Trump Posts Repugnant Video Altering an Alanis Morissette's Song to Claim Kamala Harris Used Oral Sex to Become Democratic Nominee For President

Trump is a stupid man, with no dignity, with no respect for other people, and abuses women and young girls. Trump is a low-level selfish jerk who is a user. Trump made being a jerk, lying as much as you want, and cheating, party mantras. America will be better when he is gone.
Anyone who is still infatuated by "The Grateful Dead" is a tragic relic of the 1960 hippie/New-left counterculture.

What little brains the Flower Children had were scrambled by: LSD, cannabis and opiates, the licentious doctrine of "Free Love" (everyone should fuck everyone else anyway and anyhow they liked, Neo-Marxist Critical Theory pumped through their colleges by ass-holes like Herbert Marcuse and Theodore Adorno; brainwashing that conventional American society was toxic and theory to "Drop Out" and "Make Love Not War" or to concentrate on pursing hedonistic pleasure in "Sex and Drugs and Rock and Roll". The counterculture also championed gay sex and Women's Liberation plus initiated the beginnings out the Green/Environment movement (which we now see in 2024 is a fake (Leftist political con-job) Hippies also dabbled in Eastern spiritualism and mysticism though what this achieved was ZERO.

On the political front, the 60s/early 70's generation managed to create the "Black Panthers" (armed Marxist/racist Black thugs) and terrorist cells like "The Weather Underground" - a communist domestic terrorist organisation who unleashed 25 bombs in Washington DC and other government buildings. Their founder was a moron named Bill Ayers who ended up becoming BBF with Barack Obama. There were all sorts of rat-bag, adolescent, political groups at large, socialists like the SDS, Maoists, Anarchists, and so on.

The whole New Left movement achieved ZERO and swiftly fizzled out. Likewise the Hippie counterculture. They evaporated because there was nothing worthwhile , nothing of genuine vale, underpinning their political ideologies/ philosophies/world-view, Just a misguided, juvenile, "rage against the machine", namely,orthodox American society (which they slavishly acted out at the direction of their Marxist gurus like Herbert Marcuse and Co.. Getting high, having promiscuous/abnormal sex, "dropping out" of mainstream American culture/society, attacking capitalism and the Western patriarchy and so on. The counterculture were just stooges created by communist/postmodern academics in their universities and colleges.

THe "legendary "Summer of Love" in San Francisco, 1967, was not the idyllic "happening" of peace, joy , love and kindness that the myth portrays. In many ways it was a rather ugly scene - marred by criminal drug trafficking, rampant, toxic drug abuse, crime (violence), rape, destruction of property (accommodation and so on.

The curse of the 1960s is that it planted the seeds for what you see today in America - a neo-Marxist, Democrat government that has launched a revolutionary culture war on the United States over the past 4 years.

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound
LOL. You did all that for me?

It's like Jazz. You either get it or you don't.
Yes, Taichi, never truer words were thus spake ! I think crooked Joe Biden maintained very high professional standards as POTUS in office (pardon me while I fart in your general direction....Aaaahhh-that's better !) In fact, Taichi, his virtuous conduct as a politician can be traced all the way back to the start of his political career - when he became Senator for Delaware in 1972. No sooner had "fingers" Biden been sworn in to Congress, he was "carrying water" on the hill for big Credit Card corporations and cigarette machine companies in Delaware in return for cash kick-backs.

Biden was also a psychopathic liar throughout his entire political career. In 1988, while campaigning for the Presidency, Biden was forced to drop out - in disgrace - after being caught plagiarising a wonderful speech by a Welsh Labour MP Neil Kinnock, (that KInnock delivered in 1987). Kinnock was a true, working - class "boyo" from the coal mines of the Welsh valleys, and his speech was one of those rare, magnificent and profoundly moving political addresses that cut across Party political lines (even in the bitter class strife of Margaret Thatcher's radical, economic reforms, and was said ,even, to have had the British police guards in attendance in tears. Biden, of course, HAD to steal it, and pass it of as his own work. (A very arrogant and foolish thing to have done at the time). The public scandal of his plagiarism made his bid for the 1988 Presidency untenable. He was also caught plagiarising at Law School, where he lifted the entire content of an article from a published law review to pass of as his own scholarship. There are other shameful incidents as well.

With respect Biden's moral character, he was a devoted ass-licker of the influential, Democrat power-broker and Party "Grand- Pooba", Robert C Byrd.. Like Biden, Byrd was a hard-wired racist, and was, indeed, a former Grand Cyclops in the Ku Klux Klan. Byrd died in 2010, and at his lavish funeral ceremony - before, the Clintons and Obama all the rest of the Democrat Royalty, it was Joe Biden who read the tedious eulogy, a banal "sermon" that dragged on for well over an hour.

