Trump is polling at a record low among active-duty military personnel

President Donald Trump’s support among active-duty troops has sunken to the lowest level of his presidency, according to a new Military Times poll.

“Half of active-duty military personnel contacted in the poll held an unfavorable view of President Trump, showing a continued decline in his approval rating since he was elected in 2016,” the publication reported. “Trump’s 42 percent approval in the latest poll, conducted from Oct. 23 to Dec. 2, sets his lowest mark in the survey since being elected president. Some 50 percent of troops said they had an unfavorable view of him.”

Only 41.6% of troops have a favorable impression, while 49.9% have an unfavorable view of Trump.

“When asked specifically about Trump’s handling of military issues, nearly 48 percent of the troops surveyed said they had an unfavorable view of that part of his job, compared to 44 percent who believe he has handled that task well. That marks a significant drop from the 2018 Military Times poll, when 59 percent said they were happy with his handling of military issues, against 20 percent who had an unfavorable view,” the Military Times reported

The survey also showed gender and racial gaps seen in other polls.

“Military men appear to be more supportive of Trump compared to military women. Among men, the survey shows a 43 percent favorable view, while among women service members, 53 percent of women expressed a ‘very unfavorable’ rating of Trump and 56 percent responded negatively,” the publication reported. “The survey also shows a gap among white and non-white service members. Among whites, 46 percent of troops had a favorable view of the president, versus 45 percent with an unfavorable view. Yet among non-white service members nearly two-thirds responded with a negative view of him.

Of course he is, among the thinking, patriotic men and women of the services.
President Donald Trump’s support among active-duty troops has sunken to the lowest level of his presidency, according to a new Military Times poll.

“Half of active-duty military personnel contacted in the poll held an unfavorable view of President Trump, showing a continued decline in his approval rating since he was elected in 2016,” the publication reported. “Trump’s 42 percent approval in the latest poll, conducted from Oct. 23 to Dec. 2, sets his lowest mark in the survey since being elected president. Some 50 percent of troops said they had an unfavorable view of him.”

Only 41.6% of troops have a favorable impression, while 49.9% have an unfavorable view of Trump.

“When asked specifically about Trump’s handling of military issues, nearly 48 percent of the troops surveyed said they had an unfavorable view of that part of his job, compared to 44 percent who believe he has handled that task well. That marks a significant drop from the 2018 Military Times poll, when 59 percent said they were happy with his handling of military issues, against 20 percent who had an unfavorable view,” the Military Times reported

The survey also showed gender and racial gaps seen in other polls.

“Military men appear to be more supportive of Trump compared to military women. Among men, the survey shows a 43 percent favorable view, while among women service members, 53 percent of women expressed a ‘very unfavorable’ rating of Trump and 56 percent responded negatively,” the publication reported. “The survey also shows a gap among white and non-white service members. Among whites, 46 percent of troops had a favorable view of the president, versus 45 percent with an unfavorable view. Yet among non-white service members nearly two-thirds responded with a negative view of him.


"...But the latest numbers still leave Trump with a higher approval rating than former President Barack Obama when he left office in January 2017."
USA Today Poll:Trump Beating All Top Democrats Despite Impeachment
USA Today Poll: Trump Beating All Top Democrats Despite Impeachment
By Michael W. Chapman | December 17, 2019 | 10:20am EST

A new survey shows that, despite the push by House Democrats and the liberal media for President Trump's impeachment, Trump leads against all the top Democrats in the race for the Shite House 2020.

The national survey, conducted by USA Today and Suffolk University, shows that if the election were held today, Trump would defeat "former Vice President Joe Biden by 3 percentage points, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders by 5 points, and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren by 8 points," reported USA Today, the widest circulated newspaper in the United States.

Trump would also beat South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg by 10 points and billionaire media tycoon Michael Bloomberg by 9 points, the survey showed.“

The left loves polls.
USA Today Poll:Trump Beating All Top Democrats Despite Impeachment
USA Today Poll: Trump Beating All Top Democrats Despite Impeachment
By Michael W. Chapman | December 17, 2019 | 10:20am EST

A new survey shows that, despite the push by House Democrats and the liberal media for President Trump's impeachment, Trump leads against all the top Democrats in the race for the Shite House 2020.

The national survey, conducted by USA Today and Suffolk University, shows that if the election were held today, Trump would defeat "former Vice President Joe Biden by 3 percentage points, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders by 5 points, and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren by 8 points," reported USA Today, the widest circulated newspaper in the United States.

Trump would also beat South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg by 10 points and billionaire media tycoon Michael Bloomberg by 9 points, the survey showed.“

The left loves polls.

