trump "intellectual capacity" questioned

Once again, leftists are as stupid and gullible as humans get. COVID didn't kill anyone. You simply fell for the disinformation without asking nary a question.

There are easy ways you could have verified this. I offer to do it with you, but you'll erupt into a death-struggle of LAME excuses to EVADE.

Nope. You are the scientifically illterate gullible in this equation. You regurgitate the stupid assertions of your thought-masters and dive into deep denial whenever anyone tries to drag you into the light.

We have you on record as asserting that COVID killed hundreds of thousands (I know that you wanted to write "millions" but you're starting to get warning flags that your bogus COVID faith is about to be put into jeopardy if you keep your eyes open). Were you going to support your assertion? I'm itching to mock you for another week.

They were well vested in spreading the disinformation. They knew they could count on you to be fooled.

Nope. They knew nobody would voluntarily attend a Biden rally, and they needed an excuse that would seem plausible to their gullibles. The DNC's top dog whistle will probably always be "RACIST!" but during that time "COVID!" was a close second.

There was no pandemic. It was a hoax designed for gullibles.
Holy shit! really are insane. Not just a conspiracy theorist, but Alex-Jones level of insane!

First, I said hundreds of thousands because I was going from memory and couldn't remember if a million died during any rolling one year period.

Now, let me guess...... In order to fool Americans into believing there was a pandemic, so they could steal the election, Dems got THE ENTIRE WORLD to play along in the scam, right? Countries around the globe were faking death numbers, faking hospitalizations, locking down citizens and destroying their economies just to help Dems? help, man. Seek professional help.
often times these legal entities carry the force of law behind them
Being legal entities, they always have the force of law behind them.

and are in fact strong enough to deny ones rights and corrupt one's government and do so on a regular basis.
A legal entity does not get to break the law. You are attributing the problems associated with a two-tier justice system to legal entities.


Women are in fact strong enough to deny ones rights and corrupt one's government and do so on a regular basis.
Homosexuals are in fact strong enough to deny ones rights and corrupt one's government and do so on a regular basis.

Jews are in fact strong enough to deny ones rights and corrupt one's government and do so on a regular basis.

Park Rangers are in fact strong enough to deny ones rights and corrupt one's government and do so on a regular basis.

is too big to fail a free market policy, Mr. free trade?
You are attributing the problems of government interference in an otherwise free market to legal entities.

Obviously the government should not be determining outcomes. The fee market should be determining outcomes.

a too big too fail policy comes with a too small too succeed reality for the other individuals. the real individuals.

this is the horror of fascism, it's also collectivist and totalitarian. its just has a corporate seal instead of a state seal. and is even more brazenly self serving.
Being legal entities, they always have the force of law behind them.

A legal entity does not get to break the law. You are attributing the problems associated with a two-tier justice system to legal entities.


Women are in fact strong enough to deny ones rights and corrupt one's government and do so on a regular basis.
Homosexuals are in fact strong enough to deny ones rights and corrupt one's government and do so on a regular basis.

Jews are in fact strong enough to deny ones rights and corrupt one's government and do so on a regular basis.

Park Rangers are in fact strong enough to deny ones rights and corrupt one's government and do so on a regular basis.

You are attributing the problems of government interference in an otherwise free market to legal entities.

Obviously the government should not be determining outcomes. The fee market should be determining outcomes.
no im not.

the problem is the abuse of the legal intention of the corporation in the first place, by bad actors.

from their very inception corporations were given legal benefits because their purpose was supposed to help all of society.

now it's seems trendy to believe corporations can abuse you because "hey, they're corporations and morally and entrepreneurs are winners and you're a loser and deserve to be a slave".

yeah fucko, the banker bailouts prove all your free market and merit talk is bullshit.

go find a dumber population corporatist parasite dicksmoker.

and you're statements that are supposed to prove some formal flaw of mine are ineffective.

some statements are true, some are false. there is no formal flaw in my argument.
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Holy shit! really are insane. Not just a conspiracy theorist, but Alex-Jones level of insane!
You are a leftist. Insults are all you have whenever you are faced with your extreme gullibility.

