Trump found guilty on all charges

How many jurors lied when asked if they were impartial?
The questions they came back to ask were conspicuous.

Of course, it is New York...
How many jurors lied when asked if they were impartial?

Given that Trump lost it must ALL have been a sham. There's no way a god-fearing Christian like Trump could do evil things that might run afoul of the law.

All Trump wanted to do was fuck a sex worker while his wife sat home with their new baby. He's almost EXACTLY Mother Theresa. What kind of monstrous country convicts Mother Theresa of 34 felonies?

It's such a shame that all those people were evil.

How many jurors lied when asked if they were impartial?
The questions they came back to ask were conspicuous.

Of course, it is New York...
Trump has been found guilty or liable in two civil cases and one criminal case this year alone.

It doesn't pass the laugh test to claim all 36 jurors in those trials were partisan democrats. It would have only taken one vote in any of those trials to save Trump from a conviction.

You need to realize your Tangerine Messiah is a sleazebag and a crook.
How many jurors lied when asked if they were impartial?
The questions they came back to ask were conspicuous.

Of course, it is New York...
That was done during the jury selection phase. That is something you could pass through. You could not be fair. Trump got a fairer trial than a normal person. He had a staff of highly paid lawyers and he was not punished for statements that would put you in jail. Trump has received all the breaks a person could get.
Your response was soooo predictable.
Trump has been found guilty or liable in two civil cases and one criminal case this year alone.

It doesn't pass the laugh test to claim all 36 jurors in those trials were partisan democrats. It would have only taken one vote in any of those trials to save Trump from a conviction.

You need to realize your Tangerine Messiah is a sleazebag and a crook.
Here you go with this Tangerine Messiah bullshit again. Don't you assholes ever grow up?
It will be overturned on appeal.
Yep. Like my father told me "he who laughs last laughs the loudest." This will go all the way to the SCOTUS if need be. Meanwhile the Democrats have woke every Republican in the country. This just assured a Trump victory in November.
Here you go with this Tangerine Messiah bullshit again. Don't you assholes ever grow up?

You mean like this guy?

America! Fuck yeah!
Champagne flowing here!
Smoke ‘em, if ya got ‘em!
Guilt was never in question. The evidence was overwhelming. All that remained to be seen was if a MAGA infiltrated the jury.

The only thing that comes of this is his loss of that demographic that claimed they would not vote for trump if he were convicted.

Otherwise, it's just a handful of failed appeals and then the sentencing.

34 lashes with a wet noodle, and a good talking to.