Trump claims that his $421 million debt is ‘tiny’, but he owes more than double that

Just who did they sell us out to? DETAILS??????????

Fuck off you ignorant filthy little cunt. You're not interested in honest debate or facts.

We are speaking of his net worth, which you dont have a fucking clue of. I doubt its anywhere close to a billion. Of course since he lies about everything, I am sure all of his property values are grossly overstated.

^Ignorant filthy little cunt avoids the facts.

I thought you were going to "take care" of me, sweetie. I thought you were a tough little cunt, obviously not. Just a coward.

I am sure that in person, you are just as big of a lying cowardly little cunt as you are on this forum. But continue flailing like a moron.

...deleted lies...

Though Trump previously called the report “fake news,” he did not deny that he owed more than $400 million at Thursday’s NBC News town hall. Rather, he falsely insisted that the outlet had illegally obtained his tax information. The president declined to say to whom he owes money.

“I have a very, very small percentage of debt compared” to my wealth, Trump claimed.

The president alleged that he took on the debt as “favors to institutions that wanted to loan me money.”

“It sounds like you’re saying $400 million isn’t that much,” moderator Savannah Guthrie responded. “But are you confirming that, yes, you do owe some $400 million?”

“What I’m saying is that it’s a tiny percentage of my net worth,” Trump replied. “. . . I don’t owe Russia money. I owe a very, very small . . . It’s called mortgages. People have a house, they put a mortgage.”

“I don’t owe money to any of these sinister people,” he continued. “This has been going on for years now.”

Asked if he owed money to any foreign entity, Trump replied: “Not that I know of.”

“I will probably . . . I will let you know who I owe whatever small amount of money,” he added.

In fact, Trump’s company reportedly owes about $340 million to German financial giant Deutsche Bank, the embattled institution which was one of the few banks willing to lend him money after a series of bankruptcies and defaults. While Trump appeared to acknowledge the $421 million in personally guaranteed loans that were reported by The Times, a Forbes analysis found that Trump’s total debt was actually closer to $1 billion.

Trump has earned more than $200 million in income from his interests in foreign countries since 2016, according to an analysis by the Center for Responsive Politics.
Trump is absolutely correct. His debt is only but a portion of his net worth, according to the Forbes numbers. You obviously have no clue what leverage is nor why healthy companies will opt to finance a portion of their operations through debt.

Using the numbers from Forbes, Trump's company has a healthy debt/asset ratio (~0.28) as well as a healthy debt/equity ratio (0.4). Those ratios show that the majority of his company operations are being funded via wholly owned funds and that the majority of assets are being financed by equity rather than debt.

Trump is doing quite WELL financially...

Sources: Forbes, as well as my own experience as an accounts receivable accountant for a local family owned real estate company. When it comes to accounting and real estate, I know what I am talking about.
The only business success that Trump has had was going bankrupt 6 times.
Quite typical when one starts up as many business ventures as Trump did. Luckily for him, the vast majority of his ventures have been successful, making him into the multi-billionaire that he is today...
Does it bother you ar all, that trump first lied about this debt and called it "fake news" before finally admitting to it.
Or possibly the reason he took the money was that institutions wanted to loan him money and he took it as a favor to them?

Is there any amount of his bull shit that bothers you?
He's never lied about having business debt. Debt is a part of any healthy business. It is called "leverage". Trump's debt/asset and debt/equity ratios are both at healthy amounts (~0.28 and 0.4, respectively). His company operations are mostly financed via wholly owned funds rather than debts, and most of his assets are financed via equity rather than debt. His company, as a whole, is financially stable.

Sources: Forbes, as well as my own personal experience as an accounts receivable accountant for a local family-owned real estate company.



Precisely. These leftist morons don't have the slightest clue about how businesses operate. They have no idea what leverage is, nor why a company makes use of it.

Trump's debt/asset and debt/equity ratios are quite healthy; his company is quite financially stable.

Leftist twits don't realize that perspective is important. Yes, to you and I, $400 million (and $1 billion) are extremely large numbers, but in perspective to the Trump brand as a whole, those really aren't all that large of numbers at all...
Matters little the way Trump frames it, it is a lot of money, and citizens deserve to know if some foreign entity is holding the IOU

Maybe through the lens of your own finances it is a lot of money, but through the lens of the Trump brand as a whole, it is not all that much money at all... If you knew ANYTHING about accounting, real estate, or business operation in general, you would know that Trump is financially stable and that it is a good thing to be leveraged to some extent.
Biden doesn’t owe someone four hundred and twenty one million dollars, worth repeating, four hundred and twenty one million, and Donny owes or someone

$421M is NOT AT ALL a big deal, within the lens of the Trump brand. Trump's debt/asset and debt/equity ratios are at quite healthy amounts. Such debt (used as leverage) is a part of many healthy businesses.

You clearly have no understanding of accounting, real estate, nor business ownership/operations. That is why Trump is President of the USA while you are President of your Mother's Basement.