***Trump Rally in Tampa, FL @ 7p.m. EST***

A special painting for the Trump haters. Called Drain the Swamp.

Never once in my entire life have I been asked for ID buying Fucking Groceries. What kind of place to you live in where people do that? Do they also ask you for ID to buy Gas? :laugh:

Many stores now check ID's when using a credit card for anything over a certain dollar amount. Many gas stations require you to prepay when not using a credit card. It's called theft prevention.
Never once in my entire life have I been asked for ID buying Fucking Groceries. What kind of place to you live in where people do that? Do they also ask you for ID to buy Gas? :laugh:
But you were asked for ID for just about every fucking thing else and groceries if using a credit card.

Dumb fuck.

Time for the voter frauds to show ID. I love it.
It's OK that you had your bullshit thrown back in your moon face and have no answer.

Lifelong Marxists like you never do.
Stupid retardo. ID is required for EVERY fucking thing except voting, in order to help the fraudsters cheat.

Hopefully that will be changing.

Not being able to commit voter fraud = disenfranchised.

Stupid retardo. ID is required for EVERY fucking thing except voting, in order to help the fraudsters cheat.

No, it's not. Well, maybe on Planet Retard, where you live, but not in reality.

And that has fuckall to do with what I actually posted.
Hopefully that will be changing.

Not being able to commit voter fraud = disenfranchised.

What voter fraud, you pathetic whore?

Silly Marxist.

That's not evidence of voter fraud, silly whore. Do you even bother to read your own links?

"State officials are planning to examine about 20 Detroit precincts where ballot boxes opened during the recount had fewer ballots than poll workers had recorded on Election Day. We’re assuming there were (human) errors, and we will have discussions with Detroit election officials and staff in addition to reviewing the ballots,” Thomas said."

"Last week, Baxter told The News 87 optical scanners broke on Election Day. He said many jammed when voters tried repeatedly to stuff single ballots into scanners, which can result in erroneous vote counts if poll workers don’t adjust counters."