Trump claims that his $421 million debt is ‘tiny’, but he owes more than double that


You dont have the least bit of proof that trumps net worth is over $2.5 billion, in fact you cant even prove that is 2.5 million.
He is using Forbes as his source. Per Forbes, Trump's net worth is about $2.5 billion...

Now, please explain just how trump "amortizes his debt".
He takes out loans, then he pays that debt back in regular installments over some period of time.
Because there is proof of massive debt and we should know where it is owed to. Is it mortgage debt or personal debt to Russia, Turkey or maybe even NK.
It is not massive debt. His debt/asset and debt/equity ratios are quite healthy, as I have already explained. You are freaking out about what is typical for any successful business, showing that you lack knowledge in accounting, real estate, and business operations.
Trump is absolutely correct. His debt is only but a portion of his net worth, according to the Forbes numbers. You obviously have no clue what leverage is nor why healthy companies will opt to finance a portion of their operations through debt.

Using the numbers from Forbes, Trump's company has a healthy debt/asset ratio (~0.28) as well as a healthy debt/equity ratio (0.4). Those ratios show that the majority of his company operations are being funded via wholly owned funds and that the majority of assets are being financed by equity rather than debt.

Trump is doing quite WELL financially...

Sources: Forbes, as well as my own experience as an accounts receivable accountant for a local family owned real estate company. When it comes to accounting and real estate, I know what I am talking about.

True, but Trump isn’t just another business person, he is the President of the United States, and when the President is facing a billion in debt soon to be due the question of how this burden effects his decisions as President is important, especially as it applies to foreign entities.
Precisely. These leftist morons don't have the slightest clue about how businesses operate. They have no idea what leverage is, nor why a company makes use of it.

Trump's debt/asset and debt/equity ratios are quite healthy; his company is quite financially stable.

Leftist twits don't realize that perspective is important. Yes, to you and I, $400 million (and $1 billion) are extremely large numbers, but in perspective to the Trump brand as a whole, those really aren't all that large of numbers at all...

Trump crowed about being the master of debt. Then when he was broke and American banks would give him a pen from the bank offices, he shows up cash-rich and outright buys several extremely expensive golf courses and properties. Cash deal. Those courses are bleeding money. You will find they are great for money laundering, but no way to make money.
Trump is in the hospitality business. When he has to pay up, he will have to liquidate properties that have a lot less value than he originally claimed.
Trump is in trouble.
The unfortunate part of all this is that Trump owes millions and we dont know to whom it is owed. One can only come to the conclusion that is far more than mortgage debt and the question is who is it owed to? The holders of this debt can force trump to make decisions in their interest , not in Americas interest.
Instead of hyperventilating over unsubstantiated claims about Trump's finances and dealings, why don't you instead take a gander at the Hunter Biden emails which clearly show illegal dealings within the Biden crime family...

This has to be one of my most favorite Twittler lies of all time. Sure, banks are lining up to lend millions to a 4x bankrupt with a history of default.


With as many business ventures as Trump has engaged in, I'm actually surprised that he has had as FEW bankruptcies as he has had over his lifetime... Luckily for Trump, most of his business ventures have SUCCEEDED, making him into a multi-billionaire!
Hello PoliCoward,

He is so over extended he can't even write a check to bail out his crashing cashless campaign to save his butt.
LIE. His debt/asset and debt/equity ratios, per Forbes numbers, show that he is nowhere near overextending himself... 0.28 and 0.4, respectively, are rather healthy ratios to have with regard to his business debts. He, like any good business owner would do, is making use of a little thing called leverage. It is obvious that you are not at all knowledgeable in accounting, real estate, nor business operations.

And this from the same guy who originally claimed he wouldn't need any donations because he was so rich he could 'self-finance' his campaign.
He still doesn't need any donations and could still self-finance his campaign.

...deleted imaginative rantings that were completely void of truth...
I love it when triggered uneducated morons try to do finance and taxes.


I love it when they try to do real estate related finance and taxes with someone like me who is an accountant for a real estate company for a living, thus I know precisely what I am talking about and know precisely why such leftist morons are full of bullshit when they talk about this sort of stuff...
Lets say that trump owes millions to a foreign individual who may run a country, or millions to a foreign country itself. They sure would have a whole lot of influence on American policy towards their country. Is Trump making decisions in the best interests of the American people or the best interests of his finances.
We deserve to know every bit of his tax situation and a law should be passed that requires every Presidential candidate, every member of Congress to show their full taxes for the past 10 years.
Maybe you should dig more into why the Biden Crime Family has been receiving millions upon millions upon millions of dollars from Russia, China, and etc... Just take a look at those emails... ;) ;)

Think THAT has had any influence?? ;) ;)
I love it when they try to do real estate related finance and taxes with someone like me who is an accountant for a real estate company for a living, thus I know precisely what I am talking about and know precisely why such leftist morons are full of bullshit when they talk about this sort of stuff...

