Trump just proposed ‘one of the most deranged policies’ all of time

considering the above documented rise of the petroyuan, its time for America to look after our own and stop sucking china dick.

keep our oil and our blood and our treasure in the service of the American citizenry.
It basically means it would be a major windfall for the top 0.1% and cost the regular American about another $5000 per year. It would also cause inflation to skyrocket. When it comes to economics Trump is nothing short of a fucking moron.
excellent job quoting the, prove its true instead of just meaningless lib'rul specific, thanks......
okay I bit the bullet and tracked down Port Tack's complaint.......Trump floated the idea of eliminating income taxes for everyone and replacing it with tariffs on all imported goods......since this would result in the end of things like an earned income credit and an income tax free environment for half the country that we currently have, the folks that currently don't pay their fair share object........

It is estimated that we'd have to demand a 133% tariff on all imported goods. That's a no-go from the start. But if it forces us to stop imports we effectively destroy our ability to make money with OUR exports (other countries aren't going to take kindly to having their prices jumped up 2X) and the knock-on effect of eliminating imports in preference to stuff made here is that it would mean there is ZERO money to run our country. If you don't tax the citizens and you rely solely on tariffs on imports and if the import market dries up you have nothing to run the country with.

I am not an economist but even _I_ can tell this is one of the most stupid proposals uttered by an adult imaginable.

Why does NO ONE in the GOP ever stand up to Trump and say "Look dude, you know NOTHING about the government, economics, the Constitution or anything EXCEPT TV ratings....stfu".


What kind of toddler sugar rush does this man's head exist in?
It is estimated that we'd have to demand a 133% tariff on all imported goods. That's a no-go from the start. But if it forces us to stop imports we effectively destroy our ability to make money with OUR exports (other countries aren't going to take kindly to having their prices jumped up 2X) and the knock-on effect of eliminating imports in preference to stuff made here is that it would mean there is ZERO money to run our country. If you don't tax the citizens and you rely solely on tariffs on imports and if the import market dries up you have nothing to run the country with.

I am not an economist but even _I_ can tell this is one of the most stupid proposals uttered by an adult imaginable.

Why does NO ONE in the GOP ever stand up to Trump and say "Look dude, you know NOTHING about the government, economics, the Constitution or anything EXCEPT TV ratings....stfu".


What kind of toddler sugar rush does this man's head exist in?
perhaps because it may be too early to reject the idea based on an "estimate" of one deranged lib'rul who may not even have a degree in economics......perhaps you shouldn't claim Trump doesn't know anything about politics (even though he was president for four years); or economics (even though he's been more successful in business than anyone posting here); the Constitution (even though he's been right and you have never been); or TV ratings, (even though Fox outranks all the cheap lib'rul imitators)..........instead of all that, just tell yourself to sit back and enjoy a well run country for four years instead of the dumpster dive Biden has been leading us on.......

the simple fact is, you put an idiot in charge and the country is sick of your shit.......
okay I bit the bullet and tracked down Port Tack's complaint.......Trump floated the idea of eliminating income taxes for everyone and replacing it with tariffs on all imported goods......since this would result in the end of things like an earned income credit and an income tax free environment for half the country that we currently have, the folks that currently don't pay their fair share object........
Earned income credit is not a payment, dummy. It is a reduction of taxes. So you eliminate earned income credit because there is no income tax.
It basically means it would be a major windfall for the top 0.1% and cost the regular American about another $5000 per year.
Why it be a major windfall for only the 0.1% (you're making up numbers again)?
Why would it cost people $5000/yr?

It would also cause inflation to skyrocket.
Inflation is caused by printing money with no corresponding increase in wealth. That is the ONLY cause of inflation. Inflation has nothing to do with taxes or who is taxed. Non-sequitur fallacy.
When it comes to economics Trump is nothing short of a fucking moron.
Inversion fallacy. You are describing yourself again.
Naturally, Trump could say anything regardless of how fucking stupid and they would find a way to agree with him. This is just such a case. You want to see inflation and our debt skyrocket just try doing away with income taxes and replace them with tarriffs.
Inflation has nothing to do with debt or tariffs. Non-sequitur fallacy.
It is estimated that the tariff would have to be 133 percent.
Another random number. Argument from randU fallacy.
I cannot say anything about what you think is a good idea without laughing at the stupidity.
Because you're a commie, Sybil.

The owners
What 'owners'?
moved the production abroad over the last few decades.
Companies move abroad because of high taxes and burdensome regulations. Trump is thinking of eliminating both.
We do not have the manufacturing base anymore.
Yes we do. But it is reduced due to high taxes and burdensome regulations. Things will improve a lot if income taxes are eliminated and burdensome regulations are eliminated. This is what Trump wants to do.
Those Chinese companies are making the top 1 percent very rich.
Paradox. Irrational. You cannot argue both sides of a paradox, Sybil.