First, I said hundreds of thousands because I was going from memory and couldn't remember if a million died during any rolling one year period.
Of course millions of people die every year. Leftists simply fell for the disinformation that they all died of COVID! instead of having died from whatever actually killed them. Leftists never perform even a modicum of independent research, simply believing whatever ludicrous idea they are told to regurgitate.

Trump held rallies across the US, packed with people not wearing facemasks. None of them died. Next to none even got COVID! Apparently COVID! only affects stupid, gullible leftists.


Now, let me guess...... In order to fool Americans
Hold on, order to fool stupid, gullible leftists ...

into believing there was a pandemic, so they could steal the election, Dems got THE ENTIRE WORLD to play along in the scam, right?
Yes. practically every goverment seized the opportunity for a power grab. All anyone had to do was to gauge the extent to which the population was leftist to estimate just how far each government would feel emboldened to take it. Leftists are inclined to readily bend over furniture to be reamed by any, and every, tyrant that comes along.

Conservatives, however don't play that, and aren't so willing to just drop their pants and bend over every time so ordered by whoever happens to be passing by.

I remember the initial images coming out of CHINA and I knew right away that we were going to be treated like the sheep in CHINA. I knew that all the stupid, gullible sheep, such as you, would OBEDIENTLY play along, getting in line to wait for your turn to bend over.

Countries around the globe were faking death numbers
Yep, absolutely. They were counting on people like you to just believe whatever you are told to believe. They know that if they tell you that Global Warming's acceleration is worse than previously feared, that you will rush to regurgitate that all throughout the internet while denying all rationality to the contrary, especially science and math.

Governments and political leaders can get you to believe anything and can manipulate you like putty, so why would they ever tell you the truth about anything? help, man. Seek professional help.
You are still your own problem. You know this every time insults are all you have.
Governments and political leaders can get you to believe anything and can manipulate you like putty, so why would they ever tell you the truth about anything?

You are still your own problem. You know this every time insults are all you have.

and don't forget corporations. they will lie right to your face and inject you with poison and have no problem strong arrming government and politicians to make you take it.

most of the big pharmas are spun off from IG Farben the nazi cartel.

I only mention it because I have a personal vendetta against nouns. <-- clown world mockery of you.
You are a leftist. Insults are all you have whenever you are faced with your extreme gullibility.

Of course millions of people die every year. Leftists simply fell for the disinformation that they all died of COVID! instead of having died from whatever actually killed them. Leftists never perform even a modicum of independent research, simply believing whatever ludicrous idea they are told to regurgitate.

Trump held rallies across the US, packed with people not wearing facemasks. None of them died. Next to none even got COVID! Apparently COVID! only affects stupid, gullible leftists.


Hold on, order to fool stupid, gullible leftists ...

Yes. practically every goverment seized the opportunity for a power grab. All anyone had to do was to gauge the extent to which the population was leftist to estimate just how far each government would feel emboldened to take it. Leftists are inclined to readily bend over furniture to be reamed by any, and every, tyrant that comes along.

Conservatives, however don't play that, and aren't so willing to just drop their pants and bend over every time so ordered by whoever happens to be passing by.

I remember the initial images coming out of CHINA and I knew right away that we were going to be treated like the sheep in CHINA. I knew that all the stupid, gullible sheep, such as you, would OBEDIENTLY play along, getting in line to wait for your turn to bend over.

Yep, absolutely. They were counting on people like you to just believe whatever you are told to believe. They know that if they tell you that Global Warming's acceleration is worse than previously feared, that you will rush to regurgitate that all throughout the internet while denying all rationality to the contrary, especially science and math.

Governments and political leaders can get you to believe anything and can manipulate you like putty, so why would they ever tell you the truth about anything?

