Trump Posts Repugnant Video Altering an Alanis Morissette's Song to Claim Kamala Harris Used Oral Sex to Become Democratic Nominee For President

I believe you hate this country. That is one wrong that will lose you this election. Americans know they deserve better than the last 4 years.
Might have paid more attention 20 years ago as Carlin was telling us that our owners have thrown us overboard, that we no longer matter.
Taichiliberal wrote:
:sleep: Oh, I'm sorry. I was waiting for our resident Nazi Dog to actually address the accuracy of George Carlin's take on American politics and political/social society. Instead, he's wasted time and space on 2 posts just letting go his mental diarrhea chock full with the drivel we've all heard from the MAGA and ALT-Right mooks for the last few years ... a typical play book move by our Nazi Dog....throw any and all half truths, revisions, lies up against the wall and heavily dose it with racism and bigotry.

As the chronology of the posts shows, our Nazi Dog is just masturbating to his mirror image, confident in self approved "cleverness". He's just a Goebbels wanna-be thirsty for attention. So much more to pity him. Let's watch his next move; My refusal to go down his detoured road that will set the stage for his next diatribe. ;)

There is a conception among young American liberals that conservative (Republican) political philosophy is simply the primitive noise that comes out of the mouths of the "lumpenproletariat" at Donald Trump's, MAGA rallies; ...that American, political conservatism is a coarse thing of: "pussy-grabbing"; "bad hombres"; "shit-hole countries" and tacit White Nationalism.

Though If we peel back the superficial layers of any of the great conservative administrations in the modern era: Benjamin Disraeli and Margaret Thatcher in Britain; Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump in America, and so on, we find there are a relatively stable set of core beliefs and values that define Western political conservatism. I mean that Donald Trump, Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan, for instance, were very different personalities and they had different styles of leadership, but ALL of them embraced the core conservative principles to which I am referring. These are the fundamental ideas that make conservatism "tick;" and in these fire-side chats I am going to discuss the most important ones with you.


Our guide for this intellectual (and existential) adventure will be none other than the great "Father of Conservatism", himself, Edmund Burke (1729 - 1797). Being a young American liberal, I doubt you have ever heard of him, Taichiliberal, but his ghost is riding high on the shoulders of Donald Trump as we speak. Burke has been acknowledged by ALL of the West's pre-eminent scholars of political philosophy for over (120 years) as the unquestioned founder of political conservatism ( and when I say all, I mean ALL) Many of today's Congressional Republicans - in particularly the more experienced and well-read members - Ted Cruz is a good example, Ted Kennedy, another - are well-acquainted with Edmund Burke's political letters, essays and speeches.

Burke was an unorthodox genius. He is known as the ,"grave-digger of the Enlightenment", as he was skeptical of the Enlightenment Era belief that unaided human reason (by itself) had the potential to develop good systems of government. He was not an anti - rationalist, though, and his writing makes this very clear. In fact, Edmund Burke, was one of the very greatest masters of the English language ever to have lived - so say Samuel Taylor Coleridge and T.S. Eliot. Whenever I read through Burke's essay's and letters, I rediscover passages of his prose that are so spiritually beautiful I am utterly bedazzled and stunned.


Have you ever considered, Taichiliberal, the fact that we (you, I, everyone) are all "THROWN" (or rather "spat out") into this world at birth. The CONCRETE sphere of the moral life and activity of an individual is given to him or her by the human circumstance into which s/he is born; it is created by the mysterious process of nature. This individual's - (i.e. me, you, Donald Trump, Tomy Lahren, Tampon Tim, Joy Reid, "Cry-Baby Kinsinger", AOC and all the rest) - place in the order of human lives is in no way arbitrary or accidental. Rather, it is a PURPOSEFUL dispensation of the SUPREME RULER who sustains the created order. Right, Taichiliberal ? THINK ABOUT IT FOR A MINUTE, DUDE.

For Burke, the "Supreme Ruler" was God (the Biblical one). He what he, himself, says....

