The was/is a famous, former (now deceased) Conservative British Member of Parliament named Enoch Powell.

He gave a speech in 1968 that still is acknowledged as the most controversial speech in the history of British politic. It is known as the "Rivers of Blood" speech.

You will not know who Enoch Powell was nor will you have ever heard of his "Rivers of Blood" That's because you are most probably a pimply, politically - ignorant, wretched little turd.:poop::poop:

I was thinking about Enoch Powell's "Rivers of Blood" speech recently - it was intended to sound an urgent alarm about the dangers of allowing sudden, mass Third-World immigration into Great Britain. Powell was a very intelligent man and an effective politician. I think if any one had said to him in the 1960s or 1970s : "Enoch , do you know that in the year 2021, the United States will open it's Southern Border and simply allow millions of UN-VETTED illegal immigrants from 190 + countries around the world (including Islamic majority nations, communist China, Marxist (socialist) countries like Cuba, Somalia, Congo and other Black African state, etc) into the American interior ?"

His response would have been polite, such as: "Well that's a very bleak prediction, let's hope you're wrong "! Then Enoch Powell would have quickly put as much distance between himself and the person who had given him this prediction,This is because he would assume the person was barking mad, and as a Senior member of the Tory Shadow Cabinet would not want to be seen conversing with any political nut-jobs.


Enoch Powell was a classical scholar (an expert in ancient Greek and Roman texts) before he began in political career. In his "Rivers of Blood" speech he quotes the ancient Greek poet, Euripides, warning that "The Gods first send Mad those whom they wish to Destroy".

His point was that the high rate/volume of foreign immigration into Britain at the time was utterly insane policy; and according to Euripides' ancient proverb (which has proven true time and again throughout history), it would ultimately destroy Britain as a nation .
It is interesting how in the US those persons in the Biden Democrat administration, who were responsible for drafting and implementing the open Southern Border and the various other UTTERLY INSANE federal policies are indeed about to be destroyed. They will be destroyed along with the rest of the Democratic party when they are devastated by Donald Trump and his Republican party's SEISMIC, crushing, landslide victory in the 5th November Presidential election this year.

Briefly, note as well how Joe Biden was sent mad before his ultimate (political) destruction (which took place in Atlanta on the 27 June 2024 in a 90 min debate against Donald Trump where Biden - a demented, Blithering , Boobie, shockingly (and thoroughly) "hoisted himself on his own petard" in front of the nation !


20th, January, 2021 - 27th, June, 2024

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!
Sooooo....God saved Trump because Enoch Powell is scared of brown people?
Typical clap trap from the christo-fascist crowd. When they can't logically or factually refute or disprove someone, they fall back on "god". Pathetic.

Oh Dear Me ... Taichiliberal has now attributed fascist personality traits to American Christians.

That's a bit rich, Taichi, given that the American Founding was firmly and entirely rooted in an affirmation of Christian Natural (moral) Law. (??)

Perhaps instead of prostrating yourself at the graven Idol you worship ( the omniscient and omnipotent - "Hoo-Did-Poo") you might spend some time reading a few high-quality, scholarly, objective histories of America (i.e., NOT leftist, revisionist -"Pulitzer Prize" winning - "historiographies" like "The 1619 Project" by Black bullshit - artist, Hannah Nikole- Jones.

It's high-time you started to clean your act up, Taichi ! You can start by ditching your little basket of neo-Marxist ideologies and then getting yourself a respectable hair-cut. At the moment, you're a mess, boy (!) - you're "all over the place like a mad woman's shit."

Can do better, Taichiliberal, - CAN DO BETTER !!

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!
Oh Dear Me ... Taichiliberal has now attributed fascist personality traits to American Christians.

That's a bit rich, Taichi, given that the American Founding was firmly and entirely rooted in an affirmation of Christian Natural (moral) Law. (??)

Perhaps instead of prostrating yourself at the graven Idol you worship ( the omniscient and omnipotent - "Hoo-Did-Poo") you might spend some time reading a few high-quality, scholarly, objective histories of America (i.e., NOT leftist, revisionist -"Pulitzer Prize" winning - "historiographies" like "The 1619 Project" by Black bullshit - artist, Hannah Nikole- Jones.

It's high-time you started to clean your act up, Taichi ! You can start by ditching your little basket of neo-Marxist ideologies and then getting yourself a respectable hair-cut. At the moment, you're a mess, boy (!) - you're "all over the place like a mad woman's shit."

Can do better, Taichiliberal, - CAN DO BETTER !!

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!
The nazi dog barks again!
I'll ignore your usual bigoted blather.
LOOK up the FIRST AMENDMENT, then the beliefs of some of the Founding Fathers, then the rhetoric from GOP Seaker Mike Johnson. When you're up to speed then
we can discuss.
The was/is a famous, former (now deceased) Conservative British Member of Parliament named Enoch Powell.