You are still your own problem. You know this every time insults are all you have.
Wow......just wow. Next level crazy.
Back to Trump. He has the lowest vocabulary of any president. They are being generous calling it 5th grade level. He uses the same modifiers over and over.
People who care about language are given the creeps by his repetition and hyperbole. To make it easy to understand, Trump is a very dumb man.
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and don't forget corporations. they will lie right to your face and inject you with poison and have no problem strong arrming government and politicians to make you take it.
and don't forget people, they will lie right to your face and inject you with poison and have no problem strong arrming government and politicians to make you take it.

most of the big pharmas are spun off from IG Farben the nazi cartel.
most of the trust-fund babies are spun off from Big Oil and real estate billionaires.
I love how easy it is to get you to make my point for me, and to make it so much better than I could ever do on my own.
You see it as an insult. I see it as an adjective. I'm all for being skeptical, but there's a big difference between being skeptical and going all Mel Gibson in Conspiracy Theory. Your claims of a grand conspiracy among multiple states governments, involving people from the lowest to highest positions, Republican and Democrat, to steal an election was absolute nutter butter stuff. Now, you're 100% off the rails. Now, it's not just a few states conspiring, it's the ENTIRE FUCKING WORLD conspiring to fake a pandemic. And the incredible thing, and why I believe you're legit off your rocker, is that you are so matter of fact. It's like, yep, that's what happened.....

Just wow....
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I'm all for being skeptical,
Not at all. You are for being totally OBEDIENT while exuding an artificial appearance of initially questioning what you are being ordered to believe. You give yourself away when you draw the line at someone arriving at a differing conclusion or reaching a differing point of view. At that point, you
pull the No True Scotsman fallacy and declare that someone is being "too" skeptical.

You are never skeptical of what you are told to believe. In fact, once you are ordered to believe something, you shut out all rationality that reveals just how stupid, undereducated and gullible you are ... and you become relegated to only hurling insults and chanting what you have been ordered to believe.

but there's a big difference between being skeptical and going all Mel Gibson in Conspiracy Theory.
Once again you proudly display your absurd insistence that humans somehow never conspire. Here you show that anyone who arrives at a different conclusion from what you have been ordered to believe is to be considered batshit crazy, and that anyone applying critical reasoning and independent thinking surely has mental problems.

Hence you continue regurgitating the stupid crap you have been ordered to believe and hurling petty insults at those who apply science, math, logic and economics in their thought processes and discussions.

Your claims of a grand conspiracy among multiple states governments,
My claim is of many smaller, local conspiracies. Power grabs. Opportunists. I acknowledge human nature.

Yes, I do claim that the DNC conspires on a daily basis.

Show that I'm mistaken ... or tip your king and hurl an insult.

so steal an election was absolute nutter butter stuff.
What does this mean? Please elaborate in English.

Now, you're 100% off the rails.
You still haven't refuted anything I have posted. In fact, to date, you haven't ever refuted anything I have ever posted. You have, however, repeatedly demonstrated your humiliation for having simply regurgitated everything you have been ordered to believe without question.

Now, it's not just a few states conspiring, it's the ENTIRE FUCKING WORLD conspiring to fake a pandemic.
Marxism is based on the denial of human nature. Ask me how I know that you are a Marxist.

Marxism demands absolute, unquestioning OBEDIENCE, referred to affectionately as "solidarity." Ask me how I know you are a Marxist.

Global Warming is based on really stupid rookie physics violations. Ask me how I know you are scientifically illiterate. Ask me how I know you are extremely gullible.

And the incredible thing, and why I believe you're legit off your rocker, is that you are so matter of fact.
Everybody who applies critical reasoning while employing science, math, logic and economics will be completely "matter of fact." People who reject critical reasoning and rational bases are readily identified by their pretense of being professional psychologists rendering troubling prognoses.

Where did you study psychology, by the way?
Not at all. You are for being totally OBEDIENT while exuding an artificial appearance of initially questioning what you are being ordered to believe. You give yourself away when you draw the line at someone arriving at a differing conclusion or reaching a differing point of view. At that point, you
pull the No True Scotsman fallacy and declare that someone is being "too" skeptical.

You are never skeptical of what you are told to believe. In fact, once you are ordered to believe something, you shut out all rationality that reveals just how stupid, undereducated and gullible you are ... and you become relegated to only hurling insults and chanting what you have been ordered to believe.

Once again you proudly display your absurd insistence that humans somehow never conspire. Here you show that anyone who arrives at a different conclusion from what you have been ordered to believe is to be considered batshit crazy, and that anyone applying critical reasoning and independent thinking surely has mental problems.