"Dark and inscrutable are the ways by which we come into this world. The instincts which give rise to this mysterious process of nature ARE NOT OF OUR MAKING. But out of physical causes inknown to us, perhaps unknowable, arise MORAL DUTIES (OBLIGATIONS), which as we are alble perfectly to comprehend, we are bound indispensibly to perform."

I put it to you, Taichiliberal, that this passage is perfectly reasonable. You don't know how you came into the world - when and where you did - it is a miracle. Right Taichi ? And you also know from your own experience that there are MORAL behaviours. That is, behaviours that are (morally) RIGHT and that you should (MUST) do, and behaviours that are (morally) WRONG that you ought (MUST) not do. Right, Taichiliberal ? You are a NORMAL young man. You are not a nut-job, not a severe, major psychiatric case of any kind, not an adult who has pronounced/profound mental retardation ( like Down's Syndrome) you are capable of normal reasoning/logical thinking. Given this, you know RIGHT from WRONG.If you had an AR - 15 rifle and ammunition stored in your bedroom, deciding that you are going to load up this rifle and then go out into a crowded public place and shoot as many random people as you can for fun is (morally) WRONG. On the other hand, charitable behaviour like your helping little, old ladies across a dangerous road in your town centre is a (morally) RIGHT thing to do and YOU KNOW this.

So far, Taichiliberal, I am trusting that everything I've mentioned should be quite straightforward and perfectly reasonable. I admit that I have thrown in a "Supreme Ruler" - (a supernatural entity) - who created and ruled the universe. I guess you may object to that if you don't believe in the existence of (Burke's) Christian God. But when I sat down and thought for 30 mins about where I came from (as a newborn Dachshund - and I don't mean out of my mother's womb/birth canal); rather, how did I come exist from out of the boundless, infinite universe - the HOW question was a completely, impenetrable mystery. BECAUSE, I mean, IT DID HAPPEN - and it DID HAPPEN in your case as well, and it DID HAPPEN 330,000,000 times in America to date. Right? Do you get what I'm saying when I tell you I find it all kind of SPOOKY.


Kindest Regards

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!
And our moronic Nazi Dog from Down Under did EXACTLY as I said he would! I don't waste time reading through his drivel, as the man pathetically just babbles on with his dodgy convoluted logic, revisionism and self aggrandizing clap trap. I almost feel sorry for the little dummy, as he's a legend in his own mind. But the chronology of the posts will ALWAYS be his undoing.

Let's watch his next predictable move, which is to have the last word with a repetition of his previous bilge ... or a declaration of some sort. It's a guilty pleasure of mine to just trigger these goose steeping goons! ;)
Yes, Taichi, never truer words were thus spake ! I think crooked Joe Biden maintained very high professional standards as POTUS in office (pardon me while I fart in your general direction....Aaaahhh-that's better !) In fact, Taichi, his virtuous conduct as a politician can be traced all the way back to the start of his political career - when he became Senator for Delaware in 1972. No sooner had "fingers" Biden been sworn in to Congress, he was "carrying water" on the hill for big Credit Card corporations and cigarette machine companies in Delaware in return for cash kick-backs.

Biden was also a psychopathic liar throughout his entire political career. In 1988, while campaigning for the Presidency, Biden was forced to drop out - in disgrace - after being caught plagiarising a wonderful speech by a Welsh Labour MP Neil Kinnock, (that KInnock delivered in 1987). Kinnock was a true, working - class "boyo" from the coal mines of the Welsh valleys, and his speech was one of those rare, magnificent and profoundly moving political addresses that cut across Party political lines (even in the bitter class strife of Margaret Thatcher's radical, economic reforms, and was said ,even, to have had the British police guards in attendance in tears. Biden, of course, HAD to steal it, and pass it of as his own work. (A very arrogant and foolish thing to have done at the time). The public scandal of his plagiarism made his bid for the 1988 Presidency untenable. He was also caught plagiarising at Law School, where he lifted the entire content of an article from a published law review to pass of as his own scholarship. There are other shameful incidents as well.

