Trump is polling at a record low among active-duty military personnel

So we go from 35% disapproval to 50% disapproval. Thats failure no matter how you spin it.

Take the bet then shit-for-brains. Why be such a massive vagina?

But the latest numbers still leave Trump with a higher approval rating than former President Barack Obama when he left office in January 2017.
Yes. I am the one that pointed that out, not your Rawstory where you got your information. You seemed to have a problem with this ""The poll surveyed 1,630 active-duty Military Times subscribers in partnership with the Institute for Veterans and Military Families (IVMF) at Syracuse University. The numbers likely reflect a more career-minded subset of the military than the force as a whole".

And still do not understand it. No surprise there.

Only an idiot would be happy with 42% approval
Half of active-duty military personnel contacted in the poll held an unfavorable view of President Trump, showing a continued decline in his approval rating since he was elected in 2016.

Trump’s 42 percent approval in the latest poll, conducted from Oct. 23 to Dec. 2, sets his lowest mark in the survey since being elected president. Some 50 percent of troops said they had an unfavorable view of him. By comparison, just a few weeks after his electoral victory in November 2016, 46 percent of troops surveyed had a positive view of the businessman-turned-politician, and 37 percent had a negative opinion

As I keep saying, you are not capable of reading or comprehending. How about you read the entire article? Sound out the words if you need to.
Is there some part of "RECORD LOW" that you cannot understand?

Seriously. How fucking stupid are you? What do you know about the military? I showed you the inconsistencies in that poll. All polls are unreliable. Only fools believe them. I can see the military though disliking him. Military people care about their command, not fucking politicians. When Mad Dog left, military people did not like that. Even then, he is still much, much higher than Obama. The military despised Obama.
Seriously. How fucking stupid are you? What do you know about the military? I showed you the inconsistencies in that poll. All polls are unreliable. Only fools believe them. I can see the military though disliking him. Military people care about their command, not fucking politicians. When Mad Dog left, military people did not like that. Even then, he is still much, much higher than Obama. The military despised Obama.

Time after time you are your kind post how much the military supports Trump. Its all bull shit
Time after time you are your kind post how much the military supports Trump. Its all bull shit

My kind? STFU. Once again, what do you know about the military? Other than you hate it. The only reason you have even brought this up is because you think ( and failed) that it makes Trump look bad.
Seriously. How fucking stupid are you? What do you know about the military? I showed you the inconsistencies in that poll. All polls are unreliable. Only fools believe them. I can see the military though disliking him. Military people care about their command, not fucking politicians. When Mad Dog left, military people did not like that. Even then, he is still much, much higher than Obama. The military despised Obama.

Why is every criticism regarding Trump about Obama? Three years out and their still into "whataboutisms"

Obama isn't running for office in 2020, and when he did, he won with substantial majorities each time
Why is every criticism regarding Trump about Obama? Three years out and their still into "whataboutisms"

Obama isn't running for office in 2020, and when he did, he won with substantial majorities each time

It is in the article (cherry picked) that the OP posted. Deal with it asshole. Even the military does not want people to forget what an abomination Obama was to the military.
Sailor thinks he has his finger on the pulse of the military anymore. Go flip pancakes at VFW for my breakfast you silly old codger.
My kind? STFU. Once again, what do you know about the military? Other than you hate it. The only reason you have even brought this up is because you think ( and failed) that it makes Trump look bad.

You know more about the military? Its obvious that they dislike Trump as much as the rest of the country does. Its no surprise.