Trump found guilty on all charges

"The people"...FLOL.

When "the people" speak Magatism and Trump stand NO CHANCE. Only the electoral college gives Trump any chance. Leave it to 'the people' and it is a blow out and one that does not favor Trump or Magats.
Quite a few polls and donation records speak otherwise.

He lost the Trump U case, found that he stole from his own charity, lost twice in the E. Jean Carroll cases, was fined for 9 gag order violations, lost the tax fraud case, lost 60+ appeals on the election fraud bullshit and now this one. This one, that was supposedly the weakest of the criminal cases.

And you ignorant fucks still believe there’s a massive, corrupt conspiracy against him. Fuck, I hope you morons don’t breed.
Stop making shit up.
You’re a fool. If he’s so fucking innocent, why doesn’t he insist on all these trials immediately so he can clear his name before the election.

Delay is the ally of the guilty. If you’re unaware of that, you really are more stupid than you portray yourself on this forum.

And BTW, the hate speech for violent retribution is already streaming across pro-Trump sites. As predicted.
You seem to fear this. Why? Do you think such people are planning vengeance for all the crap Democrats have done or something?

Democrats hate children. They abort (murder) them, mutilate them, take from their parents and hand them over to psychoquack 'experts', subject them to indoctrination instead of education and call it 'education', and shove pornographic and other sexually deviant material in front of them and call it 'normal'.

Democrats hate women. They encourage them to murder their own offspring for the sake of convenience, use them as pawns for 'equity' programs, try to talk them out of their feminity, and abandon motherhood, or if they have children, to abandon their families.

Democrats hate men. Democrats are racist and bigoted fucks and will attack, try to silence, and even kill any man that does not conform to their political view, particularly if that man has any influence.

Democrats hate America. You want to impose an oligarchy or dictatorship under the guise of a 'democracy', and deny and discard the Constitution of the United States and the constitutions of the various States. They have caused the last two election cycles (2020 and 2022) to fault through election fraud, and are actively trying to throw the 2024 election. Democrats have called for civil war multiple times (including Biden's infamous 'red' act of treason). They have attacked and vandalized and committed arson in cities across the United States, including Washington DC on Jan 6th.

Democrats hate authority. They demoralize and defund police departments and other law enforcement. They implement 'catch and release' programs for criminals. They invite open invasion of the United States (an act of treason), which brings in even more criminals from other nations. They support the drugs, the crime, the brutal gangs, the shootings, and the homeless encampments along with their filth and crime.

Democrats hate God. They either deny Him outright, or try to justify their sexual deviancy and criminal activity as Christian.

Now you fucks have the GALL to say Trump supporters are talking about violence??????
Because the Show for Joe is carefully planned....just not very well carried out...Not if you believe in our system of justice...
There was nothing acceptable, from beginning to end, about that trial...just ask anyone with any ethics or morals...
I've seen no hate speech but the anti-Trump speech here...and splashed all over the media....
Are you bonding with the "ladies" of The View?
Joy and Joe have so much in common...;)
You do not believe in justice. This trial was carried out like all the others. There was a grand jury. They said there were grounds for a trial. Then as all wealthy people get, Trump had a staff of highly-priced lawyers putting up a defense. You could never afford what he had. The problem
was that it was a cut-and-dried case. Cohen and Weisselberg served time for their part in it. The entire trial was voted on by citizens. They were unanimous throughout.
Biden was simply not involved. You cannot withstand right wing propaganda. You buy it all and type it here for all of us to laugh at. Do you never question what Fox, OAN and Trump say? Do you ever wonder if it is true?
You do not believe in justice. This trial was carried out like all the others. There was a grand jury. They said there were grounds for a trial. Then as all wealthy people get, Trump had a staff of highly-priced lawyers putting up a defense. You could never afford what he had. The problem
was that it was a cut-and-dried case. Cohen and Weisselberg served time for their part in it. The entire trial was voted on by citizens. They were unanimous throughout.
Biden was simply not involved. You cannot withstand right wing propaganda. You buy it all and type it here for all of us to laugh at. Do you never question what Fox, OAN and Trump say? Do you ever wonder if it is true?
What do you expect. TOP lies about being a teacher.
You do not believe in justice.
A show trial is not justice, Sybil.
This trial was carried out like all the others.
No, it wasn't. You cannot justify a kangaroo court.
There was a grand jury.
Hand picked and biased. Meh. Not a conviction.
They said there were grounds for a trial.
You cannot justify a kangaroo court.
Then as all wealthy people get, Trump had a staff of highly-priced lawyers putting up a defense. You could never afford what he had.
So? Strawman fallacy, Sybil.
The problem
was that it was a cut-and-dried case.
It was preprogrammed, if that's what you mean.
Cohen and Weisselberg served time for their part in it.
Cohen was convicted of perjury and theft, not of paying a porn star.
The entire trial was voted on by citizens. They were unanimous throughout.
The jury was tainted by the judge. The judge broke the law AGAIN.
Biden was simply not involved.
Probably true. His Handlers were though.
You cannot withstand right wing propaganda.
What 'right wing propaganda'??? Now you consider the laws that you ignored as 'right wing propaganda'????
You buy it all and type it here for all of us to laugh at. Do you never question what Fox, OAN and Trump say? Do you ever wonder if it is true?
FOX is owned and operated by leftists, Sybil.