He gave a speech in 1968 that still is acknowledged as the most controversial speech in the history of British politic. It is known as the "Rivers of Blood" speech.

You will not know who Enoch Powell was nor will you have ever heard of his "Rivers of Blood" That's because you are most probably a pimply, politically - ignorant, wretched little turd.:poop::poop:

I was thinking about Enoch Powell's "Rivers of Blood" speech recently - it was intended to sound an urgent alarm about the dangers of allowing sudden, mass Third-World immigration into Great Britain. Powell was a very intelligent man and an effective politician. I think if any one had said to him in the 1960s or 1970s : "Enoch , do you know that in the year 2021, the United States will open it's Southern Border and simply allow millions of UN-VETTED illegal immigrants from 190 + countries around the world (including Islamic majority nations, communist China, Marxist (socialist) countries like Cuba, Somalia, Congo and other Black African state, etc) into the American interior ?"

His response would have been polite, such as: "Well that's a very bleak prediction, let's hope you're wrong "! Then Enoch Powell would have quickly put as much distance between himself and the person who had given him this prediction,This is because he would assume the person was barking mad, and as a Senior member of the Tory Shadow Cabinet would not want to be seen conversing with any political nut-jobs.


Enoch Powell was a classical scholar (an expert in ancient Greek and Roman texts) before he began in political career. In his "Rivers of Blood" speech he quotes the ancient Greek poet, Euripides, warning that "The Gods first send Mad those whom they wish to Destroy".

His point was that the high rate/volume of foreign immigration into Britain at the time was utterly insane policy; and according to Euripides' ancient proverb (which has proven true time and again throughout history), it would ultimately destroy Britain as a nation .
It is interesting how in the US those persons in the Biden Democrat administration, who were responsible for drafting and implementing the open Southern Border and the various other UTTERLY INSANE federal policies are indeed about to be destroyed. They will be destroyed along with the rest of the Democratic party when they are devastated by Donald Trump and his Republican party's SEISMIC, crushing, landslide victory in the 5th November Presidential election this year.

Briefly, note as well how Joe Biden was sent mad before his ultimate (political) destruction (which took place in Atlanta on the 27 June 2024 in a 90 min debate against Donald Trump where Biden - a demented, Blithering , Boobie, shockingly (and thoroughly) "hoisted himself on his own petard" in front of the nation !


20th, January, 2021 - 27th, June, 2024

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!
And the British people got tired their BS and threw them out! GTFU and deal with it.
I'm hearing shrapnel from another poster here... I wish the two of you would get some links so that we know which one it was...
The tRump campaign has locked down the reports and hospital records on that he he can continue to claim he was "shot", but that was the info first released at the scene.

@Lionfish too
The tRump campaign has locked down the reports and hospital records on that he he can continue to claim he was "shot", but that was the info first released at the scene.

@Lionfish too
Ok...Will you please get me a link to your confirmed medical evidence/info that was first released, then...Something that hasn't been thoroughly debunked by now...TIA
Was it a Secret Service report, by chance? ;)
Last edited:
The nazi dog barks again!
I'll ignore your usual bigoted blather.
LOOK up the FIRST AMENDMENT, then the beliefs of some of the Founding Fathers, then the rhetoric from GOP Seaker Mike Johnson. When you're up to speed then
we can discuss.
Dear Anchovies

The major Founding Fathers who drafted America's Founding documents, the "Declaration of Independence and the original US Constitution: Bill of Rights Jefferson; Hamilton; Mason; Washington among others, were very heavily influence by the political philosophy of the 17th-century , English, Enlightenment, political theorist, John Locke.

Locke was a devout Protestant whose faith in the Divine Revelation of Scripture was the bedrock of his political philosophy. He blended this faith with reason in a compelling prose style. During the Revolutionary-era he was the mpst quoted political philosopher in the American colonies. Probably his most influential work was a text called "Two Treatises on Government (1690). This text lit the fuse of the American War of Independence in 1775/6. It also provided all of the guiding principles that undergirded the drafting of the original American Constitution.

So, the Founding of American was primarily a Christian phenomenon, based on the notion of Divinely - ordained Natural (moral) Law. From the concept of Natural Law Locke deduced the existence of the universal, unalienable Natural Rights of all men to: lLfe; Liberty (Individual Freedom, Estate/Property, (both material and intellectual/psychic and Revolution by the People. Thomas Jefferson added "The Pursuit of Happiness"in the "Declaration of Independence." (1776) which still arouses controversy among scholars of American history(re its status as a Natural Right proper).

I am not going to try and explain the details Locke's account of Christian Natural (moral) Law to you, Anchovies, as it is quite complex, it would and you - being a Dummycrat- would most probably not be able to understand it o_Oo_Oo_O. So, If you want to learn about the true nature of the founding of your own country, you should pull your finger out of your complacent butt-hole and devote some serious time to reading about what Locke's (Christian) Natural Law is all about.

