Trump lacked power to declassify secret nuclear arms document

Nope. ONLY the Secretary of Energy can declassify, the President SPECIFICALLY cannot. Not the Department, the person. Of course it makes no difference, because no one is claiming in a court of law that Trump declassified the documents. It is not an argument that is being advanced in the case.

You lose. Again.

Bullshit. THe DOE and DOD cannot dictate to the Commander in Chief.

More leftist dictatorship bullshit from the left.

There are laws and regulations in this country, and you act like trump can do anything he wants. He cant and that is why he is being indicted.
There are laws and regulations in this country, and you act like trump can do anything he wants. He cant and that is why he is being indicted.

It's a law passed by Congress. They do not understand anything about how government works. It's sublime.
Ohhhhh, I see what happened now. Trump telepathically ordered the Secretary of Energy to declassify the document, and the Secretary of Energy used ESP to follow Trumps command.
So, if I tell you a secret, something that I trust only you with, and you betray that trust by telling everyone about it, do you think I would ever trust you again?
What are the procedures

First trump grabs your fat ass from behind and shoves his dick up it while screaming "declassified!" Did he ever do that?

You are a fucking moron and everyone here knows it, why anyone with any sense or logic responds to you is beyond me.
Why didn't Donald just return everything when asked? Had he done so, like Biden and Pence did, he would not be under indictment.

The FBI and NARA did not want all this crap to happen. They told Trump, just give back what he stole and it would all end without charges. They gave him more than a year. But Trump wanted them and refused. That was a serious mistake. Can you imagine the FBI giving anyone else such a break after a huge truckload theft of classified and super classified documents? Not good enough for Trump. Laws are for other people, not him.

The FBI and NARA did not want all this crap to happen. They told Trump, just give back what he stole and it would all end without charges. They gave him more than a year. But Trump wanted them and refused. That was a serious mistake. Can you imagine the FBI giving anyone else such a break after a huge truckload theft of classified and super classified documents? Not good enough for Trump. Laws are for other people, not him.

The mistake the DOJ makes is giving honor to Trump as an ex-President. Just the opposite is true. Trump abused his office and violated his oath of office.
So only the DOE and DOD can declassify those types of documents huh?

Guess who runs those departments?


He's not a dictator. If the law says he has to follow a procedure for the nation's secret nuclear data, he can't just declassify it telepathically by thinking about it
I see you cannot debate my points
Once again you lose

You don't have any points, Peach. You're just trying this and that in the hope that something will get Trump out of the mess he made for himself.

His best defense might be to tell the court that he is still President, and call Rudi and the Kraken Lady in support. He could get away with insanity.