Trump is polling at a record low among active-duty military personnel


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President Donald Trump’s support among active-duty troops has sunken to the lowest level of his presidency, according to a new Military Times poll.

“Half of active-duty military personnel contacted in the poll held an unfavorable view of President Trump, showing a continued decline in his approval rating since he was elected in 2016,” the publication reported. “Trump’s 42 percent approval in the latest poll, conducted from Oct. 23 to Dec. 2, sets his lowest mark in the survey since being elected president. Some 50 percent of troops said they had an unfavorable view of him.”

Only 41.6% of troops have a favorable impression, while 49.9% have an unfavorable view of Trump.

“When asked specifically about Trump’s handling of military issues, nearly 48 percent of the troops surveyed said they had an unfavorable view of that part of his job, compared to 44 percent who believe he has handled that task well. That marks a significant drop from the 2018 Military Times poll, when 59 percent said they were happy with his handling of military issues, against 20 percent who had an unfavorable view,” the Military Times reported

The survey also showed gender and racial gaps seen in other polls.

“Military men appear to be more supportive of Trump compared to military women. Among men, the survey shows a 43 percent favorable view, while among women service members, 53 percent of women expressed a ‘very unfavorable’ rating of Trump and 56 percent responded negatively,” the publication reported. “The survey also shows a gap among white and non-white service members. Among whites, 46 percent of troops had a favorable view of the president, versus 45 percent with an unfavorable view. Yet among non-white service members nearly two-thirds responded with a negative view of him.
President Donald Trump’s support among active-duty troops has sunken to the lowest level of his presidency, according to a new Military Times poll.

“Half of active-duty military personnel contacted in the poll held an unfavorable view of President Trump, showing a continued decline in his approval rating since he was elected in 2016,” the publication reported. “Trump’s 42 percent approval in the latest poll, conducted from Oct. 23 to Dec. 2, sets his lowest mark in the survey since being elected president. Some 50 percent of troops said they had an unfavorable view of him.”

Only 41.6% of troops have a favorable impression, while 49.9% have an unfavorable view of Trump.

“When asked specifically about Trump’s handling of military issues, nearly 48 percent of the troops surveyed said they had an unfavorable view of that part of his job, compared to 44 percent who believe he has handled that task well. That marks a significant drop from the 2018 Military Times poll, when 59 percent said they were happy with his handling of military issues, against 20 percent who had an unfavorable view,” the Military Times reported

The survey also showed gender and racial gaps seen in other polls.

“Military men appear to be more supportive of Trump compared to military women. Among men, the survey shows a 43 percent favorable view, while among women service members, 53 percent of women expressed a ‘very unfavorable’ rating of Trump and 56 percent responded negatively,” the publication reported. “The survey also shows a gap among white and non-white service members. Among whites, 46 percent of troops had a favorable view of the president, versus 45 percent with an unfavorable view. Yet among non-white service members nearly two-thirds responded with a negative view of him.

LINK SFB. :rolleyes:
President Donald Trump’s support among active-duty troops has sunken to the lowest level of his presidency, according to a new Military Times poll.

“Half of active-duty military personnel contacted in the poll held an unfavorable view of President Trump, showing a continued decline in his approval rating since he was elected in 2016,” the publication reported. “Trump’s 42 percent approval in the latest poll, conducted from Oct. 23 to Dec. 2, sets his lowest mark in the survey since being elected president. Some 50 percent of troops said they had an unfavorable view of him.”

Only 41.6% of troops have a favorable impression, while 49.9% have an unfavorable view of Trump.

“When asked specifically about Trump’s handling of military issues, nearly 48 percent of the troops surveyed said they had an unfavorable view of that part of his job, compared to 44 percent who believe he has handled that task well. That marks a significant drop from the 2018 Military Times poll, when 59 percent said they were happy with his handling of military issues, against 20 percent who had an unfavorable view,” the Military Times reported

The survey also showed gender and racial gaps seen in other polls.

“Military men appear to be more supportive of Trump compared to military women. Among men, the survey shows a 43 percent favorable view, while among women service members, 53 percent of women expressed a ‘very unfavorable’ rating of Trump and 56 percent responded negatively,” the publication reported. “The survey also shows a gap among white and non-white service members. Among whites, 46 percent of troops had a favorable view of the president, versus 45 percent with an unfavorable view. Yet among non-white service members nearly two-thirds responded with a negative view of him.

Rawstory. LMAO!!!!!!!!!! From the real poll: "But the latest numbers still leave Trump with a higher approval rating than former President Barack Obama when he left office in January 2017."

You may go now.
Rawstory. LMAO!!!!!!!!!! From the real poll: "But the latest numbers still leave Trump with a higher approval rating than former President Barack Obama when he left office in January 2017."

You may go now.

His numbers among military personnel are at their lowest level, ever. Thats something to be proud of, my dear.
His numbers among military personnel are at their lowest level, ever. Thats something to be proud of, my dear.

