A professional would have shot him center mass in the chest and blown his heart and lungs into the next time zone... But that's just me being a critic.
Are you criticising from the POV of a professional assassin, TAG?

If so, I have a job for you.

Interested ?

Dachdhind Dawg

Dachshund the loyal TRUMPER Hound !!
There are no laws Forcing Americans to believe in any religion
That's funny, because the US Constitution/ (Bill of Rights) is fully grounded in the core precepts of Judeo-Christian morality, just like the "Declaration of Independence" is firmly founded in Christian Natural Law.

But you wouldn't know this, Evince, because you're an ignorant, little, Dummycrat shite, who doesn't know anything about the founding of her own nation. I guess the US educational system is mainly to blame - it has been dominated by neo-Marxists for decades now, so I suppose it's not your personal fault - you were just indoctrinated with leftist bullshit at school until it came out your ears (and you never recovered).

It's sad....very sad.

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!
That's funny, because the US Constitution/ (Bill of Rights) is fully grounded in the core precepts of Judeo-Christian morality, just like the "Declaration of Independence" is firmly founded in Christian Natural Law.

But you wouldn't know this, Evince, because you're an ignorant, little, Dummycrat shite, who doesn't know anything about the founding of her own nation. I guess the US educational system is mainly to blame - it has been dominated by neo-Marxists for decades now, so I suppose it's not your personal fault - you were just indoctrinated with leftist bullshit at school until it came out your ears (and you never recovered).

It's sad....very sad.

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!
What parts of separation of church and state don’t you understand?
Did you notice how Donald Trump turned his head just before the would-be assassin's bullet pierced his right ear?

Had he not turned his head just at that moment the bullet would have entered his forehead and killed him.

There is only one word for this, and that word is PROVIDENCE.

GOD was with Trump at that rally and He saved the President's life !!

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!
Oh for crying out loud! Now it's the tree stump preacher's version of our resident Nazi Dog from Down Under!

Try this on for size, toodles: THE SHOOTER WASN'T A PROFESSIONAL!. Also, had he aimed for center mass, Cheeto Jeezus would either be dead or in the ICU of the local hospital.

But do carry on with this christo-fascist BS. No matter how hard you POS try, you're not going to erase Dump's past by exploiting this incident. Oh, and by the by, your hero's worshipers are hawking T-shirts and such with only a passing nod to the fact that a man died by the hands of the same shooter. What a grand bunch you are! :cautious:
How about we just say, "CLOSE", TAG ? VERY FUCKING CLOSE in terms of a man's head and a high-velocity, rifle bullet. Right ?

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!
How about we say the truth. A kid with a gun that didn't know how to fucking shoot it accurately got lucky and grazed Trump. At 150 yards, I know with absolute certainty with an AR 15-type rifle, I'd have drilled him at least 3 times Secret Service or not. I know that from nearly 30 years of practice in the military and another 15 on my own, and I'm no expert marksman or something.
Did our founders deny the church of England’s power over their lives?

Oh for crying out loud! Now it's the tree stump preacher's version of our resident Nazi Dog from Down Under!

Try this on for size, toodles: THE SHOOTER WASN'T A PROFESSIONAL!. Also, had he aimed for center mass, Cheeto Jeezus would either be dead or in the ICU of the local hospital.

But do carry on with this christo-fascist BS. No matter how hard you POS try, you're not going to erase Dump's past by exploiting this incident. Oh, and by the by, your hero's worshipers are hawking T-shirts and such with only a passing nod to the fact that a man died by the hands of the same shooter. What a grand bunch you are! :cautious:
The clear image I saw (on FOXNEWS) of the shooter atop the roof sure looked like an image of someone who meant business. He had a tripod mount for his rifle and a large telescopic sight on the gun. Also, I thought that most professional hit men preferred to kill their targets with "head shots.."

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!
The clear image I saw (on FOXNEWS) of the shooter atop the roof sure looked like an image of someone who meant business. He had a tripod mount for his rifle and a large telescopic sight on the gun. Also, I thought that most professional hit men preferred to kill their targets with "head shots.."

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!
The clear image I saw (on FOXNEWS) of the shooter atop the roof sure looked like an image of someone who meant business. He had a tripod mount for his rifle and a large telescopic sight on the gun. Also, I thought that most professional hit men preferred to kill their targets with "head shots.."

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!
i said he WAS NOT a professional. the latest reports said he was kicked out of a gun club for a bad attitude & lousy marksmanship. all the equipment wouldn't help.
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Did you notice how Donald Trump turned his head just before the would-be assassin's bullet pierced his right ear?

Had he not turned his head just at that moment the bullet would have entered his forehead and killed him.

There is only one word for this, and that word is PROVIDENCE.

GOD was with Trump at that rally and He saved the President's life !!

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!
Really? You think GOD saved a 275 piece of shit like Trump?
Really? You think GOD saved a 275 piece of shit like Trump?

The was/is a famous, former (now deceased) Conservative British Member of Parliament named Enoch Powell.

He gave a speech in 1968 that still is acknowledged as the most controversial speech in the history of British politic. It is known as the "Rivers of Blood" speech.

You will not know who Enoch Powell was nor will you have ever heard of his "Rivers of Blood" That's because you are most probably a pimply, politically - ignorant, wretched little turd.:poop::poop:

I was thinking about Enoch Powell's "Rivers of Blood" speech recently - it was intended to sound an urgent alarm about the dangers of allowing sudden, mass Third-World immigration into Great Britain. Powell was a very intelligent man and an effective politician. I think if any one had said to him in the 1960s or 1970s : "Enoch , do you know that in the year 2021, the United States will open it's Southern Border and simply allow millions of UN-VETTED illegal immigrants from 190 + countries around the world (including Islamic majority nations, communist China, Marxist (socialist) countries like Cuba, Somalia, Congo and other Black African state, etc) into the American interior ?"

His response would have been polite, such as: "Well that's a very bleak prediction, let's hope you're wrong "! Then Enoch Powell would have quickly put as much distance between himself and the person who had given him this prediction,This is because he would assume the person was barking mad, and as a Senior member of the Tory Shadow Cabinet would not want to be seen conversing with any political nut-jobs.


Enoch Powell was a classical scholar (an expert in ancient Greek and Roman texts) before he began in political career. In his "Rivers of Blood" speech he quotes the ancient Greek poet, Euripides, warning that "The Gods first send Mad those whom they wish to Destroy".

His point was that the high rate/volume of foreign immigration into Britain at the time was utterly insane policy; and according to Euripides' ancient proverb (which has proven true time and again throughout history), it would ultimately destroy Britain as a nation .
It is interesting how in the US those persons in the Biden Democrat administration, who were responsible for drafting and implementing the open Southern Border and the various other UTTERLY INSANE federal policies are indeed about to be destroyed. They will be destroyed along with the rest of the Democratic party when they are devastated by Donald Trump and his Republican party's SEISMIC, crushing, landslide victory in the 5th November Presidential election this year.

Briefly, note as well how Joe Biden was sent mad before his ultimate (political) destruction (which took place in Atlanta on the 27 June 2024 in a 90 min debate against Donald Trump where Biden - a demented, Blithering , Boobie, shockingly (and thoroughly) "hoisted himself on his own petard" in front of the nation !


20th, January, 2021 - 27th, June, 2024

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!