***Trump Rally in Tampa, FL @ 7p.m. EST***

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North Korea appears to be building new ballistic missiles despite recent warming ties with the Trump administration and pledges to denuclearise, reports say.

Unnamed US officials told the Washington Post that spy satellites had spotted continuing activity at a site that has produced ballistic missiles.

Talk is cheap. Remains to be seen what comes to pass.

Bet lil Kim won't be shitting on the USA like he has in the past. Finally we have a President who will stand up and defend, instead of shit on, the USA.
His rallies are strictly about the base.

I think the more he does them, the more we'll see that already double-digit advantage Dems have with independents grow.
you want him to do Dem talking points?
And no -he talks about the USA as well as politics ( Democratic Obstructionism)
There is probably another option aside from "doing Dem talking points" and "acting like a delusional partisan clown."
there is. he talks about what has been going on. like GDP, job growth, job training..and other thing his administration does. And what the Dems block (everything)
The rest of it was a get out the vote -same thing any administration would be talking about
Watching these rallies and the numbers of people showing up in the middle of the summer, and the enthusiasm has got to scare the life out of any liberal that once upon a time thought the mid-terms may go their way.

See you nut-bags in November

Just like 2016 these rallies don’t matter

Everyone hates Trump as much as Thingy does. Trust him. Thingy is never wrong
Isn’t your statement racist against white people?? Look up hypocracy and then look in the mirror. I also bet you are white. What gives?