And still higher than Obama's. You failed again. Oh, and by the way: "The poll surveyed 1,630 active-duty Military Times subscribers in partnership with the Institute for Veterans and Military Families (IVMF) at Syracuse University. The numbers likely reflect a more career-minded subset of the military than the force as a whole"

See if you can figure that out.
But the latest numbers still leave Trump with a higher approval rating than former President Barack Obama when he left office in January 2017.

The numbers also show that Trump remains slightly more popular in the military community than among the American public as a whole.


You hang on to that hand job. He has failed with the military just as he has with all Americans.
President Donald Trump’s support among active-duty troops has sunken to the lowest level of his presidency, according to a new Military Times poll.

“Half of active-duty military personnel contacted in the poll held an unfavorable view of President Trump, showing a continued decline in his approval rating since he was elected in 2016,” the publication reported. “Trump’s 42 percent approval in the latest poll, conducted from Oct. 23 to Dec. 2, sets his lowest mark in the survey since being elected president. Some 50 percent of troops said they had an unfavorable view of him.”

Only 41.6% of troops have a favorable impression, while 49.9% have an unfavorable view of Trump.

“When asked specifically about Trump’s handling of military issues, nearly 48 percent of the troops surveyed said they had an unfavorable view of that part of his job, compared to 44 percent who believe he has handled that task well. That marks a significant drop from the 2018 Military Times poll, when 59 percent said they were happy with his handling of military issues, against 20 percent who had an unfavorable view,” the Military Times reported

The survey also showed gender and racial gaps seen in other polls.

“Military men appear to be more supportive of Trump compared to military women. Among men, the survey shows a 43 percent favorable view, while among women service members, 53 percent of women expressed a ‘very unfavorable’ rating of Trump and 56 percent responded negatively,” the publication reported. “The survey also shows a gap among white and non-white service members. Among whites, 46 percent of troops had a favorable view of the president, versus 45 percent with an unfavorable view. Yet among non-white service members nearly two-thirds responded with a negative view of him.

As long as they commit war crimes he will treat them well. Just pose with a corpse.
And still higher than Obama's. You failed again. Oh, and by the way: "The poll surveyed 1,630 active-duty Military Times subscribers in partnership with the Institute for Veterans and Military Families (IVMF) at Syracuse University. The numbers likely reflect a more career-minded subset of the military than the force as a whole"

See if you can figure that out.

More bull shit, tell us again about the tumultuous cheers at the football game
You hang on to that hand job. He has failed with the military just as he has with all Americans.

Take the bet if you are so sure of yourself asshat.

But the latest numbers still leave Trump with a higher approval rating than former President Barack Obama when he left office in January 2017.
You should learn to A) Read and comprehend. B) Learn simple math.

Half of active-duty military personnel contacted in the poll held an unfavorable view of President Trump, showing a continued decline in his approval rating since he was elected in 2016.

Trump’s 42 percent approval in the latest poll, conducted from Oct. 23 to Dec. 2, sets his lowest mark in the survey since being elected president. Some 50 percent of troops said they had an unfavorable view of him. By comparison, just a few weeks after his electoral victory in November 2016, 46 percent of troops surveyed had a positive view of the businessman-turned-politician, and 37 percent had a negative opinion
President Donald Trump’s support among active-duty troops has sunken to the lowest level of his presidency, according to a new Military Times poll.

“Half of active-duty military personnel contacted in the poll held an unfavorable view of President Trump, showing a continued decline in his approval rating since he was elected in 2016,” the publication reported. “Trump’s 42 percent approval in the latest poll, conducted from Oct. 23 to Dec. 2, sets his lowest mark in the survey since being elected president. Some 50 percent of troops said they had an unfavorable view of him.”

Only 41.6% of troops have a favorable impression, while 49.9% have an unfavorable view of Trump.

“When asked specifically about Trump’s handling of military issues, nearly 48 percent of the troops surveyed said they had an unfavorable view of that part of his job, compared to 44 percent who believe he has handled that task well. That marks a significant drop from the 2018 Military Times poll, when 59 percent said they were happy with his handling of military issues, against 20 percent who had an unfavorable view,” the Military Times reported

The survey also showed gender and racial gaps seen in other polls.

“Military men appear to be more supportive of Trump compared to military women. Among men, the survey shows a 43 percent favorable view, while among women service members, 53 percent of women expressed a ‘very unfavorable’ rating of Trump and 56 percent responded negatively,” the publication reported. “The survey also shows a gap among white and non-white service members. Among whites, 46 percent of troops had a favorable view of the president, versus 45 percent with an unfavorable view. Yet among non-white service members nearly two-thirds responded with a negative view of him.

Wouldn't be surprising, they see through his "I love the military rant," especially given the fact he has been caught scamming Veterans and dissing Gold Star families and a major war hero, guess his humping the American flag isn't working
This poll is directly from the Military Time, you pathetic fool!

Yes. I am the one that pointed that out, not your Rawstory where you got your information. You seemed to have a problem with this ""The poll surveyed 1,630 active-duty Military Times subscribers in partnership with the Institute for Veterans and Military Families (IVMF) at Syracuse University. The numbers likely reflect a more career-minded subset of the military than the force as a whole".

And still do not understand it. No surprise there.