"Trump demands governors allow churches to open"

so you're saying you have no clue what the word quarantine means.......there is no more reason to "quarantine" people who attend church than there would be to "quarantine" people who shop at Walmart..........the state could easily apply the "no more than x people per 1000 square feet" that they use to limit shoppers at Target or Walgreens........or, they could simply permit churches to hold services outside......so obviously there is nothing stupid about my question.........unless perhaps it was the person it was directed to.........

Postmodern is going to tell us all again about how much smarter he is then any of the experts, and how we should listen only to him.

Without the food from Walmart, many will starve. People are moving through Walmart, rather than sitting and singing. There are a few more things, that I do not know... But you know what, Postmodern does not know them either. Even the experts have not figured them all out.

Religious services appear to be super spreader events.
The topic is about opening churches, you fucking idiot. What an illiterate moron.


????....now it's apparently YOU who thinks it is just about a building.....we want to get back to gathering as a body of believers......that is the church......where it meets is irrelevant.....
Use whatever word applies, you fucking idiot.


I don’t give a fuck what word tickles your ignorant fancy, moron. The government has the authority to do what they’ve been doing.

Your stupid question was whether the people in churches have a disease. The answer, you stupid fuck, is possibly to probably to yes. Your stupid question of the day still stands.


tell me mindless twit......are the people in the church more likely to have a disease than the people in Walmart?......does the government have the authority to treat churches differently based on arbitrary distinctions (careful.....Arbitrary is a key word in all discrimination cases).......
????....now it's apparently YOU who thinks it is just about a building.....we want to get back to gathering as a body of believers......that is the church......where it meets is irrelevant.....

Well hopefully none of you fools give the virus to Jesus' as where two or more are gathered so he is also. SO keep your dam distance fool-backOFF six feet...:mad:
????....now it's apparently YOU who thinks it is just about a building.....we want to get back to gathering as a body of believers......that is the church......where it meets is irrelevant.....

It is just a building. If you believe in god, he is everywhere. Why do you have to go to a building? You could just mail an envelope of cash to them.
Only big money stores, abutcher clinics, liquor shops and tobacco shops are allowed open.
Small businesses and churches? Not so much.
Well hopefully none of you fools give the virus to Jesus' as where two or more are gathered so he is also. SO keep your dam distance fool-backOFF six feet...:mad:

stay away from all church services and only walk the aisles at your local Walmart and Governor Gretch the Wretch guarantees you a virus-free eternity........:thinking:
It is just a building. If you believe in god, he is everywhere. Why do you have to go to a building? You could just mail an envelope of cash to them.

you lack all understanding of Christianity.......it is about gathering together with fellow believers......I DON'T have to go to a building......I want to worship God together WITH other people who believe God is everywhere........as you may recall some states prohibited drive in churches, where people remained in their cars in a parking lot so don't give me bullshit about "its just a building"......
????....now it's apparently YOU who thinks it is just about a building.....we want to get back to gathering as a body of believers......that is the church......where it meets is irrelevant.....

Yeah, when Trump talks about re-opening restaurants, barber shops, hair salons, he’s merely referring to “gathering as a body”, not the physical facility.

What a fucking moron. :rofl2:
tell me mindless twit......are the people in the church more likely to have a disease than the people in Walmart?......does the government have the authority to treat churches differently based on arbitrary distinctions (careful.....Arbitrary is a key word in all discrimination cases).......

Your poor fucking churches and you pathetic victims that attend them get no special treatment than any other non-essential institution.

Fucking whiner.

What’s wrong, halfwit? Can’t worship on your own?

Postmodern is going to tell us all again about how much smarter he is then any of the experts, and how we should listen only to him.

Without the food from Walmart, many will starve. People are moving through Walmart, rather than sitting and singing. There are a few more things, that I do not know... But you know what, Postmodern does not know them either. Even the experts have not figured them all out.

Religious services appear to be super spreader events.

He’s a fucking halfwit.
Your poor fucking churches and you pathetic victims that attend them get no special treatment than any other non-essential institution.

Fucking whiner.

What’s wrong, halfwit? Can’t worship on your own?


really sad that people like you think abortion clinics are essential and churches aren't.....but after all, no one has ever accused you of having high moral standards.......
really sad that people like you think abortion clinics are essential and churches aren't.....but after all, no one has ever accused you of having high moral standards.......

We tried this before, you fucking liar, and you failed miserably.

Find ANY comment of mine about abortion clinics being essential.

I’ll wait for your desperate, diversionary lies, bitch.

Secondarily, if your feckless god is everywhere, why is a building essential?

I’ll wait for that laughable response, as well.