Finally, modern-day political scholars in the West all categorise John Locke's politics as CLASSICAL LIBERALISM., which is very much a CONSERVATIVE doctrine, Anchovies. Locke's work, as mentioned, had a huge influence on the Founders in the American colonies, which is why they too were (in today's political terminology) essentially CLASSICAL LIBERTARIANS (i.e. political Conservatives who had a lot in common with TRUMP ! ). BTW, DON'T confuse Classical Libertarianism with modern - era American LIBERALISM, Anchovies. American LIBERALS are the kind of half-assed, herbal, quasi-Marxist, sentimental, kumbaya, nit-wit Democrats who voted Obama and Biden into White House. IOW, they are people like you, Anchovies, and we can only hope and pray that the policy disasters of the past 3 1/2 years have finally knocked some common sense into their pin heads !

Dachshund Dawn

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!
Ok...Will you please get me a link to your confirmed medical evidence/info that was first released, then...Something that hasn't been thoroughly debunked by now...TIA
Was it a Secret Service report, by chance? ;)
As soon as you get me a confirmed medical report that it's a bullet sound.
Dear Anchovies

The major Founding Fathers who drafted America's Founding documents, the "Declaration of Independence and the original US Constitution: Bill of Rights Jefferson; Hamilton; Mason; Washington among others, were very heavily influence by the political philosophy of the 17th-century , English, Enlightenment, political theorist, John Locke.

Locke was a devout Protestant whose faith in the Divine Revelation of Scripture was the bedrock of his political philosophy. He blended this faith with reason in a compelling prose style. During the Revolutionary-era he was the mpst quoted political philosopher in the American colonies. Probably his most influential work was a text called "Two Treatises on Government (1690). This text lit the fuse of the American War of Independence in 1775/6. It also provided all of the guiding principles that undergirded the drafting of the original American Constitution.

So, the Founding of American was primarily a Christian phenomenon, based on the notion of Divinely - ordained Natural (moral) Law. From the concept of Natural Law Locke deduced the existence of the universal, unalienable Natural Rights of all men to: lLfe; Liberty (Individual Freedom, Estate/Property, (both material and intellectual/psychic and Revolution by the People. Thomas Jefferson added "The Pursuit of Happiness"in the "Declaration of Independence." (1776) which still arouses controversy among scholars of American history(re its status as a Natural Right proper).

I am not going to try and explain the details Locke's account of Christian Natural (moral) Law to you, Anchovies, as it is quite complex, it would and you - being a Dummycrat- would most probably not be able to understand it o_Oo_Oo_O. So, If you want to learn about the true nature of the founding of your own country, you should pull your finger out of your complacent butt-hole and devote some serious time to reading about what Locke's (Christian) Natural Law is all about.

Finally, modern-day political scholars in the West all categorise John Locke's politics as CLASSICAL LIBERALISM., which is very much a CONSERVATIVE doctrine, Anchovies. Locke's work, as mentioned, had a huge influence on the Founders in the American colonies, which is why they too were (in today's political terminology) essentially CLASSICAL LIBERTARIANS (i.e. political Conservatives who had a lot in common with TRUMP ! ). BTW, DON'T confuse Classical Libertarianism with modern - era American LIBERALISM, Anchovies. American LIBERALS are the kind of half-assed, herbal, quasi-Marxist, sentimental, kumbaya, nit-wit Democrats who voted Obama and Biden into White House. IOW, they are people like you, Anchovies, and we can only hope and pray that the policy disasters of the past 3 1/2 years have finally knocked some common sense into their pin heads !

Dachshund Dawn

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!
:rolleyes: For your education (note the religious beliefs of some of the Founding Fathers):

America Is Not A Christian Nation And Never Has Been

The text of the U.S. Constitution makes no mention of God, Jesus Christ, or Christianity.

And if you're still in the dark about this: The Declaration of Independence is NOT the law of the land as to how the American gov't was set up. You can believe what you want, but your particular religious bent (i.e., dogma) is NOT the rule. This is NOT a theocracy (so far).

Now, run-a-long and muster up your next predictable screed.
As soon as you get me a confirmed medical report that it's a bullet sound.
I doubt if the medical report contains info about a "bullet sound"...
There's a photo with the bullet continuing it's path after it hit the President's ear...will that suffice?
Did you notice how Donald Trump turned his head just before the would-be assassin's bullet pierced his right ear?

Had he not turned his head just at that moment the bullet would have entered his forehead and killed him.

There is only one word for this, and that word is PROVIDENCE.

GOD was with Trump at that rally and He saved the President's life !!

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!
I believe the bullet hit the teleprompter and shrapnel hit the orange melon.