Trump election support highest in areas with highest rates of opioid drug use

Trump has fairly strong support from two loyal factions.

You have the oxy as M&Ms "hillbilly heroin" faction, true enough.

But remember, the meth-head NAZIs are in his corner, too.
Tell JAMA.

WTF are you talking about? ( I know what JAMA is) . Talking about opoid abuse as a campaign issue is bizarre.

Some of the LW fruitcakes here thought there was some correlation - it's weak and minimal.
There is absolutely no cause and effect between the 2.. It's a bizarre construct
WTF are you talking about? ( I know what JAMA is) . Talking about opoid abuse as a campaign issue is bizarre.

Some of the LW fruitcakes here thought there was some correlation - it's weak and minimal.
There is absolutely no cause and effect between the 2.. It's a bizarre construct

Take two xanax bars and message me in the morning.
Earlier research found president over-performed in areas with high drug, alcohol and suicide mortality rates

Support for Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election was greatest in the counties with the highest rates of chronic prescription opioid use, according to a new study published this week in the journal JAMA Network Open.

The study found that Mr Trump received about 39 per cent of the 2016 vote in the 638 counties with the lowest rates of long-term (90-day supply or more) Medicare opioid prescriptions, but about 60 per cent of the vote in the 693 counties with the highest rates of long-term opioid use.

All told, on a scale from zero to 100, where zero indicates no correlation and 100 indicates perfect correlation, the relationship between chronic opioid use and the 2016 presidential vote scored a 42.

Maps from the paper illustrating the raw rates of long-term opioid use and the 2016 Trump vote share at the county level illustrate some of the correlation. Certain areas of the country, including parts of the mountain West and a wide swath of Appalachia, stand out on both maps. There are some areas of discordance, however, including much of the northern plains (low opioid rates, high Trump support) and deep South (high opioid rates, low Trump support).

The numbers don't at all suggest that opioid use was a causal factor in the 2016 presidential vote. Rather, "individual and county-level socioeconomic measures explained much of the association between the presidential vote and opioid use," the report found. Those measures included income, disability coverage, insurance and unemployment rates.

Still, correcting for those factors didn't remove the relationship between the Trump vote and opioid use entirely. "Adjusting for county-level socioeconomic measures in linear regression models explained approximately two-thirds of the association of opioid rates and presidential voting rates," the authors write. That last third remains something of a mystery.

These findings dovetail with some other research that's come out since the election. A December 2016 study found, for instance, that "Trump over-performed the most in counties with the highest drug, alcohol and suicide mortality rates."

Morons, psychopaths, racists, traitors, and drug addicts.

Explains a lot.

The "PARTY OF COMPASSION" is at it again......What? Drug users are no longer valid voters? Where would the state of Mexifornia be without the bums and drug users? Are you suggesting that all the drug heads in California and the entire west coast voted for Mr. Trump? Really? Do you comprehend why these RED STATES are declared to have more of a drug problem than the liberal states? Think about it....the Red States actually attempt to keep track of the problem....they do not turn a blind eye and hand out "clean needles" while appointing special SHIT PATROLS to clean up the streets after these uncounted drug heads shit in the streets...while at the same time opening the borders and refusing to prosecute the very people that are bringing the drugs into the country.

Do you also comprehend while there is a record number of prescription drugs on the street? The left protects the use of these drugs.....which are garnered by majority with the TAX PAYER DIME with all the FREE INSURANCE provided by the STATE. :laugh:

Do you really want to know who elected Mr. Trump? Just look to the supposed Blue Wall States...….pissed off "former" democrat voters placed Mr. Trump into the White House.....not the flood of drug users in a few southern states that almost always support conservatives in the first place. Those blue collar working class democrats that Hillary labeled "DEPLORABLE" are those responsible for keeping Madam "Rothchild" out of the oval office.

(fishing is fun)...these people are stupid. 223
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WTF are you talking about? ( I know what JAMA is) . Talking about opoid abuse as a campaign issue is bizarre.

Some of the LW fruitcakes here thought there was some correlation - it's weak and minimal.
There is absolutely no cause and effect between the 2.. It's a bizarre construct

you drug addled trumpsters need help
The "PARTY OF COMPASSION" is at it again......What? Drug users are no longer valid voters? Where would the state of Mexifornia be without the bums and drug users? Are you suggesting that all the drug heads in California and the entire west coast voted for Mr. Trump? Really? Do you comprehend why these RED STATES are declared to have more of a drug problem than the liberal states? Think about it....the Red States actually attempt to keep track of the problem....they do not turn a blind eye and hand out "clean needles" while appointing special SHIT PATROLS to clean up the streets after these uncounted drug heads shit in the streets...while at the same time opening the borders and refusing to prosecute the very people that are bringing the drugs into the country.

Do you also comprehend while there is a record number of prescription drugs on the street? The left protects the use of these drugs.....which are garnered by majority with the TAX PAYER DIME with all the FREE INSURANCE provided by the STATE. :laugh:

Do you really want to know who elected Mr. Trump? Just look to the supposed Blue Wall States...….pissed off "former" democrat voters placed Mr. Trump into the White House.....not the flood of drug users in a few southern states that almost always support conservatives in the first place. Those blue collar working class democrats that Hillary labeled "DEPLORABLE" are those responsible for keeping Madam "Rothchild" out of the oval office.

(fishing is fun)...these people are stupid. 223

meth is a prescription drug? the choice of the white trash flyover country honkeys

honkey see honkey do
Liberals like to think they are smart, but as you can see they really fail to understand how statistics are used. They think correlation equals causation. Seriously, read what they write. We're dealing with Dunning-Kruger all stars here. LOL