Trump has a serious democrat contender, finally

From my perspective she has more positives than any other dem running, which includes those that haven't declared but obviously are.

1. She's not from California
2. She endorsed Bernie. That doesn't necessarily mean she's as socialist as he, but more importantly she did not endorse hrc :thumbsup:
3. As you indicated she is not a neo con/lib , as Trump is not.
4. Probably has likeability, not the in your face, angry, fuck you, chip on the shoulder type like Kamala.
5. She's not a complete dingbat like Occasional-Cortex. I've seen Tulsi speak on TV when in Hawaii.
6. She's a Hindu. :cool:
7. She's a surfer.:cool:
8. Hawaii has a great health care system. Maybe she could bring those ideas to the table.

As far as being a threat to Trump:
She's good looking and has a great body. He can't insult her in that regard.
In fact, insulting her could well backfire. hrc and the boys were fair game.

If she does not suck up to hrc looking for an endorsement she goes way, way up in my estimation.

Good synopsis.

Also, Gabbard isn’t afflicted with TDS and she’s not a Russia-phobe which makes her an outlier [if not an outright traitor lol] with today’s democrats. But she checks all the diversity boxes and she’s an excellent speaker, so she may actually make a good run at it.
Good synopsis.

Also, Gabbard isn’t afflicted with TDS and she’s not a Russia-phobe which makes her an outlier [if not an outright traitor lol] with today’s democrats. But she checks all the diversity boxes and she’s an excellent speaker, so she may actually make a good run at it.
She'd get a lot of crossover votes from those with Trump fatigue. But dims are too stupid as a group to recognize that and they'll nominate one of, if not the worst possible of the choices like last time.
Gabbard has no chance to get nominated, IMO.
She'd get a lot of crossover votes from those with Trump fatigue. But dims are too stupid as a group to recognize that and they'll nominate one of, if not the worst possible of the choices like last time.
Gabbard has no chance to get nominated, IMO.

I hope you’re right lol.
Not Biden, not Elizabeth Warren lol, or the Lilly White Male/Irish wannabe Hispanic Beto.

Tulsi Gabbard announced she’s running in 2020. There are things even I like about Gabbard; namely, she wants out of stupid wars. I see her as a legitimate threat to Trump.

What could get interesting is Gabbard would upset the Forever War apple cart so she may have issues with the Democrat side of the political establishment.

Trump won't be above ground on election day
It will be a "check the diversity box" candidate. which rules out Biden.

Gotta be a black woman -white guys are shunned. Harris is my guess so far.
The worst problem for Trump is Trump. He has so many crimes going on that he cannot escape getting nailed. He is a hustler who got in over his head. The corruption is getting out now and it looks bad for daffy.