trump: oblivious moron or psychotically narcissistic oblivious moron?

Gerg, you announce your landing by saying the "migration is folding" and then say you're going to stick around? What are you, some kind of idiot? Rhetorical question, don't strain yourself.

I'm thinking of a 90-10 split. Costs no extra. After all, BV is family even if he's a pretty fucked up cousin Time to close ranks methinks and get rid of this play for banning crap. It boomeranged on BV and Peepad. But they are still "family". I've been with you lot for twelve years plus and I still consider myself a newby; a sort of distant cuz. lol. I want to lose NOBODY from the old days; maybe time to get over a few bits of butthurt.


FOUND IT!!!!!!!!
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Glug is the only person I've ever put on ignore. Been tempted to do it with SPRAYIT. Usually I just scroll past the witless and useless. However, I like to have them around in case I feel the need to kill something.

Yeah; but you didn't get me permabanned like you did The Mutt!! Tell me how you justify dobbing him for using your real name when you had it as your bloody User Name for ten years!!? Icepole was quick to dob anything "Pole" and then...BOOMERANG!! Tuff titties, but he's still one of OUR titties!!!

BTW Greg, this place has an ignore function too, so if you're as obnoxious as usual, I won't be seeing much of you.

And ffs, people, putting someone on ignore is not being a "coward" etc. That's absurd. When the neighbor's dog is noisy, I shut the window. Same principle.


Please do, weinersucking deadbeat!! You add nothing to a discussion but pontificating bullshit AGW "The end is nigh" crap. lmao



The comments are sublime.
Any VETERAN who supports the LIAR-in-CHIEF Twump is a TREASONOUS BASTARD...Just like the TRAITOR Twump.

The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to LVatorman For This Post:

Moondoggie (Yesterday), X.O. (Yesterday)​

How about you three get ahold of your horses? I hold, anyone who would so much as imply to threaten those whose opinion differs - no matter how odious that opinion might be - with the force of the law and even death, is as un-American as it gets.
They're nutters, Olde; and it has always surprised me that you aligned yourself with them. Mind you; they're all talk and flaming. I rarely take any notice of the fools. I would like to really hear your views without the morons for stupidity stuffing the conversation.

Re President Trump. He's a brash determined vulgar man with excellent policies. He's a workaholic who, once he's on the job, can't stop. He is driven to see it through regardless.


Can you solve the Schrödinger equation for helium? Can you explain the significance of eigenvalues and the associated Hamiltonian ?

Sent from my iPhone 25S with cherries on top

Crikey; I haven't done that stuff since Uni circa 1977. It was fun but no idea now. I preferred Chemistry anyway.

Umm. I'm mostly not into violent films

Who needs fictitious violence depicted in movies if we get to observe brutal vandalism like this?

Counseled by Industry, Not Staff, E.P.A. Chief Is Off to a Blazing Start

Since February, Mr. Pruitt has filed a proposal of intent to undo or weaken Mr. Obama’s climate change regulations, known as the Clean Power Plan. In late June, he filed a legal plan to repeal an Obama-era rule curbing pollution in the nation’s waterways. He delayed a rule that would require fossil fuel companies to rein in leaks of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, from oil and gas wells. He delayed the date by which companies must comply with a rule to prevent explosions and spills at chemical plants. And he reversed a ban on the use of a pesticide that the E.P.A.’s own scientists have said is linked to damage of children’s nervous systems.[...]

And he is doing all this largely without the input of the 15,000 career employees at the agency he heads, according to interviews with over 20 current and former E.P.A. senior career staff members. [...]

Instead, Mr. Pruitt has outsourced crucial work to a network of lawyers, lobbyists and other allies, especially Republican state attorneys general, a network he worked with closely as the head of the Republican Attorneys General Association. Since 2013, the group has collected $4.2 million from fossil fuel-related companies like Exxon Mobil, Koch Industries, Murray Energy and Southern Company, businesses that also worked closely with Mr. Pruitt in many of the 14 lawsuits he filed against the E.P.A.[...]

“It amounts to a corporate takeover of the agency, in its decision- and policy-making functions,” said Robert Weissman, the president of Public Citizen, a government watchdog group.[...]

Mr. Pruitt has begun what he calls his “back to basics” agenda for the E.P.A. — one that he has described to multiple people as an effort to rein in the regulatory efforts of the Obama era, which focused on invisible greenhouse gases from tailpipes and smokestacks. Instead, Mr. Pruitt has said, he wants to focus on “tangible” pollution — for example, the Superfund program, which cleans up hazardous waste at old industrial sites.

“I am making it a priority to ensure contaminated sites get cleaned up,” he said. “We will be more hands-on.” (His proposed budget for 2018, however, would cut the Superfund program by about 25 percent.) [...]

On March 22, he had dinner at the Trump International Hotel in Washington with 45 members of the board of directors of the American Petroleum Institute, a body composed largely of chief executive officers of the oil and gas industry. At the time, oil and gas companies were pushing the E.P.A. to roll back a set of rules on methane leaks from drilling wells, which the industry estimates could cost it over $170 million.

On June 13, Mr. Pruitt filed a proposal to delay those regulations by two years, and the agency is expected to rewrite them. In the filing, he noted that the E.P.A. had concluded that a delay of the pollution rules “may have a disproportionate effect on children.” But he also said the rules would come at a significant cost to the oil and gas industry.

Saving the health of children, or sparing Big Oil some costs to clean up their operations somewhat. Pruitt has no doubt what aim to favor, and he took no chances with the health of Big Oil's bottom line.