Hence you continue regurgitating the stupid crap you have been ordered to believe and hurling petty insults at those who apply science, math, logic and economics in their thought processes and discussions.

My claim is of many smaller, local conspiracies. Power grabs. Opportunists. I acknowledge human nature.

Yes, I do claim that the DNC conspires on a daily basis.

Show that I'm mistaken ... or tip your king and hurl an insult.

What does this mean? Please elaborate in English.

You still haven't refuted anything I have posted. In fact, to date, you haven't ever refuted anything I have ever posted. You have, however, repeatedly demonstrated your humiliation for having simply regurgitated everything you have been ordered to believe without question.

Marxism is based on the denial of human nature. Ask me how I know that you are a Marxist.

Marxism demands absolute, unquestioning OBEDIENCE, referred to affectionately as "solidarity." Ask me how I know you are a Marxist.

Global Warming is based on really stupid rookie physics violations. Ask me how I know you are scientifically illiterate. Ask me how I know you are extremely gullible.

Everybody who applies critical reasoning while employing science, math, logic and economics will be completely "matter of fact." People who reject critical reasoning and rational bases are readily identified by their pretense of being professional psychologists rendering troubling prognoses.

Where did you study psychology, by the way?
"You still haven't refuted anything I have posted."

As I've said repeatedly, there is no refuting the beliefs of a hyper-conspiratorial mind. When you have a mind that operates the way yours does, meaning it can so easily come to believe, with the ultimate confidence, something as crazy as the existence of worldwide conspiracy,there is no refuting or reasoning. You've already labeled me as a Leftist/Marxist so, in your mind, I'm already apart of the worldwide conspiracy. Even if you didn't view me as a leftist / Marxist, your brain operates in such a way that you will be able to easily write off anything that I or anyone else would offer with the next step down the rabbit hole of your mind.

"Everybody who applies critical reasoning ....."

Right, you think YOU are the one applying critical reasoning to come to the conclusion that the ENTIRE WORLD faked a pandemic.

You are Alex Jones. You're Mel Gibson in Conspiracy Theory. You're the guy from A Beautiful Mind.

There's a 99.99999% chance that you're mind will somehow view my insistence on your "crazy" as confirmation that you are right.
no im not.

the problem is the abuse of the legal intention of the corporation in the first place, by bad actors.

from their very inception corporations were given legal benefits because their purpose was supposed to help all of society.

now it's seems trendy to believe corporations can abuse you because "hey, they're corporations and morally and entrepreneurs are winners and you're a loser and deserve to be a slave".

yeah fucko, the banker bailouts prove all your free market and merit talk is bullshit.

go find a dumber population corporatist parasite dicksmoker.

and you're statements that are supposed to prove some formal flaw of mine are ineffective.

some statements are true, some are false. there is no formal flaw in my argument.
From the beginning? The founders chartered corporations because they knew what the rich and powerful would do. If they committed acts against the public welfare, their charters could be revoked.
They were not given personhood. That came through Supreme Court subterfuge in the Santa Clara decision.
From the beginning? The founders chartered corporations because they knew what the rich and powerful would do. If they committed acts against the public welfare, their charters could be revoked.
They were not given personhood. That came through Supreme Court subterfuge in the Santa Clara decision.
and now ....

now that never happens and politicians just get part of the take.

corruption and fascism.

As I've said repeatedly, there is no refuting the beliefs of a hyper-conspiratorial mind.
As you have made abundantly clear, the only way you can find relief from your internal conflict from denying science, math, logic and human nature is to declare all rationality as "hyper-conspiratorial" and to hurl personal insults.

Right, you think YOU are the one applying critical reasoning to come to the conclusion that the ENTIRE WORLD faked a pandemic.
The pandemic wasn't so much "faked" as it was gullibly "believed." No one had to fake anything; you were simply ordered to believe it. Simple. Easy. Straightforward.

You deny my critical reasoning outright because you cannot refute any of it.

You are Alex Jones.
Nope. Keep guessing. You only have billions more to try.

You're Mel Gibson in Conspiracy Theory. You're the guy from A Beautiful Mind.
Too funny. Your insults pretend to be professional psychiatric diagnoses made by you (of all people) without any sort of in-person psychiatric interview.

