Trump found guilty on all charges

theres nothing to whine about. this is quite in keeping with how the left has behaved. even a blind squirrel finds an acorn once in a while. Eight years trying to "get trump". something finally stuck. You guys were tenacious. you cant refute that
It has stuck for now, but the appeals courts will have the final say.
Merchan could impose other punishments instead of prison time, such as probation. Trump would have to report to the New York City Department of Probation in person on a regular basis, which would create a major scheduling snafu for the GOP presidential candidate on the campaign trail. If Trump committed other crimes under probation, he could be sent immediately to jail.

Trump’s conviction also means the charges against him are punishable by up to $5,000 per offense; if Judge Merchan decides to go that route, Trump could face up to $170,000 in fines .
Sour grapes. Yummy!
Empty laughter.
And will he deport all the "ILLEGALS"? That will be interesting to watch. A felon kicking lawbreakers out of the country. LOL.
Maybe he'll deport Judge Merchan and Bragg!
Just stamp your feet some more. You guys lost your shit on Jan 6 when Orange Messiah didn't win...what are you going to do now?
The Jan 6th riots were by Democrats. Trump is not a Democrat, nor is he a 'Messiah'. But he makes a damn fine President!
Useless engaging In the verdict, it doesn’t make a bit of difference to the cult or the GOP, just like the Big Lie, they’ll swallow anything their Messiah pedals
You are describing yourself.
The big question now is how long it will take Fox and the right wing media to start personally attacking the members of the jury and the death threats start
FOX is owned and operated by leftists.

The jury was tainted.
Merchan could impose other punishments instead of prison time, such as probation. Trump would have to report to the New York City Department of Probation in person on a regular basis, which would create a major scheduling snafu for the GOP presidential candidate on the campaign trail. If Trump committed other crimes under probation, he could be sent immediately to jail.

Trump’s conviction also means the charges against him are punishable by up to $5,000 per offense; if Judge Merchan decides to go that route, Trump could face up to $170,000 in fines .
Merchan has already broken the law.
So it was up to a kangaroo court and a biased judge to try to get him removed. Hate to piss in your Cheerios (well, not really), Trump will become the next president. You may have won this round, but the fight ain't over yet. November is coming...
You do know this was a State court not a federal court
Why can't you accept Trump is guilty because the evidence proved he did the 34 crimes
Evidence? Testimony from a whore who recanted an earlier statement and a proven liar and thief?
The Trump haters prevailed yesterday. Good luck come November when the people will speak.
Take it easy on Arby the rube, he is poorly educated and aggrieved , pining for the America that never was
I find it amusing that a bigoted and racist mongrel keeps saying I'm aggrieved and poorly educated.
I'd gladly put what I've accomplished in my working life (and life in general) against this worm of a human.
maybe but it remains nothing but a guess.
We base almost all of our conclusions and decisions on the laws of probability because we frequently lack information.

Trump has lost wo civil cases and one criminal case in the last year alone. The odds of all 36 jurors being partisan Democrats in those cases is infinitesimally small and utterly implausible. The probabilities are almost certain some of those 36 jurors were Republicans and independents, and it would have only taken one of their votes to prevent Trump from a conviction.
We base almost all of our conclusions and decisions on the laws of probability because we frequently lack information.

Trump has lost wo civil cases and one criminal case in the last year alone. The odds of all 36 jurors being partisan Democrats in those cases is infinitesimally small and utterly implausible. The probabilities are almost certain some of those 36 jurors were Republicans and independents, and it would have only taken one of their votes to prevent Trump from a conviction.
But we are talking to people who believe Trump and his campaign can go to court 60+ times over "rigged elections" and lose all 60 because the Courts are rigged. Courts with Trump appointed judges.

We are talking to people who believe EVERY SINGLE Trump loss, even going back to 2016 primaries was "rigged" even when he won them, simply because at points he was not leading.

Magats are beyond ration and reason because the only thing they accept is that Trump is 100% innocent of everything and Trump wins 100% of the time and any deviation equals rigged.