Trump: 'Nobody reads the bible more than me'

Does anyone actually believe that? I give him credit in that he's created a situation for himself where he can basically say anything, no matter how far fetched, and it doesn't hurt him. (so far at least)
I wouldn't go that far. He's done a very skillful job of outmaneuvering the GOP establishment but he still has only between 35 to 40% of the GOP vote. His rhetoric is hurting him a great deal in terms of a general election.
I would bet all of my horses and everything else that is dear to me that he does not read the Bible more than once in a year, if that, let alone more than anybody else. If he did then he wouldn't do or say many of the things that he does and says.
If he reads it that often it's probably just the executive summary.
Not for a minute lol. But I never believed Bill Clinton cracked a bible even though he made a point to be seen carrying one out of church. It's the same thing, Clinton was just more subtle about it.
I'm pretty sure you're wrong there. Bill was (and still is) famous for his near photographic memory. That he could read something once and recall what he read years later. Given the political environment in which entered politics I'd say he probably knows and remembers more about what he's read from The Bible than any member of JPP. That's probably a safe bet.
I think a lot of people make the mistake in thinking Christians support Trump because they think he's a Christian. But they apparently put national security, jobs and trade ahead of the usual social issues.

I guess that makes them lousy jihadists lol.
Well then they must be idiots then! LOL LOL LOL

I mean how many times do Republicans have to demonstrate their utter incompetence on those issues to get their attention? When 3 million have died in colonial wars, half the country is unemployed and 20 families control the entire wealth of the country?
I honestly don't know what makes my brother-in-law support him, and my BIL is one of the most conservative Christians I know. I don't get how he can get past the vulgarity and lack of respect ... for anything or anyone. I'm left shrugging my shoulders.
Probably cause Trump is speaking in direct, tactless manner that many feel is his being honest vs. being politically correct...or even polite.

In other words conservatism has nothing to do with it. Unlike the other GOP candidates who either cannot build a broad coalition (Cruz) or are unable too (Rubio, Kasich, Carson) Trump is building a broad coalition using populist language. Trump will eventually have the same problem any populist does. He's not even going to remotely be able to keep his promises.
One of the main differences between British and US politics is the voting public are turned off by conspicuous displays of religiosity by politicians.
You're painting to broadly there. Most of the U.S. doesn't like that either. The South on the other hand is a tad different. They prefer their musicians, preachers and politicians to be a little bit crazy.
Maybe not a blatant lie but it is a blatant deception from their true character and faith
Again, given Bill Clinton's reputation in academics....and remember this is a guy who earned academic scholarships to Georgetown and Oxford, that I seriously doubt that in Bill's case it's a prop. Knowing the region around Little Rock and knowing Bill's reputation for being able to read and remember vast amounts of information with little apparent effort. I'd bet ya'll are wrong there. Bill could probably demonstrate a greater comprehensive knowledge about the Good Book than any member of JPP can.

Now practicing what the Bible teachs is another matter all together but I think ya'll are selling Mr. Clinton short.
I wouldn't go that far. He's done a very skillful job of outmaneuvering the GOP establishment but he still has only between 35 to 40% of the GOP vote. His rhetoric is hurting him a great deal in terms of a general election.

Notice my last comment in parenthesis?
You're painting to broadly there. Most of the U.S. doesn't like that either. The South on the other hand is a tad different. They prefer their musicians, preachers and politicians to be a little bit crazy.
Jeremy Corbyn is an atheist, do you think the leader of any mainstream US political party could be elected if they declared the same?
This quote should alarm everyone.

And it's part of a very consistent pattern. It's how he talks. All politicians lie & bend the truth - but Trump is truly pathological. I never read his book, but it's my understanding that he talks about how effective hyperbole can be.

He's really sort of crazy if you look at how he talks. Delusional - not honest w/ himself or the people he is speaking to.
This quote should alarm everyone.

And it's part of a very consistent pattern. It's how he talks. All politicians lie & bend the truth - but Trump is truly pathological. I never read his book, but it's my understanding that he talks about how effective hyperbole can be.

He's really sort of crazy if you look at how he talks. Delusional - not honest w/ himself or the people he is speaking to.

And you think Trump is alone in this regard lol?
And you think Trump is alone in this regard lol?

I conceded that all politicians lie & bend the truth. Like everything else, though, Trump is on another level. He's a pretty weird, delusional guy.

His appeal continues to elude me. I definitely see it as a "dumbed-down masses" thing, and I hate sounding elitist about that. But it is what it is.
I conceded that all politicians lie & bend the truth. Like everything else, though, Trump is on another level. He's a pretty weird, delusional guy.

His appeal continues to elude me. I definitely see it as a "dumbed-down masses" thing, and I hate sounding elitist about that. But it is what it is.

I totally get the appeal but I have my reservations about him. The dumbed down bit is a false narrative. Most of these people have given up on the Republican establishment [and even the Tea Party in some cases] to affect any changes. My state is a perfect example: WV has literally bled good paying jobs over the last decade and it's adversely affected the whole states economy.

Nobody in DC cares but Trump at least pretends to.

If you think it's stupidity, or racism or nativism, you don't get it. The same sort of thing is going on in many other parts of the country where jobs are scarce because of trade policy, immigration policy or environmental policy.
Trump said in his post debate interview he's being audited because he's a strong Christian. So awesome.
I totally get the appeal but I have my reservations about him. The dumbed down bit is a false narrative. Most of these people have given up on the Republican establishment [and even the Tea Party in some cases] to affect any changes. My state is a perfect example: WV has literally bled good paying jobs over the last decade and it's adversely affected the whole states economy.

Nobody in DC cares but Trump at least pretends to.

If you think it's stupidity, or racism or nativism, you don't get it. The same sort of thing is going on in many other parts of the country where jobs are scarce because of trade policy, immigration policy or environmental policy.

I get that people are desperate, and agree it's wrong to just classify them all as stupid. I have some friends who support Trump, and they're normally pretty smart.

But these people are getting conned, in a huge way. This guy is such a fraud. He hasn't offered up one specific policy, even though he's pressed to over & over again. His best answers are that it's better to keep those things secret, or "believe me."

Just a total fraud.