With respect Biden's moral character, he was a devoted ass-licker of the influential, Democrat power-broker and Party "Grand- Pooba", Robert C Byrd.. Like Biden, Byrd was a hard-wired racist, and was, indeed, a former Grand Cyclops in the Ku Klux Klan. Byrd died in 2010, and at his lavish funeral ceremony - before, the Clintons and Obama all the rest of the Democrat Royalty, it was Joe Biden who read the tedious eulogy, a banal "sermon" that dragged on for well over an hour.

Joe Biden is a psychopath, in the sense he has no real moral conscience or capacity to empathise/feel compassion. The moral terms "right" and "wrong" mean nothing to him. He is also a narcissist, utterly self-centred and egomaniacal. Even knowing full-well that he had pronounced dementia (he was told this years ago by his attending physicians) he refused point blank to stand down after the severity of his condition was exposed to the American public in the disastrous debate he had with Donald Trump. He was revealed to be totally unfit for office but was so selfish he stubbornly insisted on remaining "President" despite being a danger to the nation, and an electoral liability to his Party.

Biden will use whatever means is necessary to advance/achieve his personal ends. And these have basically been to maximise his political power, and to enrich himself (and his immediate family) by taking advantage of his political influence as a: Senator; a Vice President and finally as US President. Biden is nothing more than a "tin-pot" liar and a grifter. He is the very word President in American history, THAT is his legacy. And despite the fact the he was a "non compos mentis" ceremonial puppet for his term in office, he was nontheless still the 46th President of the United States, and DID have some understanding of the appalling things he was doing in terms of rubber-stamping anti-American domestic and foreign policy/Executive Orders. He simply didn't give a fuck.

BTW, Taichiliberal, did you notice BIDEN has just been officially nailed in Congress for "impeachable offences" and for his all of the millions of dollars of "filthy lucre" he used to line his pockets by cutting dirty deals with shady customers from: China Ukraine, Russia and other criminal states when he was Obama's VEEP. Charming, I must say. Also he was in the thick of the OBAMAGATE conspiracy, offering helpful suggestions to Obama and his rat-pack on how to bring down General Michael Flynn in 2017, amongst other things. While Biden was still sane , he "intentionally and wilfully" "mishandled" a shit - load of classified governments documents (that were mostly extremely sensitive). These ended up strewn all over the place (like a mad woman's shit) Although Biden was sane when he illegally removed these classified documents, and had done so intentionally and willingly, DOJ Special Counsel, Robert Hur, (investigating the case) declined to press criminal charges because he deemed that - (to be blunt) - Biden was insane (demented) and would be unable to defend himself in a court of law ( ! !)

So, Taichiliberal, would I sum up America's 46th President, Joe Biden. Some people would say he was a "tragic" figure, but if you know your canon, you will also know that there is some of "the noble" in the tragic character (Clint Eastwood's character "Dirty Harry" is a good example) The first fitting line that I would apply to Joe Biden was Enoch Powell's famous quotation from the Roman poet , Virgil, "Those whom the Gods wish to destroy they first turn mad." Biden was sent mad (with dementia) by 2020 at the latest. Over the next four years he was utterly destroyed as a Head of State. He has no legacy but disgrace and shame.

On a personal note, I would describe Biden as a someone who managed to rise to a great status - the President of the United States - but was always nothing more than a grubby LITTLE conniving shit. A petty grifter, at heart; a lying phoney, a reprobate with the moral integrity of a sewer rat, a cheap con-man. The only historical character I can think of that is vaguely familiar to Biden is the notorious swindler, confidence-trickster, liar and fraud - Charles PONZI. Biden was like an elderly version of Ponzi (in the 1920s). Bur even Charles Ponzi had some moral scruples - Biden has none.

Joe Biden was America's misfortune - a (large) shit-stain across the honourable and valorous story of the American Republic.

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!
Holy Christ!

Epic Takedown!

Delaware has always been an American gangster state.

they specialize in corporate cocksucking and slavery.

You ever hear Of the Arden Cult in Arden, Delaware?

Here's something from Jay Parker Arden Cult survivor.

satanic horrible psychotics.