Yes...I believe what Trump says. He is correct.
Biden hasn't been convicted of anything unlike your guy. Deal with it.

So far, Biden has committed four acts of treason:
* providing weapons and supplies to the enemy in time of war.
* inviting open invasion of the United States.
* calling for civil against citizens of the United States.
* espionage.

Trump has committed no crime. You idiots can't even list the specifications of any crime.

So far, Biden has committed four acts of treason:
* providing weapons and supplies to the enemy in time of war.
* inviting open invasion of the United States.
* calling for civil against citizens of the United States.
* espionage.

Trump has committed no crime. You idiots can't even list the specifications of any crime.
Bring it to trial. We are all waiting..

Denial is the first stage of grief and you got it bad.
"We have accepted madness"

My reaction to the Trump verdict is pretty simple. This is about previously shared *tacit* understandings needed for the functioning of a free society. The current case and verdict seems similar to the Bork confirmation battle from almost 40 years ago: it is a sign of the breakdown of previous *shared* tacit understandings between the parties that made the US both strong and functional.To the Democratic Party leadership, Trump represents the breakdown of an understanding that the parties not allow a populist outside their perception of a window of allowable candidates. This is akin to *their* contention in 1987 that Bork represented a nominees outside the tacit agreement not to nominate extremists. Thus they mounted a new campaign of extraordinary measures to enforce their perception. To the Republican Party, the Democratic leadership is innovating never before seen warfare and immoral tactics by *initiating* extraordinary warfare in violation of the tacit agreement to accept the Republican Party’s right to propose reasonable candidates without hysterical bed-wetting behavior. They believe the Democratic Party is breaking the tacit agreement not to prosecute presidents or pursue legal action as part of a campaign.Leaving the issue of who is right aside temporarily, what is happening is the acceleration of the continuing breakdown of *SHARED* **TACIT** ASSUMPTIONS. These are the backbone of our previously functional country. They are not written down. You can’t look them up Trump and Bork are nominees portrayed as madmen by one side, that are so extreme as to require extraordinary measures. Democratic hardliners will celebrate. What will come back is a series of prosecutions by Republicans that the Democratic Party will see as evidence that Republicans are inexplicably evil.As for what I believe? I think the Democratic Party leadership is acting like shortsighted decisions to open the doors to hell don’t matter because many are in their 80s and aren’t going to be around long enough. And they don’t care enough about their own children or their country to care about the world they leave behind after their demises. I have always said that Trump poses an existential threat. Biden joined that club a while back. He should be removing himself at his age and in his condition and Kamala should not be a heartbeat away from being commander in chief of the world’s pre-eminent thermonuclear power. What do I want? It’s laughable. I sound delusional. I want all these people gone, removed by their parties’ middle aged wise men and women so that we aren’t forced to play this out. I want some vital person in their 40s with military and government experience and a technical background to be in the Oval Office giving the speeches needed to restore our nation. I don’t care which party at this point. Someone who has seen action and loves America. I don’t care the party, the race, the gender, the sexual orientation or anything else at this point .The fact that such a vision admittedly sounds insane…even to me….tells you everything about how these people have shifted our tacit understandings of ourselves. We have accepted madness. Adults would never have let this happen. The aged, ironically, have simply cleared out *all* the adults.How do you ask a badly misbehaving Octogenarian: “Is your mother or father at home?” I am more concerned with my children at this point than either Biden or Trump. We are going to play this out as we did Bork for our foreseeable future. It’s so insane.