Trump lacked power to declassify secret nuclear arms document

So only the DOE and DOD can declassify those types of documents huh?

Guess who runs those departments?


A president only runs those departments for 4-8 years (4 years in Trump's case). That doesn't give them power to declassify nuclear documents.
You'll say anything to try to win an argument and it's making you look very foolish. Well, whatever floats your boat, tinkerbiatch.


Let's ask you once again, why did trump just return the documents, when asked?? This particular indictment would never have happened
WASHINGTON, June 18 (Reuters) - Even when he was president, Donald Trump lacked the legal authority to declassify a U.S. nuclear weapons-related document that he is charged with illegally possessing, security experts said, contrary to the former U.S. president’s claim.

The secret document, listed as No. 19 in the indictment charging Trump with endangering national security, can under the Atomic Energy Act only be declassified through a process that by the statute involves the Department of Energy and the Department of Defense.
I believe all documents that are declassified before they reach the 25 year mark still have to go through a committee. POTUS typically presents the reason for declassification and a discussion ensues.

You are. The classified documents do not just exist in Trump's bathroom. Copies are in the hands of departments that use them. When something is classified or declassified, it impacts those copies, those agencies, and the people who use them. Trump's imaginary declassification is just stupid. Real classification or declassification requires a group discussion with the heads of the agencies who use them. Classification is a group project.
Trump did not have the power to declassify or classify on a whim magically. That, in fact, destroys the entire system.
You believe that because you desperately want to. You are wrong and clinging to a stupid idea. Actually, think about it. What you are saying makes no sense.
Also, nuclear secrets are decided by the Dept of Energy for classification.
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You are. The classified documents do not just exist in Trump's bathroom. Copies are in the hands of departments that use them. When something is classified or declassified, it impacts those copies, those agencies, and the people who use them. Trump's imaginary declassification is just stupid. Real classification or declassification requires a group discussion with the heads of the agencies who use them. Classification is a group project.
Trump did not have the power to declassify or classify on a whim magically. That, in fact, destroys the entire system.
You believe that because you desperately want to. You are wrong and clinging to a stupid idea. Actually, think about it. What you are saying makes no sense.
Evidently, a POTUS can change the declassification process by E.O, which was last done by Obama.

trump issued no such E.O. while he was POTUS, so he must abide by current regulations.

And declassification does NOT automatically mean that anyone may possess them outside of a secure location, or the natl. archives.
WASHINGTON, June 18 (Reuters) - Even when he was president, Donald Trump lacked the legal authority to declassify a U.S. nuclear weapons-related document that he is charged with illegally possessing, security experts said, contrary to the former U.S. president’s claim.

The secret document, listed as No. 19 in the indictment charging Trump with endangering national security, can under the Atomic Energy Act only be declassified through a process that by the statute involves the Department of Energy and the Department of Defense.
Sorry but no one can decrease the constitutional power of the Presidency.
Why didn't Donald just return everything when asked? Had he done so like Biden and Pence did he would not be under indictment.
Why didn't the archivist follow the law? The act of setting the documents aside to be taken to Mae A Lag means Trump has deemed them to be his personal records.

Judge Amy Berman Jackson agreed: “Since the President is completely entrusted with the management and even the disposal of Presidential records during his time in office,” she held, “it would be difficult for this Court to conclude that Congress intended that he would have less authority to do what he pleases with what he considers to be his personal records.”

Judge Jackson added that “the PRA contains no provision obligating or even permitting the Archivist to assume control over records that the President ‘categorized’ and ‘filed separately’ as personal records. At the conclusion of the President’s term, the Archivist only ‘assumes responsibility for the Presidential records.’ . . . PRA does not confer any mandatory or even discretionary authority on the Archivist to classify records. Under the statute, this responsibility is left solely to the President.”