Joe Biden is a psychopath, in the sense he has no real moral conscience or capacity to empathise/feel compassion. The moral terms "right" and "wrong" mean nothing to him. He is also a narcissist, utterly self-centred and egomaniacal. Even knowing full-well that he had pronounced dementia (he was told this years ago by his attending physicians) he refused point blank to stand down after the severity of his condition was exposed to the American public in the disastrous debate he had with Donald Trump. He was revealed to be totally unfit for office but was so selfish he stubbornly insisted on remaining "President" despite being a danger to the nation, and an electoral liability to his Party.

Biden will use whatever means is necessary to advance/achieve his personal ends. And these have basically been to maximise his political power, and to enrich himself (and his immediate family) by taking advantage of his political influence as a: Senator; a Vice President and finally as US President. Biden is nothing more than a "tin-pot" liar and a grifter. He is the very word President in American history, THAT is his legacy. And despite the fact the he was a "non compos mentis" ceremonial puppet for his term in office, he was nontheless still the 46th President of the United States, and DID have some understanding of the appalling things he was doing in terms of rubber-stamping anti-American domestic and foreign policy/Executive Orders. He simply didn't give a fuck.

BTW, Taichiliberal, did you notice BIDEN has just been officially nailed in Congress for "impeachable offences" and for his all of the millions of dollars of "filthy lucre" he used to line his pockets by cutting dirty deals with shady customers from: China Ukraine, Russia and other criminal states when he was Obama's VEEP. Charming, I must say. Also he was in the thick of the OBAMAGATE conspiracy, offering helpful suggestions to Obama and his rat-pack on how to bring down General Michael Flynn in 2017, amongst other things. While Biden was still sane , he "intentionally and wilfully" "mishandled" a shit - load of classified governments documents (that were mostly extremely sensitive). These ended up strewn all over the place (like a mad woman's shit) Although Biden was sane when he illegally removed these classified documents, and had done so intentionally and willingly, DOJ Special Counsel, Robert Hur, (investigating the case) declined to press criminal charges because he deemed that - (to be blunt) - Biden was insane (demented) and would be unable to defend himself in a court of law ( ! !)

So, Taichiliberal, would I sum up America's 46th President, Joe Biden. Some people would say he was a "tragic" figure, but if you know your canon, you will also know that there is some of "the noble" in the tragic character (Clint Eastwood's character "Dirty Harry" is a good example) The first fitting line that I would apply to Joe Biden was Enoch Powell's famous quotation from the Roman poet , Virgil, "Those whom the Gods wish to destroy they first turn mad." Biden was sent mad (with dementia) by 2020 at the latest. Over the next four years he was utterly destroyed as a Head of State. He has no legacy but disgrace and shame.

On a personal note, I would describe Biden as a someone who managed to rise to a great status - the President of the United States - but was always nothing more than a grubby LITTLE conniving shit. A petty grifter, at heart; a lying phoney, a reprobate with the moral integrity of a sewer rat, a cheap con-man. The only historical character I can think of that is vaguely familiar to Biden is the notorious swindler, confidence-trickster, liar and fraud - Charles PONZI. Biden was like an elderly version of Ponzi (in the 1920s). Bur even Charles Ponzi had some moral scruples - Biden has none.

Joe Biden was America's misfortune - a (large) shit-stain across the honourable and valorous story of the American Republic.

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!
Whenever glance at the size of this bigoted buffoons responses to any of my posts, I know from experience that it is nothing more than a regurgitation of every neocon/teabagger/fibbertarian/MAGA propagandistic talking points for the last decade or so. It's usually sprinkled with half truths, much supposition and conjecture, fringe conspiracy theories and just plain old half baked BS.

Our Nazi Dog from Down Under just lost his shit because of the deadly accurate, near prophetic routine from the late great George Carlin regarding American politics. Had our racist wiener actually took and breath and paid attention, he would have caught Carlin's condemnation of EVERYONE, the VOTING public, who are responsible for bad politicians no matter how you vote.

Cheeto Jeezus is just the current cumulation of such. Biden's no prince as one could demonstrate with an accurate review of historical record (of which our goose stepping wiener fails to do) such as his unwavering pro-zionist stand with Israel, his favoritism of the credit card industry and banking, his BS re: his support of the Iraq war ... reasons why I didn't vote for him in 2020.

