Trump: 'Nobody reads the bible more than me'

I get that people are desperate, and agree it's wrong to just classify them all as stupid. I have some friends who support Trump, and they're normally pretty smart.

But these people are getting conned, in a huge way. This guy is such a fraud. He hasn't offered up one specific policy, even though he's pressed to over & over again. His best answers are that it's better to keep those things secret, or "believe me."

Just a total fraud.

Well, do you believe half the crap Obama says? Do you believe anything Hillary says lol? Weren't a majority of voters conned not just once, but twice by Obama and his Hope and Change schtick?

I don't see where Trump supporters are more stupider than anyone else. Arguably more cynical, but that's a different thing.
Trumps claims remind me of North Korea's claims about Kim Ill Jun, like that he does not go to the bathroom.
Well, do you believe half the crap Obama says? Do you believe anything Hillary says lol? Weren't a majority of voters conned not just once, but twice by Obama and his Hope and Change schtick?

I don't see where Trump supporters are more stupider than anyone else. Arguably more cynical, but that's a different thing.

Totally different. Obama talked about his universal healthcare plan in the campaign, and got it passed. He talked about the stimulus, and got it passed. He has specific policy proposals - whether people agreed w/ them or not, they had a general idea of what he was going to do.

Not the case w/ Trump. It's just "believe me." Oh - and he's a bigot & misogynist, as well.

So, I disagree- you have to leave your mind at the door to truly support Trump.
Does anyone actually believe that? I give him credit in that he's created a situation for himself where he can basically say anything, no matter how far fetched, and it doesn't hurt him. (so far at least)

Probably, like so many 'religious' Americans, he once read a bit of Genesis and a pamphlet on Revelations. McCarthy banned the New Testament, I believe.
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Probably, like so many 'religious' Americans, he once read a bit of Genesis and a pamphlet on Revelations. McCarthy banned the New Terstament, I believe.

I forgot, the Communist hater is number one on your enemy list.
Iola is dumb enough to believe he can finally produce different results if we give Marxism yet another go. That correlates to him being batshit crazy, as you well know.