Trump has a serious democrat contender, finally

Russia will finally have two candidates in the race instead of just one!
so on top off all your other Leninist proclivities -now you've developed a bad case of Russiaphobia as well?

Yet you still find the Little Red Book worth reading?? China is the hegemonic power -not Russia
so on top off all your other Leninist proclivities -now you've developed a bad case of Russiaphobia as well?

Yet you still find the Little Red Book worth reading?? China is the hegemonic power -not Russia

Progressives have never forgiven the Russians for the collapse of the Soviet Empire lol.

Not sure why I think that’s funny.
so on top off all your other Leninist proclivities -now you've developed a bad case of Russiaphobia as well?

Yet you still find the Little Red Book worth reading?? China is the hegemonic power -not Russia
There can be only one!

Of course Russia is hegemonic, fool.
Not Biden, not Elizabeth Warren lol, or the Lilly White Male/Irish wannabe Hispanic Beto.

Tulsi Gabbard announced she’s running in 2020. There are things even I like about Gabbard; namely, she wants out of stupid wars. I see her as a legitimate threat to Trump.

What could get interesting is Gabbard would upset the Forever War apple cart so she may have issues with the Democrat side of the political establishment.

According to FEMOCRATS, her major qualification is (allegedly) having a vagina, isn't it?
Gabbard has no chance to get nominated, IMO.
I hope you’re right lol.
It's already started.

Palmer Report

· Jan 11, 2019
Tulsi Gabbard is where I draw the line. She’s a right wing lunatic, she supports Assad, she’s a Trump pal, she tried to sabotage the DNC from within in 2016, and Russia Today loves her. She’s the one Democrat I will oppose in 2020. She’s not a real Democrat, she’s Steve Bannon.

Palmer Report

My support for every other Democratic 2020 candidate still stands. But Tulsi Gabbard? Hell no. She should have been banned from the party a long time ago. Fucking monster. She’ll use her campaign to try to destroy the Democratic Party during the primary. I won’t allow it.

4:48 PM - Jan 11, 2019
Is gabbard sympathic to russia?
she's mostly a non-interventionist..but this:
Gabbard has been opposed to foreign military intervention and even appeared on Fox News to critique the Obama administration’s approach to foreign policy and praise Russian leader Vladimir Putin. “Al-Qaeda attacked us on 9/11 and must be defeated,” she tweeted at the time. “Obama won’t bomb them in Syria. Putin did. #neverforget911”

In 2017, she also took some heat for for meeting with Syrian dictator Bashar Assad, and one Washington Post columnist called her “Assad’s mouthpiece in Washington.”
In the wake of her announcement, some on Twitter pointed out Gabbard’s conservative positions on social issues from when she first entered politics in her early 20s. CNN’s Andrew Kaczynski shared a 2004 quote from Gabbard where she called LGBTQ activists pushing for gay marriage “homosexual extremists.” Gabbard also used to be pro-life, but her congressional voting record has earned her a 100 percent rating from pro-choice organization Planned Parenthood.
Progressives have never forgiven the Russians for the collapse of the Soviet Empire lol.

Not sure why I think that’s funny.
Obama actually tried ( half heartedly) to improve relations - but Crimea annexation sunk that
and Obama wound up calling Russia troops in Syria a "quagmire" -which clearly it's not.

I won't even go into our meddling of the Euromaidan
She might be the alt-left.

What she is, is an honest, intellectually consistent progressive that refuses to virtue signal over Russia; won’t mindlessly oppose Trump and hasn’t snuggled up to Bill Kristol and the neocons.

I respect her for that. She’s also kinda hot, which doesn’t hurt anything.