Trump says Adam Schiff should be in jail

Should Schiff and Obama be indicted?

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So says Wiki footnotes from CNN, NBC News, The Hill and WaPo.

Are you still pretending that Flynn committed a crime? The other day, you were focused on his getting fired, because, presumably, you had caught-up with the news cycle, and so were focused on his having lied to Pence. Now you're all over the place.
Are you still pretending that Flynn committed a crime? The other day, you were focused on his getting fired, because, presumably, you had caught-up with the news cycle, and so were focused on his having lied to Pence. Now you're all over the place.

She has to get new talking points from Fowl before she can reply. Then she, her Queen, and that imbecile Rana can congratulate one another and thank each other's posts.
Are you still pretending that Flynn committed a crime? The other day, you were focused on his getting fired, because, presumably, you had caught-up with the news cycle, and so were focused on his having lied to Pence. Now you're all over the place.

He did commit a crime. You're compelled to defend him because he's military. He not only committed a crime, he's a purveyor of fake news, a peddler of conspiracy theories and a died-in-the-wool nut job. He was basically forced out of his job because of his chaotic management style, abuse of staff, and lies, aka "Flynn facts."

Flynn and his son promoted the Pizzagate conspiracy. Apparently he's intimidated by Hillary and publicly lied about her on other issues besides child sex. He has the weird idea that FL Dems wanted to impose Shari'ah law in the state. He was totally unfit to be a national security advisor.

You can defend him until the cows come home but as far as I'm concerned, good riddance to bad rubbish.
He did commit a crime. You're compelled to defend him because he's military. He not only committed a crime, he's a purveyor of fake news, a peddler of conspiracy theories and a died-in-the-wool nut job. He was basically forced out of his job because of his chaotic management style, abuse of staff, and lies, aka "Flynn facts."

Flynn and his son promoted the Pizzagate conspiracy. Apparently he's intimidated by Hillary and publicly lied about her on other issues besides child sex. He has the weird idea that FL Dems wanted to impose Shari'ah law in the state. He was totally unfit to be a national security advisor.

You can defend him until the cows come home but as far as I'm concerned, good riddance to bad rubbish.

Stop lying like a Democrat. He did not commit a crime. He never lied to the traitor Strzok in the interview. We don't even have to nitpick over whether he lied about facts material to an FBI investigation anymore. Keep up with the developments of the matter, or don't bother commenting on it. And stop lying like a Democrat.
Stop lying like a Democrat. He did not commit a crime. He never lied to the traitor Strzok in the interview. We don't even have to nitpick over whether he lied about facts material to an FBI investigation anymore. Keep up with the developments of the matter, or don't bother commenting on it. And stop lying like a Democrat.

Delusional. In this case Flynn is the Democrat who's lying. This article is from the uber-liberal National Review. Read the entire story by clicking the hyperlink and then try arguing McCarthy's points. Pay attention to the paragraph I put in bold red.

"At the instruction of the FBI’s then-director and then–deputy director, James Comey and Andrew McCabe, two senior agents were sent to the White House on January 24, 2017, to interview Flynn. The interviewing agents were then–deputy assistant director Peter Strzok and an agent the Justice Department has intriguingly refused to name...

Let’s not get diverted for now on the controversial tactics used to arrange the interview; let’s stick to the interview. You would like to think the question whether someone has lied is black-and-white. Alas, it is often gray because a lie, by definition, must be intentional. An inaccuracy caused by a misunderstanding or a failure of recollection is not an actionable false statement or material omission...

As a result, when a trained interrogator obtains information known to be inaccurate, he or she does not jump to the conclusion that the witness is lying. A determination must be made whether the inaccuracy is witting or unwitting. That’s a judgment call. Flynn was charged in one count with four lies, all in late December 2016, when he was working on the Trump transition and was designated to be Trump’s national security advisor:

, he denied requesting of Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak that the Kremlin refrain from responding to the Obama administration’s imposition of sanctions by “escalating the situation” — i.e., by some retaliatory measure.

Second, he denied that Kislyak subsequently told him that Russia had chosen to moderate its response in deference to Flynn’s request.

Third, he denied asking Kislyak to delay or defeat a vote on a pending U.N. resolution condemning Israel.

Fourth, he denied that Kislyak had told him Russia was declining that request.

To hear Flynn apologists tell the story, Flynn spoke truthfully, Mueller decided to charge him with lying anyway, and Flynn pled guilty to something he didn’t do because the investigation was wrecking him financially and threatening to take his son down with him. But that’s an oversimplification. There is no doubt that Flynn’s four denials were false. The FBI had recordings of Flynn’s communications with Kislyak. The things he denied were, in truth, said.

For now, the question is: Did Flynn lie? The answer appears to be, yes, he did. There are at least five reasons to draw this conclusion.

First, Flynn pled guilty in court.
Second, to reiterate, this is not a situation in which there is doubt about whether what Flynn said was false. He does not deny providing false information; the only issue is whether he did so deliberately.
Flynn’s defenders rely heavily on a red herring. They emphasize the congressional testimony from Comey and McCabe that the agents who interviewed Flynn believed he was not being deceptive. Even if this is so, however, what does that prove? If I lie to you but I do it convincingly enough that you believe me, that doesn’t mean I told the truth; it means you are wrong. Again, the question here is not accuracy; we know Flynn was inaccurate. The question is whether he intended to deceive. The best witness on the operation of Flynn’s mind is Flynn. The agents were making their best judgment based on his demeanor, but they are not mind-readers; Flynn, by contrast, knows what he was thinking.
Fourth, Flynn filed a sentencing memorandum in which he acknowledges that he lied but maintains that the FBI hoodwinked him into doing so. I don’t see how those who claim Flynn pled guilty to a non-crime under pressure can get around this.
Finally, Flynn had a motive to lie.

When people who are in a strong position to provide accurate information provide false information, under circumstances in which they have a motive to provide false information, they are usually lying.
