trump "intellectual capacity" questioned

Expenses aren't investments.

Logic Failure: You are confusing the entire class with individual members fo the class.
and humanity isn't a corporation.

individuals don't exist to serve "corporations" .

corporations are a front for the bloated power of a select few individuals.

individuals are an end in themselves, each one of them beloved by God.
and humanity isn't a corporation.

individuals don't exist to serve "corporations" .

corporations are a front for the bloated power of a select few individuals.

individuals are an end in themselves, each one of them beloved by God.
It sounds like you have a problem with legal entities. Is there any reason for this?
It sounds like you have a problem with legal entities. Is there any reason for this?

often times these legal entities carry the force of law behind them and are in fact strong enough to deny ones rights and corrupt one's government and do so on a regular basis.

is too big to fail a free market policy, Mr. free trade?

a too big too fail policy comes with a too small too succeed reality for the other individuals. the real individuals.

this is the horror of fascism, it's also collectivist and totalitarian. its just has a corporate seal instead of a state seal. and is even more brazenly self serving.
After comparing interviews

It seems both he and Joe Biden recently did extended interviews with Time Magazine, and the questions asked of the two were posed in markedly different ways.

"Something striking: the substance of Trump and Biden's answers is, of course, quite distinct but, even more than that, one can tell the interviewer has more confidence in the intellectual capacity of one man over the other," she wrote.

They then pointed out to an instance in which the interviewer asked both men about their positions on defending Taiwan.

"I want to get your thoughts on China," Time asked Trump. "Do you think the U.S. should defend Taiwan if China invades?"

When it came time to ask Biden the same question, however, the interviewer asked a much more detailed question.

"CIA Director Bill Burns says the President Xi Jinping of China has ordered the Chinese military to be ready by 2027 to conduct a successful invasion of Taiwan," Time asked Biden. "You said on multiple occasions that you would use U.S. forces to defend Taiwan. What does that mean? Is it boots on the ground? What shape would that take?"

In analyzing this, Jacobs said that it indicated that Time interviewers believed they needed to dumb down questions to get a cogent response from Trump.

It's pretty obvious when you look at them side by side.

Link to the article at the top. and here are the original tweets

Okay, here we go with the Deep Shitstain State bullshit.