Where did you study psychology? This is the second time I'm asking.
As you have made abundantly clear, the only way you can find relief from your internal conflict from denying science, math, logic and human nature is to declare all rationality as "hyper-conspiratorial" and to hurl personal insults.
There's no science, that I can think of, in the claims of a stolen election, unless you're referring to Cyber Ninjas foolishly looking for bamboo fibers in ballots and analyzing orange finger prints to determine it's Cheeto dust.

Math? Well, the total number of votes cast didn't exceed the total registered voters in a single town, city, state, county or in the country as a whole.

Logic? Well, conspiracy theorists definitely believe they are logical. They believe they have it ALL figured out; they've connected the dots that the masses have missed. "Jet fuel doesn't burn hot enough to melt steal beams and collapse the world trade center!"

Human nature? There's a difference between knowing that people CAN lie and CAN conspire and what the conspiracy theorists do.

The pandemic wasn't so much "faked" as it was gullibly "believed." No one had to fake anything; you were simply ordered to believe it. Simple. Easy. Straightforward.

Right. People who are gullible believe things that aren't true so, the pandemic wasn't real. The world (including every doctor in every hospital in every city in every country in the world, that saw a death from covid or a positive COVID test) conspired. That's your "logic", right?
You deny my critical reasoning outright because you cannot refute any of it.
There's no refuting the beliefs of conspiracy theorists. I've said that over and over. Don't believe me? If you had a few hours with Alex Jones, tell me how you would go about refuting his claims about Sandy Hook. How would you refute his beliefs that the parents were crisis actors and all the blood was fake? I'm assuming, very possibly incorrectly, that you believe Sandy Hook actually happened.
Nope. Keep guessing. You only have billions more to try.

Too funny. Your insults pretend to be professional psychiatric diagnoses made by you (of all people) without any sort of in-person psychiatric interview.

Where did you study psychology? This is the second time I'm asking.

I'm not claiming to be a trained psychologist. I'm telling you that the things you say and the way your mind works very much aligns with Alex Jones and characters in movies.
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... unless you're referring to Cyber Ninjas foolishly looking for bamboo fibers in ballots
You created this red herring pivot, so tell me to what you are referring.

Math? Well, the total number of votes cast didn't exceed the total registered voters
The total number of votes cast exceeded the number of people who voted. That's what matters. You know this. We have discussed this previously, but you slinked back to your total dishonesty because you thought I wouldn't catch it.

Logic? Well, conspiracy theorists definitely believe they are logical.
You just pivoted to that set of people you HATE, those who acknowledge that humans conspire, to insinuate that they are somehow not logical (without ever supporting your assertion). Now, let's go back to the topic and avoid these silly irrelevant tangent shifts.

they've connected the dots that the masses have missed.
Nope. They merely state what delusional leftists must deny. Not "the masses," just stupid, gullible leftists.

There's a difference between knowing that people CAN lie and CAN conspire and what the conspiracy theorists do.
Not by anything you have argued and supported.

The world (including every doctor in every hospital in every city in every country in the world, that saw a death from covid or a positive COVID test) conspired.
You don't speak for any doctor.

Doctors whose patients died witnessed hospital management modify the "cause of death" to "COVID" so as to get more emergency funding. The US government wanted really high COVID! numbers and was willing to pay hospitals for them. Medical examiners were simply instructed to tack "COVID-19" onto death certificates along with the actual "cause of death" just to get COVID! included in the cause of death and to jack up the numbers.

It would appear that you aren't aware of any of this. It would appear that you really do believe that all the heart attack deaths that were reported as COVID deaths were really COVID deaths.

You have never verified any COVID! death from the death certificate. Ask me how I know.

You are amazingly gullible. Ask me how I know.

That's your "logic", right? There's no refuting the beliefs of conspiracy theorists.
That's right. I know that humans conspire. You can't refute my logic because you know that humans conspire. Right about now would be a good time for you to assert that I'm insane before tipping your king again.

I'm not claiming to be a trained psychologist.
How do you explain your diagnoses of mental diseases?