Trump is polling at a record low among active-duty military personnel

It is in the article (cherry picked) that the OP posted. Deal with it asshole. Even the military does not want people to forget what an abomination Obama was to the military.

Hey, Obama never ran charities to scam Veterans, nor did Obama diss war heroes or Gold Star families, or refuse to honor traditions because it was raining outside, so whatever you think Obama did to the military is incomparable to the way Trump has treated them
Hey, Obama never ran charities to scam Veterans, nor did Obama diss war heroes or Gold Star families, or refuse to honor traditions because it was raining outside, so whatever you think Obama did to the military is incomparable to the way Trump has treated them

The one thing true here is Obama never did anything for the military. Thanks for playing.
Ok. Whatever keeps you from having to call the EMT's for another mental breakdown.

I know you have a limited attention span, so lets post this again:

President Donald Trump’s support among active-duty troops has sunken to the lowest level of his presidency, according to a new Military Times poll.

“Half of active-duty military personnel contacted in the poll held an unfavorable view of President Trump, showing a continued decline in his approval rating since he was elected in 2016,” the publication reported. “
I know you have a limited attention span, so lets post this again:

President Donald Trump’s support among active-duty troops has sunken to the lowest level of his presidency, according to a new Military Times poll.

“Half of active-duty military personnel contacted in the poll held an unfavorable view of President Trump, showing a continued decline in his approval rating since he was elected in 2016,” the publication reported. “

Yawn. You can go now Cracky. It cannot be any clearer you cannot read past the headline before getting headaches. A barely functional illiterate. Democrat of course because of the need for welfare. I would say have a good evening but in reality I hope you choke to death on your EBT card.
Yawn. You can go now Cracky. It cannot be any clearer you cannot read past the headline before getting headaches. A barely functional illiterate. Democrat of course because of the need for welfare. I would say have a good evening but in reality I hope you choke to death on your EBT card.

here are the facts again, my dear: Read and weep!

Only 41.6% of troops have a favorable impression, while 49.9% have an unfavorable view of Trump
Hey, Obama never ran charities to scam Veterans, nor did Obama diss war heroes or Gold Star families, or refuse to honor traditions because it was raining outside, so whatever you think Obama did to the military is incomparable to the way Trump has treated them

And he didn't appoint his know nothing crony to head the VA just because he had a membership at his club.