But apropo to my previous post, Carlin's gets to the point. Start at 1:10. Enjoy!
Whenever glance at the size of this bigoted buffoons responses to any of my posts, I know from experience that it is nothing more than a regurgitation of every neocon/teabagger/fibbertarian/MAGA propagandistic talking points for the last decade or so. It's usually sprinkled with half truths, much supposition and conjecture, fringe conspiracy theories and just plain old half baked BS.

Our Nazi Dog from Down Under just lost his shit because of the deadly accurate, near prophetic routine from the late great George Carlin regarding American politics. Had our racist wiener actually took and breath and paid attention, he would have caught Carlin's condemnation of EVERYONE, the VOTING public, who are responsible for bad politicians no matter how you vote.

Cheeto Jeezus is just the current cumulation of such. Biden's no prince as one could demonstrate with an accurate review of historical record (of which our goose stepping wiener fails to do) such as his unwavering pro-zionist stand with Israel, his favoritism of the credit card industry and banking, his BS re: his support of the Iraq war ... reasons why I didn't vote for him in 2020.

But apropo to my previous post, Carlin's gets to the point. Start at 1:10. Enjoy!



I have recently come to the recognition that I - Dachshund Dawg - am (morally) duty-bound to extend the hand of charity to young Taichiliberal. Through no fault of his own, he lacks any meaningful understanding of the core principles of conservative politics. By taking him "under-wing" and explaining some central pillars of conservative political philosophy, I am hopeful I may be able to redeem my Brother from the darkness and nihilism of his fall into the abyss of the modern American "death cult" that is "Cultural Marxism."

Some Brief Background

It occurred to me while reading some of the standard, juvenile insults that the left/liberal mob throw at Donald TRUMP on this forum, like: NAZI; "REICH-WING" EXTREMIST; FASCIST; MAGAT; RACIST; DICTATOR; WHITE SUPREMACIST/WHITE NATIONALIST and so on, that the individuals who make these kind of puerile remarks, actually do not have the faintest clue what political conservatism is all about 65 years ago, the American left began to infiltrate the United State's higher education institutions. In departments like the social sciences, the humanities, English language, history, etc; students were systematically indoctrinated with with Marxist Critical Theory and Cultural Marxism (aka, neo-Marxism).

Today, left-wing ideologues have managed to secure a strangle-hold on education from the elementary school classroom to all of the Ivy League Universities ( you will recall the scandal of the antisemitic, (now ousted), Harvard Principal. America's schools and colleges are today, a vehicle for toxic; racist, anti-scientific teaching materials like CRT (CRT is a modern movement in black, Supremacist, racialist Marxism), bogus, revisionist, American histories like

"THE 1619 Project" by Nicole Hannah - Jones (who presents the brilliant conclusion she has drawn that ...the American Revolutionary War was fought solely over slavery." If it's not pure BS like this, then it's teaching youngsters all about LGBTQ sexuality with pornographic illustrations to illustrate the abnormal and unnatural sexual behaviours of psychiatrically disordered. However it doesn't stop here. There is also instruction in leftist gender ideology, which teaches children and youth about how they can change their genders with potent drugs like puberty blockers, (androgenic and oestrogenic sex hormones and/or (radical) gender-affirmative surgery.

In sum, American public (K4 -12) schools, colleges and Universities are awash with every worthless species of neo-Marxist/"Woke"/post-modern curricular sewage imaginable. Much of it is also intensely critical of native, (White European) Americans - (who are all racist, White supremacists (seriously !)-and their historic sins of colonisation and slave trading, etc. White America's unique, Western culture is also castigated (and this is precisely like watching "pearls cast before swine").

What a tragic irony it is that the Founders of the American republic -the greatest civilisation to have arisen in the past 6,000 years of human history- were Conservatives, Yes, that's correct; they were what we could call today, "CLASSICAL LIBERTARIANS." Their political positions were robustly RIGHT of centre. The was nothing of the left - no socialism, egalitarianism, collectivism - about their worldview. You would think, given this, that American children and young adults would be well taught about the political beliefs of the Founders and have a good understanding of conservative politics in America. But they are not taught any of the objective history of their nation at all, because it is White, "right-wing" history and deemed offensive and toxic.

This is why no one on this forum seems to have a competent grasp of what conservative political philosophy is all about.

Lots of people say, "Well, you know, political conservatism is, by its nature, is not formulalc; conservative beliefs and values have got very fuzzy, blurry borders". There is certainly some truth in this. For instance, Conservative thinkers aren't like communists/socialists who love to have a neat list of principles that cover exactly how they will govern their country. Also, conservatives are pragmatic people who don't have mich faith in abstract philosophising. Rather, they DO THINGS as opposed to spending their time thinking and writing clever, highly-rational/logical essays and books about political theory, central- planning, social engineering and Marxian utopias, etc. Despite all of this, it IS possible to identify a framework of conservative political principles upon which modern scholars in the West pretty much agree.


Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!
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Trump Posts Repugnant Video Altering an Alanis Morissette's Song to Claim Kamala Harris Used Oral Sex to Become Democratic Nominee For President​

It seems that the GOP leadership is unable to raise its thinking above the level of its waistband.
Damn good stuff. Why knock it? All's fair in love, war and politics.
Making yourself look like a bottom feeding vulgarian, like the walking and talking trash that you are, may be fair.
I just can't see how it's useful.
It will only entertain the pathetic psychotics who already support you, Donald.

The most sobering situation facing America today is the fact that Kamala Harris v. Donald Trump[ is actually projected to be a close election.

This could never ever be the case in a healthy society will healthy people.

The fact that as many as74,000,000 Americans voted for Donald Trump four years ago--
more than who voted for him eight years ago--
means that America has allowed many of her citizens to get very, very sick.

The very regressive policies that these trumpanzees are supporting, it's painfully ironic to recognize,
are the policies that stressed those very same trumpanzees into devolving.

They are supporting the nation's exact failures that reduced them to the mutants they have become.
They are opposing the very policies that might actually provide them the opportunity to begin to heal.

Donald Trump could not garner significant votes among healthy people.
His supporters have special needs,
and what they need most is NOT what they're trying to get.

The people trying to drag us down with them
are the very people we will be helping if we can overcome their efforts.

We're not trying to do it for them, perhaps.
They are wronging us and we may not be enthused to help them.
We want to help our own.

But if we CAN achieve a society that will help them gradually heal,
that will be a better society in which we can live.


I have recently come to the recognition that I - Dachshund Dawg - am (morally) duty-bound to extend the hand of charity to young Taichiliberal. Through no fault of his own, he lacks any meaningful understanding of the core principles of conservative politics. By taking him "under-wing" and explaining some central pillars of conservative political philosophy, I am hopeful I may be able to redeem my Brother from the darkness and nihilism of his fall into the abyss of the modern American "death cult" that is "Cultural Marxism."

Some Brief Background

It occurred to me while reading some of the standard, juvenile insults that the left/liberal mob throw at Donald TRUMP on this forum, like: NAZI; "REICH-WING" EXTREMIST; FASCIST; MAGAT; RACIST; DICTATOR; WHITE SUPREMACIST/WHITE NATIONALIST and so on, that the individuals who make these kind of puerile remarks, actually do not have the faintest clue what political conservatism is all about 65 years ago, the American left began to infiltrate the United State's higher education institutions. In departments like the social sciences, the humanities, English language, history, etc; students were systematically indoctrinated with with Marxist Critical Theory and Cultural Marxism (aka, neo-Marxism).

Today, left-wing ideologues have managed to secure a strangle-hold on education from the elementary school classroom to all of the Ivy League Universities ( you will recall the scandal of the antisemitic, (now ousted), Harvard Principal. America's schools and colleges are today, a vehicle for toxic; racist, anti-scientific teaching materials like CRT (CRT is a modern movement in black, Supremacist, racialist Marxism), bogus, revisionist, American histories like

"THE 1619 Project" by Nicole Hannah - Jones (who presents the brilliant conclusion she has drawn that ...the American Revolutionary War was fought solely over slavery." If it's not pure BS like this, then it's teaching youngsters all about LGBTQ sexuality with pornographic illustrations to illustrate the abnormal and unnatural sexual behaviours of psychiatrically disordered. However it doesn't stop here. There is also instruction in leftist gender ideology, which teaches children and youth about how they can change their genders with potent drugs like puberty blockers, (androgenic and oestrogenic sex hormones and/or (radical) gender-affirmative surgery.

In sum, American public (K4 -12) schools, colleges and Universities are awash with every worthless species of neo-Marxist/"Woke"/post-modern curricular sewage imaginable. Much of it is also intensely critical of native, (White European) Americans - (who are all racist, White supremacists (seriously !)-and their historic sins of colonisation and slave trading, etc. White America's unique, Western culture is also castigated (and this is precisely like watching "pearls cast before swine").

