Trump Doubles Down on Ominous Election Threat in Creepy Fox Interview

Trump takes the view the great pipsqueak Putin doesn't respect elections all that much, why should he.
It's about corrupt officials already in place in swing states who plan to not certify the real results if Harris wins.

If that happens....

I hope that Biden...

who will never run for office again anyway and is old enough to not worry too much about possible repercussions,

and in keeping with the recent SCOTUS ruling on blanket immunity for official acts,

has these corrupt officials who refuse to certify a Harris victory while knowing she won fairly,


arrested for TREASON by Federal Marshalls, and thrown in prison.

And if the SCOTUS sends it back to a Republican controlled House, I hope he has them all INCLUDING TRUMP...

executed by firing squad via executive order.

This is a serious issue.

I agree 100%.

And deserving of the most serious response imaginable.

Nothing less than that would save democracy in our nation under those circumstances.
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They need to be reinstated as a humane alternative to gulags for MAGAts.

We live in a dystopia.
If democracy has failed, which it seems to have done,
we need a benign socialist dictator, not a malignant fascist one like Trump.
We need to be dragged kicking and screaming into the Third Millennium...belatedly.
That's my position as you know.
Dystopia is apropos to your usual tripe except apropos is "an imagined state or society in which there is great suffering or injustice, typically one that is totalitarian or post-apocalyptic."

There is nothing imagined about the out of control inflation, borders and crime. There is great suffering by the American people caused by this abomination...the Biden/Harris administration's policies.

These sick freaks covered up Biden's cognitive decline...Harris and the Democrats collude with an eager media in this coverup.

They lied to the American people for months...Harris-"Joe is sharp as a tack."

Go back to sleep, old man.
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If that happens....

I hope that Biden...

who will never run for office again anyway and is old enough to not worry too much about possible repercussions,

and in keeping with the recent SCOTUS ruling on blanket immunity for official acts,

has these corrupt officials who refuse to certify a Harris victory while knowing she won fairly,


arrested for TREASON by Federal Marshalls, and thrown in prison.

And if the SCOTUS sends it back to a Republican controlled House, I hope he has them all INCLUDING TRUMP...

executed by firing squad via executive order.

I agree 100%.

And deserving of the most serious response imaginable.

Nothing less than that would save democracy in our nation under those circumstances.
Do you jerk off to your fantasies?
If democracy has failed, which it seems to have done,
we need a benign socialist dictator
You sound like a millenial, Nifty.

But that is the conclusion, the final solution of Socialism, ... the conclusion, the truth that every White Lib hides deep down.

The white lib is the most deceitful.

Do you jerk off to the poster of Trump you're got tacked to the ceiling above your bed?

Don't bother answering.

We all know the answer is yes.
I quit jerking off when I got married a while back.

When was your last pussy? When it had you?
Isn't fucking farm animals illegal in most states?

You should be careful about boasting about it in public.

Has there ever been a poll on this site as to who the stupidest lefty is?

If not someone should start one
No need to have one for you righties.

You're all as stupid as It's humanly possible to be.

Dirt stupid.
Speaking of stupid, your stupid bimbo is going to probably get the least votes ever in America.

Democrats did this to themselves, and I think it's glorious! :hedb:
Trying to read anything into what he says is often a challenge. Aside from the obvious, it's possible that because he really doesn't care about anyone but himself he doesn't care if they vote once he's not on the ballot in the future.
He has no intention of leaving if he gets in the Whitehouse. You are being too kind. He is not thinking he will be dead before the next election. He is thinking there will not be more elections. He will rule until he gets tired of it or has taken all the money possible.
He has no intention of leaving if he gets in the Whitehouse. You are being too kind. He is not thinking he will be dead before the next election. He is thinking there will not be more elections. He will rule until he gets tired of it or has taken all the money possible.
Donald Trump did little, if anything, in a Fox News interview Monday night to explain what he meant when he told a group of supporters on Friday, “You won’t have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians.”

Laura Ingraham asked Trump what he meant, and Trump gave a meandering answer that didn’t answer the question, talking instead about how much Christians support him and how Jewish people who don’t support him “should have their head examined.”

When he finally came back to the question at hand, he said “Christians are not known as a big voting group. They don’t vote, and I’m explaining that to ’em. You never vote. This time, vote. I’ll straighten out the country; you won’t have to vote anymore. I won’t need your vote.”

lolk...from the guy who keeps posting that Christians are going to become THAT is creepy.......