Funnier still when they actually believe they know what they are parroting about. CNN says it, therefore, i must be true.

Like I said, leftists are the dumbest mother fuckers on the planet.



If Trump is amortizing his debt then he is committing fraud of some kind.

When you get a bank loan the bank amortizes the loan and gives you a payment schedule based on that amortization. The person getting the loan doesn't get to amortize anything based on the debt.
When it comes to taxes, depreciation is used for writing down value of buildings and hard assets. Trump owns real estate which is a hard asset and is not amortized. In any case you aren't amortizing the debt. You are depreciating what you bought with the loan. Even if you used debt to buy a soft asset such as "good will" or use of a patent, you would not amortize the debt but would amortize the value of the asset.
Maybe you should dig more into why the Biden Crime Family has been receiving millions upon millions upon millions of dollars from Russia, China, and etc... Just take a look at those emails... ;) ;)

Think THAT has had any influence?? ;) ;)

Those emails have been debunked. The NY post is an embarrassment, while Rudy is working for Russian intelligence.
True, but Trump isn’t just another business person, he is the President of the United States, and when the President is facing a billion in debt soon to be due the question of how this burden effects his decisions as President is important, especially as it applies to foreign entities.
You're still not making a case of any wrong-doing by the President... You're just speculating based on your assumption of him as a person.

And why are you acting as if his debt is "massive" when it actually isn't, per your acceptance of my prior comment?
LIE. His debt/asset and debt/equity ratios, per Forbes numbers, show that he is nowhere near overextending himself... 0.28 and 0.4, respectively, are rather healthy ratios to have with regard to his business debts. He, like any good business owner would do, is making use of a little thing called leverage. It is obvious that you are not at all knowledgeable in accounting, real estate, nor business operations.

He still doesn't need any donations and could still self-finance his campaign.

You seem to have left out something rather important, the debt/income ratio. Lenders like to see an income that will pay off the loan not just an idle asset with value. Most of Trump's property seem to be losing money. We don't know if those loses are simply because of depreciation or if they are bleeding cash faster than their value is increasing.

The other thing we don't know is which of Trump's companies owe money and what the debt/asset value is of each company. A standard practice for shady businessmen is to put all the debt in one company and all the other assets in another company so we could be looking at companies that are underwater in the debt/asset ratio because all the value has been stripped from that company and transferred to another. This could be the reason that Trump is personally required to guarantee loans rather than just the company that got the loan.
Trump crowed about being the master of debt. Then when he was broke and American banks would give him a pen from the bank offices, he shows up cash-rich and outright buys several extremely expensive golf courses and properties. Cash deal. Those courses are bleeding money. You will find they are great for money laundering, but no way to make money.
Trump is in the hospitality business. When he has to pay up, he will have to liquidate properties that have a lot less value than he originally claimed.
Trump is in trouble.

You seem to have left out something rather important, the debt/income ratio. Lenders like to see an income that will pay off the loan not just an idle asset with value. Most of Trump's property seem to be losing money. We don't know if those loses are simply because of depreciation or if they are bleeding cash faster than their value is increasing.

The other thing we don't know is which of Trump's companies owe money and what the debt/asset value is of each company. A standard practice for shady businessmen is to put all the debt in one company and all the other assets in another company so we could be looking at companies that are underwater in the debt/asset ratio because all the value has been stripped from that company and transferred to another. This could be the reason that Trump is personally required to guarantee loans rather than just the company that got the loan.
Indeed, the debt/income ratio is also important (and idk what his income is so idk what that ratio is).

You are at least showing accounting/finance knowledge. I can tell that you have familiarity with such matters.
Indeed, the debt/income ratio is also important (and idk what his income is so idk what that ratio is).

You are at least showing accounting/finance knowledge. I can tell that you have familiarity with such matters.

Don't forget that Trump has over 100 corporate entities. No bank requires personal guarantees for a corporation unless the corporation shows an inability to support the loan payment. The requirement by Trump to personally guarantee such large loans after he has been in business for so long raises some serious red flags about the way he conducts business.
Don't forget that Trump has over 100 corporate entities.

No bank requires personal guarantees for a corporation unless the corporation shows an inability to support the loan payment.
While true, that doesn't mean that personal guarantees don't occur anyway. There are reasons for why a well established business may instead opt for the personal guarantee route.

The requirement by Trump to personally guarantee such large loans after he has been in business for so long raises some serious red flags about the way he conducts business.
Not necessarily. He might just feel absolutely confident about his ability to repay the loans, and his personal guarantee thus allows him to obtain financing at lower rates, among receiving some tax-related benefits. Risk-reward...

Like I said before, his debt/asset and debt/equity ratios (per Forbes numbers) look quite healthy.