Your kind pretends to love the military, while the military hates trump
USA Today Poll:Trump Beating All Top Democrats Despite Impeachment
USA Today Poll: Trump Beating All Top Democrats Despite Impeachment
By Michael W. Chapman | December 17, 2019 | 10:20am EST

A new survey shows that, despite the push by House Democrats and the liberal media for President Trump's impeachment, Trump leads against all the top Democrats in the race for the Shite House 2020.

The national survey, conducted by USA Today and Suffolk University, shows that if the election were held today, Trump would defeat "former Vice President Joe Biden by 3 percentage points, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders by 5 points, and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren by 8 points," reported USA Today, the widest circulated newspaper in the United States.

Trump would also beat South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg by 10 points and billionaire media tycoon Michael Bloomberg by 9 points, the survey showed.“
President Donald Trump’s support among active-duty troops has sunken to the lowest level of his presidency, according to a new Military Times poll.

“Half of active-duty military personnel contacted in the poll held an unfavorable view of President Trump, showing a continued decline in his approval rating since he was elected in 2016,” the publication reported. “Trump’s 42 percent approval in the latest poll, conducted from Oct. 23 to Dec. 2, sets his lowest mark in the survey since being elected president. Some 50 percent of troops said they had an unfavorable view of him.”

Only 41.6% of troops have a favorable impression, while 49.9% have an unfavorable view of Trump.

“When asked specifically about Trump’s handling of military issues, nearly 48 percent of the troops surveyed said they had an unfavorable view of that part of his job, compared to 44 percent who believe he has handled that task well. That marks a significant drop from the 2018 Military Times poll, when 59 percent said they were happy with his handling of military issues, against 20 percent who had an unfavorable view,” the Military Times reported

The survey also showed gender and racial gaps seen in other polls.

“Military men appear to be more supportive of Trump compared to military women. Among men, the survey shows a 43 percent favorable view, while among women service members, 53 percent of women expressed a ‘very unfavorable’ rating of Trump and 56 percent responded negatively,” the publication reported. “The survey also shows a gap among white and non-white service members. Among whites, 46 percent of troops had a favorable view of the president, versus 45 percent with an unfavorable view. Yet among non-white service members nearly two-thirds responded with a negative view of him.

You left a few minor things out. Which is not surprising for a leftie.

President Donald Trump received a loud ovation when he participated in the coin toss ahead of Saturday’s Army-Navy football rivalry game in Philadelphia. But troops’ actual feelings about the commander in chief appear much more ambivalent in the latest Military Times survey.

But the latest numbers still leave Trump with a higher approval rating than former President Barack Obama when he left office in January 2017.
USA Today Poll:Trump Beating All Top Democrats Despite Impeachment
USA Today Poll: Trump Beating All Top Democrats Despite Impeachment
By Michael W. Chapman | December 17, 2019 | 10:20am EST

A new survey shows that, despite the push by House Democrats and the liberal media for President Trump's impeachment, Trump leads against all the top Democrats in the race for the Shite House 2020.

The national survey, conducted by USA Today and Suffolk University, shows that if the election were held today, Trump would defeat "former Vice President Joe Biden by 3 percentage points, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders by 5 points, and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren by 8 points," reported USA Today, the widest circulated newspaper in the United States.

Trump would also beat South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg by 10 points and billionaire media tycoon Michael Bloomberg by 9 points, the survey showed.“
USA Today Poll:Trump Beating All Top Democrats Despite Impeachment
USA Today Poll: Trump Beating All Top Democrats Despite Impeachment
By Michael W. Chapman | December 17, 2019 | 10:20am EST

A new survey shows that, despite the push by House Democrats and the liberal media for President Trump's impeachment, Trump leads against all the top Democrats in the race for the Shite House 2020.

The national survey, conducted by USA Today and Suffolk University, shows that if the election were held today, Trump would defeat "former Vice President Joe Biden by 3 percentage points, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders by 5 points, and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren by 8 points," reported USA Today, the widest circulated newspaper in the United States.

Trump would also beat South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg by 10 points and billionaire media tycoon Michael Bloomberg by 9 points, the survey showed.“
USA Today Poll:Trump Beating All Top Democrats Despite Impeachment
USA Today Poll: Trump Beating All Top Democrats Despite Impeachment
By Michael W. Chapman | December 17, 2019 | 10:20am EST

A new survey shows that, despite the push by House Democrats and the liberal media for President Trump's impeachment, Trump leads against all the top Democrats in the race for the Shite House 2020.

The national survey, conducted by USA Today and Suffolk University, shows that if the election were held today, Trump would defeat "former Vice President Joe Biden by 3 percentage points, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders by 5 points, and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren by 8 points," reported USA Today, the widest circulated newspaper in the United States.

Trump would also beat South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg by 10 points and billionaire media tycoon Michael Bloomberg by 9 points, the survey showed.“

I can produce any number of polls showing Trump losing to most every Democratic candidate . You are truly desperate, hand job.