trump "intellectual capacity" questioned

sweet....a new test for testing the competency of interviewers.........this one must have had "penis in the ear" syndrom......
Dear fucking idiot

The article is talking about several different interviewers

You have trumps ballsack caught in your throat AGAIN.
It’s somehow cutting of the oxygen to your brain

Fuck your very much
A ton of avoidance
... on your part. You depend on me for information and you depend on your thought-masters for your beliefs. You can't be bothered to perform any of your own cognitive work.

and pretending not to understand a basic concept like "conspiracy theory".
You've had plenty of opportunity to provide your definition and I have sufficiently requested.

You never had any idea what you were gibbering. You hurled the empty buzzwords as ordered under the assumption that their mere mention automatically hands you a victory.
[bandwidth-wasting pivot to Alex Jones deleted]
I'm not being distracted. You don't know what to say at this point. You are completely incapable of providing even a shred of support for your arguments. You have only insults and pivots.

Let me know when you have a point you'll actually support.
Another leftist waste of bandwidth...

Dear fucking idiot

The article is talking about several different interviewers

You have trumps ballsack caught in your throat AGAIN.
It’s somehow cutting of the oxygen to your brain

Fuck your very much
Unsupervised drop boxes doesn't mean there was mass voter fraud.
You are correct that the election fraud was, in no way, confined to unsupervised drop boxes. The bulk of the fraud occurred as a result of individual ballots, mostly counterfeit ones, being run through machines multiple times.

There still isn't evidence of any amount of ballot harvesting that would change anything.
Whatever you don't mean by this empty buzzword that you will never explain. There is no evidence of any ballot blending either, or of any widespread voter exfoliation. No evidence whatsoever.

Shouldn't you be pivoting to Alex Jones about now?
Read the article you fucking Russian bot hole

They are not talking about just one person

You get violent for these LIES after trump loses the election and you will die
Rightys always make the assumption that dead people voting are pro-Dem. The fact is almost all the people who vote using dead spouses' ballots are Repubs. Last election, they caught a few ballots like that from the Villages in Florida. They were Trump votes.
... on your part. You depend on me for information and you depend on your thought-masters for your beliefs. You can't be bothered to perform any of your own cognitive work.

You've had plenty of opportunity to provide your definition and I have sufficiently requested.

You never had any idea what you were gibbering. You hurled the empty buzzwords as ordered under the assumption that their mere mention automatically hands you a victory.

I'm not being distracted. You don't know what to say at this point. You are completely incapable of providing even a shred of support for your arguments. You have only insults and pivots.

Let me know when you have a point you'll actually support.
More avoidance, especially the Alex Jones scenario because you know there is no convincing a conspiracy theorist.
More avoidance, especially the Alex Jones scenario because you know there is no convincing a conspiracy theorist.
There is no convincing people who acknowledge that humans conspire that humans never conspire.

People who deny that people conspire need to pivot to "Alex Jones!" in order to buy time.
You are correct that the election fraud was, in no way, confined to unsupervised drop boxes. The bulk of the fraud occurred as a result of individual ballots, mostly counterfeit ones, being run through machines multiple times.
There has been no meaningful illegal use of drop boxes found. There has been no meaningful amount of voter fraud.There have been no counterfeit ballots found. Zero.
Whatever you don't mean by this empty buzzword that you will never explain. There is no evidence of any ballot blending either, or of any widespread voter exfoliation. No evidence whatsoever.

Shouldn't you be pivoting to Alex Jones about now?
There isn't a chance in hell you ever touchy Alex Jones question, because you know that there would be no reasoning with someone like him (inclined toward the rabbit hole), just as there is no reason with someone like you - rabbit hole.
"The total number of votes cast exceeded the number of people who voted."

Prove it. Which cities and by how many?

"That's right. I know that humans conspire. You can't refute my logic because you know that humans conspire"

You're playing dumb. You know what I mean by conspiracy theorist and It's not someone who believes humans conspire. Everyone knows they do.

Waiting on a response on this:

There's no refuting the beliefs of conspiracy theorists. I've said that over and over. Don't believe me? If you had a few hours with Alex Jones, tell me how you would go about refuting his claims about Sandy Hook. How would you refute his beliefs that the parents were crisis actors and all the blood was fake?

these are conspiracy facts.
There has been no meaningful illegal use of drop boxes found. There has been no meaningful amount of voter fraud.There have been no counterfeit ballots found. Zero. There isn't a chance in hell you ever touchy Alex Jones question, because you know that there would be no reasoning with someone like him (inclined toward the rabbit hole), just as there is no reason with someone like you - rabbit hole.
meaningful. <--- weasel words.
You're pretending, once again, to speak for everyone.
I'm not speaking for someone. I'm stating what is true. True the Vote tried to prove it and failed bigley.
The election was stolen. There was complete election fraud.
Right. So when should we expect the details to come out?
There was at least one truck load that was witnessed and forthwith attested.
Thanks for the input, Alex.
The Intel agencies had to dumb down their briefings for Trump. The whole admin had to talk like they were talking to a 5th grader.
Trump's own chief of staff said Trump has the mentality of a third grader.

Trump seems to only know about 300 English words.

The average vocabulary of a college graduate is around 15,000 words, and Shakespear's vocabulary seems to have been around 23,000 words.