What a tragic irony it is that the Founders of the American republic -the greatest civilisation to have arisen in the past 6,000 years of human history- were Conservatives, Yes, that's correct; they were what we could call today, "CLASSICAL LIBERTARIANS." Their political positions were robustly RIGHT of centre. The was nothing of the left - no socialism, egalitarianism, collectivism - about their worldview. You would think, given this, that American children and young adults would be well taught about the political beliefs of the Founders and have a good understanding of conservative politics in America. But they are not taught any of the objective history of their nation at all, because it is White, "right-wing" history and deemed offensive and toxic.

This is why no one on this forum seems to have a competent grasp of what conservative political philosophy is all about.

Lots of people say, "Well, you know, political conservatism is, by its nature, is not formulalc; conservative beliefs and values have got very fuzzy, blurry borders". There is certainly some truth in this. For instance, Conservative thinkers aren't like communists/socialists who love to have a neat list of principles that cover exactly how they will govern their country. Also, conservatives are pragmatic people who don't have mich faith in abstract philosophising. Rather, they DO THINGS as opposed to spending their time thinking and writing clever, highly-rational/logical essays and books about political theory, central- planning, social engineering and Marxian utopias, etc. Despite all of this, it IS possible to identify a framework of conservative political principles upon which modern scholars in the West pretty much agree.


Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!
:sleep: Oh, I'm sorry. I was waiting for our resident Nazi Dog to actually address the accuracy of George Carlin's take on American politics and political/social society. Instead, he's wasted time and space on 2 posts just letting go his mental diarrhea chock full with the drivel we've all heard from the MAGA and ALT-Right mooks for the last few years ... a typical play book move by our Nazi Dog....throw any and all half truths, revisions, lies up against the wall and heavily dose it with racism and bigotry.

As the chronology of the posts shows, our Nazi Dog is just masturbating to his mirror image, confident in self approved "cleverness". He's just a Goebbels wanna-be thirsty for attention. So much more to pity him. Let's watch his next move; My refusal to go down his detoured road that will set the stage for his next diatribe. ;)
Well, so Kamala does have accomplishments and skills... who knew!?

Trump could rape your baby sister, then force her to bring the pregnancy to term while Vance makes sure she marries the rapist to be a "complete woman"....and YOU WOULD SUPPORT OR MAKE EXCUSES FOR SUCH.

You disgust me.
The tRumplings will cheer.
Not really. In today's day and age, we expect everyone to know how to forward something.

Are you saying that you don't?

Trump could rape your baby sister, then force her to bring the pregnancy to term while Vance makes sure she marries the rapist to be a "complete woman"....and YOU WOULD SUPPORT OR MAKE EXCUSES FOR SUCH.

You disgust me.
The DNC could ass-rape you over a credenza, then force you to make cum spew out your nose, while Kamala shits down your throat to make you a "complete man"....and YOU WOULD SUPPORT OR MAKE EXCUSES FOR SUCH.

You disgust me.
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Former President Donald Trump has sparked outrage by posting a highly controversial and offensive video on Truth Social, which features an altered version of an Alanis Morissette song to accuse Kamala Harris of using sexual favors to become the Democratic nominee for president.

On Sunday night, Trump shared the video, which was produced by the “Dilly Meme Team,” a pro-Trump group known for its provocative and inflammatory content. This group, criticized for its crude and offensive videos, has previously faced scrutiny for its connections to the Trump campaign. The group’s leader, Brenden Dilly, has been a guest at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate.

The video is a parody of Morissette’s hit song “Ironic,” but with disturbing modifications. It begins by derogatorily referring to Harris as “a moron” and features images of President Joe Biden and Hunter Biden. The video suggests that former President Barack Obama replaced Biden with Harris, and mocks Harris’s laughter by altering the song’s lyrics to imply that her laughter is insincere.

The video also delves into election conspiracy theories, falsely claiming that fake ballots are used to rig election outcomes in favor of Democrats. It further includes a troubling claim that Harris engaged in sexual acts to gain political power and secure her position at the top of the Democratic ticket.

The altered lyrics include:

“She spent her whole damn life down on her knees.
To be commander in chief
That’s how you say please.
Isn’t it moronic.
Don’t you think
A little too moronic
Yeah, I really can’t think”

The video features disturbing visuals, including an image of Willie Brown appearing behind a couch where Harris and her husband, Doug Emhoff, are seated, referencing Harris’s past relationship with Brown. The video implies, through its graphic content and lyrics, that Harris’s political ascent was facilitated by sexual favors.

Trump’s history of sexual misconduct allegations, including admissions of using his celebrity status to exploit women, adds a layer of irony to the video’s claims. The video has been widely condemned as a gross distortion of Harris’s career and an attempt to diminish her accomplishments through offensive and unfounded allegation

That's a fact so what's the problem?

You don't wife up a whore.