nothing to do with it, and 2) It was not intentionally delaying conservatives political groups even though that was the result. Look into the facts.

Of course an uneducated halfwit thinks that the buck doesn't stop at the President's desk, unless it's a Republican of course. :palm:
Conservatives are not evil, and have very valid points. Trumppers are not evil, but very unintelligent people or some just morally compromised to put it mildly.

This from a halfwit who defends the current divisive, senile dunce in the White House. We call that hypocritical and ironic. :palm:
Twitter is a privately owned company that can host or block anybody it wants as far as I'm concerned.

My contempt for social media is such that I can't understand why anybody considers Twitter important.

Nobody with any sense cares about another's musings while the latter, or even the former, is sitting on the toilet.